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Drumpf looked like a fool and kim owned him and the tarifs will fuck over America. Blue wave confirmed cheeto in chief is impeached early 2019.

Get your damn hands off my korean prince


Attached: ay.png (662x411, 426K)

Daam Kim and Trump can't keep their hands off each other, you can tell they want to fuck so badly.

they are old they need to help each other walking


Attached: fF.gif (453x291, 3.91M)

It really is amazing how Kim got lil' donny to agree to shit with nothing in return.

so getting rid of nuclear testing is nothing

>be kim
>have either no nukes or ones so shit they struggle to rival a Fat Man
>Agree to give them up on the condition US troops withdraw from the South
>Persuade dotard to agree

Attached: 1526301420592.png (638x425, 415K)

they already stopped rofl

>one of the last untapped pieces of prime real estate in the world
>full of ores they aren't capable of digging themselves
>full of people that would like to eat more than 500 calories a day
>Vladivostok, china, and all sorts of prime missle targets within spitting distance

Yeah...all of this was for NO reason. Definitely no long game being played.

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I time to give N Korea good stuff to make them great like South Korea.

Returns domination

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is there any rule 34 yet?

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he seems nice until he killed his own brother for trying to go to Disneyland

>hand moves down, out of frame, slipping into Trump's trousers and fingering his butthole

ooohhhhhh shitt

only mexicans would be that dirty

Interesting statement considering the polls.

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Fake news. Commies must hang

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exactly. trump already got what he wanted. this is a show to make him look good and to give NK some breathing room.

newfags fall for these every fucking time
top kek m8

Some of the weakest bait ive ever seen.


>ugly high effort lude degenerate anti trump c*mic
why am I not surprised

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A homo thing to do

>not whining about the water mark while you're at it
>perceives the comic as anti trump
>"ugly high effort lude degenerate" when it's comedy gold

>Believing America will withdraw.
>Believing Kim only has two shitty nukes instead of ten decent ones.
Now before you say 'hurdur still ten compared to America', I'll remind you that it doesnt really matter, the game is still afoot.

nobody but the most deeply ingrained progressives make those kind of comics, the joke in this one is that it is trying to make fun of trump simplistic statments and the reaction of his base to them

its lefty trash and you deserve a shadman for yoru abhorrent posts

Attached: aL8yAzv_700b.jpg (700x1359, 238K)

you can also interpret is as him being "savage"
the comic is accurate and funny in my opinion, and while it looks to me like neutral comedy if it was created as an anti-trump comic then that just makes it even better.

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based frogposter
is there more of pic related?

>neutral comedy
top kek


It always felt more pro-Trump.

Yes because wasting millions with missiles to keep pressure on someone youre trying to befriend is a great idea.

Brother was always a threat. Chinese could have attempted a coup and installed him as a puppet. Especially if say Jong Un wanted to leave his country for a peace conference.

i aint scared of no ghosts
could of been a false flag tb᠌h

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>if it was created as an anti-trump comic then that just makes it even better.
why am I not surprised

Attached: 1526674773896.jpg (600x539, 58K)

A gift to all Trump haters !!!

good news for all libtards A sure way to get everything you want !!!

Attached: Good news.png (1030x544, 467K)

What happens to a person to make them draw something like this

Nigga Kim is like in his mid 30's

Attached: 1514820547577.gif (368x348, 2.49M)

But he's right. If your head wasn't so far up your own ass you would see that not all Trump supporters are bible thumping Americans.

Kim is so naive. They're going to Gaddaffi him.

how do i change my vote to hillary? do i mail something in?


the flash comes out of the wrong spot. wtf

thats just your daily shitposting user

yeah fuck trump and fuck white people he should have payed 150 billion dollars and get nothing in return

That reminds me of a shad drawing.

they cute

The Un dynasty lied about giving up their nukes, as often as EA lies about being for the gamers.