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Commie fantasies

This is right wing fantasies.


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Really, so the borders are drawn in such a precise way as to place 3 blue states where once there was one?

That's 4 more Dem senators for free. Not what the right wants.

You are trolling or know nothing about California.

we should split midwest states into threes or fours and get more senators ourselves

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New California Republic

Right. Let’s have east and west Dakota. I’m thinking Alaska needs a cut too.

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politically, it is an interesting idea and i hope it comes to fruition
however creatively it is boring and i hope someone reconsiders the naming and comes up with something better.
El Dorado
something that reflects the essence of the area.

One Step Closer.

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Yes youre retarded, northern california would be red at the least

>Bay Area included into Northern counties
>this is what the red counties want
fuck off and stay fuck off.

Why can't we just go back to the model of city states?

For how long? Why incorporate the Bay Area into the northern part if you want semi-equal representation? You’re getting 2 extra Democrat senators basically forever guaranteed plus an extra pair of 2 in 10 years. What a great deal. We should just split the entire Midwest into 4 states each and collect 30 extra republican senators. Why not?

Everything north of Bay Area is white trash meth country. Everything west of LA is white trash meth country. Everything south of LA is rich white evangelical country.

You didn't notice both Sacramento and the Bay area were deliberately latched onto the rightful state of Jefferson.

Nope. Southern California would be the only red state of those three.

Meth heads vote Dem. Just so you know.

They're not the type of people who would vote ordinarily, but they put them on busses and promise a teenth afterward.

This. Northern California needs to be split in to the Cancer Belt of SF and Sacramento and everything north of Sacramento should be the State of Jefferson.

Maybe. But that's why it has to be this way. Because congress would have to approve the split. And if it's obvious the Dems get all the new senators, it's not going to pass.

So they need to claim is will all work out even steven. But you're still going to have a harder time keeping So Cal red than flipping either of the other two from blue.

Could they at least give the new divisions real names?