What is the point of this country?

They have no history apart from being cucked by the British. Their capital city is just a meme city geared towards Amerimutt tourists. Their cuisine is bland and shit and they have no world famous dishes. The people are the niggers of white people and most of the white trash criminals in Britain and America's roots can be traced back to this waste of land.

Attached: ireland-flag_grande.jpg (600x400, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They're a subhuman race, unironically white niggers. They came a long time ago from Iberia and were actual niggers back then.

If that's true, that explains a lot.

What is the point of this country? Their capital city is a meme city geared towards Pakistani immigrants. Their cuisine is bland, their women are ugly and their teeth are rotted. They have no history apart from being cucked by Romans, Anglos, Saxons, Danes, Jutes, Normans, Immigrants, TV license inspectors and God knows what else. These people are the Jews of white people and most of the white trash criminals throughout the world can be traced back to this waste of land.

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>Didn't wait 2 years to post
>OP is epitome of anglo faggotry
>Sincerely sorry you'll be going to jail for posting without a license

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Lol. Triggered Micks ITT. Go eat another potato farl and sing songs about "da republac." Even your own people in Ulster would rather be with us than you.

>and their teeth are rotted

>These people are the Jews of white people
how is this not a compliment?

Makes bantz thread, get bantz back

>reeee micks get out

Never change limey

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Jews are the worst race of them all, how is calling someone a jew a compliment?

What about the crack?

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>Starve, emaciate, and enslave an island of people
>Surprised when they don’t build the Eiffel Tower
Lol I distinctly remember at least 3-4 British wars against the Irish as well as multiple famines where the British decided not to help and instead fap to their joke licenses.

Meh, these people created the largest empire history has ever known.
Ireland has literally NEVER been relevant in history.

Anglo*d detected. We haven't forgotten your crimes against us in WW2

Yep, as if there was any doubt.

Gosh that's hurtful.
But since dentistry is free for anyone who can't afford it here and because we are the supreme breed irl Brits have the best teeth in the world.
America has the biggest mouth but the only country the UN is more concerned about when it comes to the awful state of their teeth is Australia
Suck it you snagglemawed mess

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countries dont have a point. india is a cucked shithole but atleast they are kinda developing.

Teeth covered in fluff
Bin that brush.

Tariffs on all oral-hygiene products to increase 500% in the coming decade.

Yea the great "British Empire" mostly consisting of niggers, we were the only other European country they ever actually managed to conquer and they had their hands full while doing it.

oi faggot you do realise the only reason your country is even considered white and european is because of its celtic heritage which we and wales and scotland have a bigger claim to then you not to mention your meme monarchy and you niggers invented parliments so remind me again what is the point of this country again

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The real issue with Ireland is they didn't go far enough in purging Anglo influence from their country.
Dublin is an English city and it was over the second they convinced the Irish republic that English should remain a second language.

Oh piss off
>we have no other neighbours
>lets murder the British
>oh no we've run out of chips
>why won't you help us t British
>British bastards lets murder the fuck out of them and this time it's for the potatoes
>(crying out in pain as the Paddy strikes)
You really are absolutely shit.
It was prolly one the VPN muzjew that started this thread on his divide mission but irl I can't deny you're absolutely crap.
I wish you'd all just go back to France we're gallics belong and leave Ireland in peace. It's not yours you French trespassers,

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>TV license inspectors
You sneaky little papist. TV licencing is the same in Ireland.


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Not the best typing but better than you deserve.

This furthers my point here
The Anglo influence was too deeply sunk in by the time they became independent: Basically turning them into west England.

Bro, America is an anglo country and they could nuke any european country out of existance if they only wanted to

This man has a good point: Much of the British Empire was just subjugating shitskins but America was the real Gem of their Empire.

>Took 1/2 the world
>Could only take 6 counties in Ireland
>Ashamed of being English
>Calls it British so that the Scots and the Welsh take heat for English crimes
>Calls Irish Jews but the common English way is to befriend who you are invading then stab them in the back, a very jew like tactic.

America the country that rebelled and broke away from the British Empire? Yeah I don't think they count. Also, they're not what I'm talking about. Most of the people's that the British managed to actually conquer were primitive natives, from the Zulus to the Indians to the aboriginals. The only European country that they have managed to actually conquer was one small politically fractured island at the edge of Europe, yet still took them several centuries to gain control of the whole island, they spent their time ruling it putting down various rebellions until they eventually gave up and left.

I thought you were describing Ireland until I saw the Britbong flag.

They're good at fashion and esthetic monuments.

Cuck island btfo'd

>tfw no cute redhead irish milf gf who reads james joyce and drinks like a fish

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Ancient history going back thousands of years, very genetically homogenous and linked to their ancestors. Look it up retard, they have a rich history and culture just like most European nations.

They did spend 800 years trying to make us just like them, guess they succeeded

What about Stonehenge?

Rip, Nigel.

I visited ireland but i was too drunk to remember if is a good country or not.
Good beer and whisky anyway

You mean Newgrange?

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You realise that's from a British satire magazine, right? Basically the Victorian equivalent of Amerimutt posting

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>tfw you look like an Irish Iberian depicted in a cartoon

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That's retarded.

At most, some iberians have sandnigger blood because of the muslim invasion, but then we expelled them.

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Kek, englishtanis BTFO

It's a bit more involved that all that. On paper we reintroduced Irish as the primary language in schools and state business. But there were several issues:

> Immediate civil-war following Independence.

Put a halt to any chance of peaceful reunification, turned popular opinion against the Free State in the eyes of emigrant Irish. Laid an indelible line in the Irish psyche, which remains to this day.

> Economic issues from 21-49

Ireland had burned any bridges regarding economic support from Britain following the civil war, tentative loans were granted from other powers, but the wall street crash sank Ireland into further decline. We had unsustainable central bank model (full state regulated rather than semi-state), and following the commencement of WWII, Ireland was utterly alone for seven years.

These among other factors bred a kind of antipathy towards the Irish language and culture, the glamour of WB Yeats and the Irish Brotherhood became a hard-necked "obligation" to one's country, to learn Irish and remember one's past, as the generations became farther and farther from the events of 1916-21 things got worse.

Today young people leave school at 18 wanting to wash their hands of Irish.

It's also poz'd to all hell, the hipster-lumpenprole classes all learn Irish as a status symbol, the first homosexual on irish television kiss was on our all Irish television channel. It's difficult to explain, but formerly the most conservative, most nationalistic cultural centres of Gaelic have become the devil's playground.
The army's still good though, and fuck you. .. yes we have a skeleton crew, but our Rangers beat your Rangers regularly at IT10

Good insight

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Take it to int or bant
This is not pol related at fucking all.

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The debate is about whether or not a nation state should exist. It doesn't get more political than that.

We are 50 years away from becoming an ethnically undifferentiated province of Europe as it stands. At this point the only thing I want is a State which secures the existence of Irish people and a future for our children. Any animosity towards Unionists is straight up ridiculous at this late stage. We can continue knocking the shit out of eachother once the niggers and muslims have been deported.

And if you think I'm tinfoil for the "2050" number:


Remember: whites don't fare well with multiculturalism, we don't have kids or buy houses, what will happen when the population keeps dropping with 1 Million Nigerian "Europeans"?

> Oppsies, better import another 2 million tee-hee

What's to stop Ireland from having white suburbs, but ethnically diverse cities? Like the U.S.

It's already happening. The migrant crisis has increased the value of property (due to inflation of population) and made our cities less desirable places to live in.

Unlike you burgers, once you take out a mortgage you are locked in from the first payment to the last, you can't default and use the value+payments to offset the contract. So buying a home is an enormous investment.

Irish couples are putting off starting a family later and later in life which is further compounded by the artificial demand for homes due to the migrant crisis, inflating the cost to rent/buy/mortgage planning.

We are settling into a death spiral, like the UK or Sweden but at lightspeed. Where we will have black do-nothings living in the cities and Irish youth forced to emigrate.

If you only knew how bad things really are user.

failed experiment, Burgers please annex and make 51st state

>The migrant crisis has increased the value of property (due to inflation of population) and made our cities less desirable places to live in.
Increased property values implies that the property is more desirable.

What's wrong with white people living in the suburbs?


The Irish suck!

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>What's wrong with white people living in the suburbs?

The "suburbs" would be housing estates, where the county council would insert social housing since they are reliant on school proximity, the top solution is to homeschool and have one parent at home, a solution I will be fortunate enough to afford.

>What is the point of this country?
helping the kikes destroy the world

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1/8th of the USA claims Irish Origin
That's about 45 million People


I miss old /pol, when shills were insidious, they just mass spam "do you think?, how are?" posts now.

You can unravel them by posting gore and people pooping on korans, so I'm pretty sure they are onions, probably the same shits doxing the Charlotteville gobshites.

>the anglo thinks being called a jew is a compliments

oy vey

This thread is going to be sunk, so anyway, here's how we are going to win.

I could imagine neolithic [MY COUNTY] and old biddies queueing up along the rampart to the local Crannog complaining about leaky roofs and diminished widows pensions.
The world could hard reset and Ireland would go straight back to counties and villages. Even if the cities burned. That's something I want to avoid fyi.

Based and redpilled

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>Interesting language
>Fuckable gingers (a rare feat)
>Cool music
>Shit ton of literature
>Churches older than most countries
>No history

Are you fucking high right now?

Potatonigger bringing the bantz!