Best Browsers for Privacy

What are the best browsers when it comes to privacy? Been using Opera for about a year and want to try something else. I've uninstalled Chrome long ago because fuck Google. Safari seems to have improved, but I have not used it in years, nor Firefox because of their agendas. All the others I hear about like Brave, Yandex, Epic, Ice Dragon I know nothing about and I'm wary of them being data miners that came out of no where.

Input is welcome

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Other urls found in this thread:

tor browser

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Internet celibacy

Explain? I really know nothing about it

You need to be using the most popular browser at the most popular resolution with AdNauseum installed.

Have to make a few nignog sockpuppet Facebergs and Twatters too.

Turn javascript off.
Use a hosts file.
Discipline is the _only_ path to privacy.

Attached: hqdefault-2.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Google Chrome is the best
They even record why you didn't use the browser when you went to empty your stomach.


MS Paint

go to Jow Forums you colossal faggot

Honeypot by the (((FBI))). Use I2P

Are those tits jewish?

links2 browser

Iridium or ungoogled-chromium are the most convenient ways to use Chrome without the Google botnet. Brave will eventually be a good one too, but the desktop version is not ready for prime-time yet.

I use Brave for a browser.
I use Duck Duck Go for a search engine.
I use protonmail for email.

gib milk

same girl?

Attached: exKLOyfJ_o.jpg (1195x1600, 603K)

Lynx. All text and no fucking ads, autoplay videos, general annoying shit on every website.


Firefox is also fine if you plugin scriptblocker

I mean Opera has a built in VPN service so there's that

wrong board newfag

Yes. Brianna Wyant.

there is only the combination of firefox dev and ublock origin. if you're using anything else to browse you're being tracked. kbai.

This is correct. I even started using iridium at work.

Never trust a curly person.

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I2P is not a browser and rather underdeveloped atm.

A tweaked firefox browser will do more than any browser people with suggest alone. Here are some preliminary tweaks to apply via "about:config":

beacon.enabled to false
media.peerconnection.enabled to false
loop.enabled to false
toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled to false
toolkit.telemetry.enabled to false
toolkit.telemetry.unified to false
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled to false
datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled to false
browser.send_pings - false
browser.send_pings.require_same_host - to true
toolkit.telemetry.server - delete
browser.selfsupport.url - delete address or replace with '' "
webgl.disabled* - to true
dom.battery.enabled - to false
network.prefetch-next - false
browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled - to false
browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled - to false
browser.safebrowsing.enabled - to false
browser.safebrowsing.maleware.enabled - to false

Then use privacy plugins. You should really be asking Jow Forums for this kind of information, though.
