Dear Dad I love you much, there is not a particularly good reason why I do not talk to you anymore but I think it has to do with being raised solely by my mother (that bike you bought me at 14 was neat though) I think we are just different people. You got to experience american culture at its peak and have some misconceptions about how the world is now and our relationship. I'm not exactly successful (unemployed, only own a motorcycle) but I believe I am successful in other ways you would not appreciate, you see father I've found a family that is actually a family my flip wifes family absolutely loves me, they provide a free roof over my head and I help them around the house (you should see the shed I turned into a small house for my mother in law) and also provide security and company for my Grandmother in law (amazing woman with great family focused values) You see father I have found the family I wanted to have despite you and your machinations for me (it is pretty hard to justify putting every aspect of my life on hold to handle your property and live next to violent samoans) I guess what I'm trying to say here dad is I've moved on and I have no hard feelings, I have found a new family and a new tribe that respects me and wants me around. My children may be flip diaspora but at least they will have a family to raise them.
How about you user, is your family one that respects and appreciates you? if not you really should look into chasing it, the most important thing in this world is family and those you can help.
Letter to my single boomer father
Have a son in your shoes
42 yrs old, no job,
just a sponge
loss of relationship with him
but that's All
have a nice day
>raising children
>im successful just in a different way
the absolue state of millenials
Any drug abuse? My drug abuse really just makes me want him to never see me. Maybe when I get clean I'll send him a letter, but for now we will have to settle for silence. I do love you dad and I do not want to hurt you but
I do not think you would even want to know I am your son, it's better to die a living death than to exist as some crippled memory you never see.
I've got a wide safety net that actively encourages me to have children now, between my mother in law and my Grandmother in law I will have a kid while unemployed and I will homeschool him. Call me a loser if you want but at least my children will be much more capable than the cattle that came from your loins.
>raised by single mother unemployed druggie raising kids
Yes im sure they will be lmao. The delusion is real.
Rehab about 5 times through the yrs.
alcoholic cyrrosis
Whatever you do. Avoid small ass cities where everyone know each other if he starts getting bullied. I am so fucked up now.
To answer your question, I don't talk to my parents, they call me sometime but that's it. The person I talk to the most often is the nigger from bell Canada who asks me if I like my services.
That's the thing though with a good family now it does not solely depend on me, I can ask for help and support from my new family. My children will have the benefit of the majority of my effort being funneled towards them, my children will be human not indoctrinated robots. Between church and family I believe that my offspring will have a much more fulfilling and natural life. It takes a community to raise a chilod, and I am making steps everyday to be a person and father I want to be
Blut und boten, I fully intend on keeping my children close to the land. My goals for my family are just to own the land we live on and to home school and raise successful human beings.
>I do not think you would even want to know I am your son, it's better to die a living death than to exist as some crippled memory you never see.
Not really, it's preferred to hang out and talk stuff in common...
but if all he wants to talk about is how I'm somehow responsible for his 42year fate...then he can go wallow in his self pity somewhere else
Understood, I don't think anyone would appreciate that. One can only blame their situation on fate and themselves, in the end it's kind of silly to get upset about it anyways it's not like anyone else knows what to do huh? In a game there must be winners and losers, it just happens that I'm a loser but no sense in wallowing. Instead I'll move on and build a better life for those I love.
My dad is dead so this letter is too late in my case.
look on the bright side
sponges have good absorbency
I wish him peace
Short for Filipina, she was born in Maryland so pretty americanized but her family still maintains strong family values and bonds.
Let me help you
Dear Dad I love you much, I don't talk to you because I don't relate to you at all. You spent a lifetime responsibly working while I spent it playing video games. I liked being outside once when you got me a bike I guess, but the real world is not for me.You got to experience American culture at its peak and have some misconceptions about how the world is now and our relationship. My generation expects to be able to make 6 figures sitting inside an air conditioned box looking at pixels. You told me to do what I love and I'll never spend a day working but the trouble is making kids out of wedlock, masturbating, and playing games doesn't pay. You don't understand me so I found a group of people that felt obligated to let me mooch off them because I knocked their daughter up. I'm gonna say you should meet them, but truth is, I never invited you over because I'm being an emotional bitch about it. I'm basically a successful con artist, which makes me perceive them as better people than you. How dare you want me to grow up to be something. Despite you sinking tens of thousands into me, I refuse to help you at all. I probably also didn't do any chores. I hate that you live near niggers even though you have no control over this and it sounds like you want to move. I guess what I'm trying to say here Dad, is I've moved on and I don't care about you now that the roles are slightly reversed. Rather than feel bad about my unemployment and inability to provide even a little bit for my children or you, I'm going to just cut you off. That's way easier than working.
>Implying an absent father invested anything other than his seed
and a mountain bike, sorry guys a phone makes for a terrible father.
but what does that have to do with You?
>write post directed at absent father, after father wants to get involved after 24 years
>Individual defends absent father
>make point about why there is no relationship
and here we are, not defending shitty behavior but how can you expect people to be anything other than what you let them be a boy raised by a woman who had 3 kids and took care of her deaf mother. Shit man I mean I guess I'm lazy but what do you expect it's not like there was ever much motivation to do anything besides comfort.
>and here we are
No,there You are
Well yeah, how could anything else happen.
Anyways dad in summation I love you, our lives have some big differences. I love you I hope you live comfortably, I'm finally starting a family of my own and I'm optimistic.
take responsibility for yourself
like everyone else in life
Well I am, I'm seeking employment and getting clean. I just do not think I will talk to my father, we are effectively strangers and he would not like the individual I have turned out to be.
Not really, we remain optimistic forever
that's the loves unconditionally part
I'm pretty certain I've seen disdain on his face the one time we spent time together, it really is better this way. After that visit my drug use got really bad and now it is becoming much more manageable and even looks like I'll be clean soon. I do love my dad but I think all we need to share can wait till we are both in the grave.
>Call me a loser if you want
You are a loser
you were turn into a cuck by your whore mother who your dad left coz she poisoned his life..
kek. kill yourself
Even better I'll have children