Low Unemployment Because of Low Wages

Is this what we are supposed to be impressed with? You god king is slowly turning you into China men that will work 12-14 hours a day for $1.50. Of course you will have low unemployment when you have to live on a fucking rats wage you ignorant niggers.

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nigger tier whining. Marx was jewish.

Absolutely Judaic

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>Set up minimum wage
>Bring in a fuckton of illegals who can work at or under the minimum wage
>Surprised when wages don't rise when there is a fuckton of illegal wages below the mandate.

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56% white nigger wage slave. How does it feel surviving on a rat wage?

We could of kept the worker protections and saved 500 billion in extra defecits and had the same number of jobs

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Lower wages? i cant speak for the rest of the country but in my state of wv it has gone up.
WV has always had a weak economy but suddenly its picking up. Most minimum wage jobs now pay 2 dollars above minimum now.


Capitalism is a cancer at the heart of western society.

"Free Markets" = Corporate feudalism and mass poverty.

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>Absolutely Judaic

You're right, it is.

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> meme flag

You used this same bullshit excuse in the 80s. "Yeah there are tons of jobs out there, but not everyone in make 6 figures a year!" You so concerned about that, help get rid of H1B visas.

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Lol isn't that what you want?
China and Russian communist are good friends
But also it just won't happen sorry retard

>kick the illegals out
>eliminate minimum wage
>eliminate welfare
>allow employers to discriminate
>watch the scum shape up or die and the hard working people flourish

I just quit a 12 hour a day job. they couldn't keep people. wages too low

good sign

American's are barely making 5 figure salaries you dumb cunt.


op is just wrong on every level.

Show flag,faggot.

The average wage in my state is $27/hour, with the minumum wage being $12.50. People making less that ~$20/hour have a tax rate of

Low employment is because of the US buying imports with debt. The US is a ponzi scheme that's going to crash.

This so fucking much.
Work in a warehouse and several people callout a few days every week with their bullshit "FMLA" crap. Make everyone else have to work harder to pick up their slack because they're old as fuck and cant do anything else. Last week we did a 16 hour shift because the abusers must have gotten together and had a party because none of them were there.

useful idiot of the kikes

must feel reallybadman

Soooooo are you saying OP that being unemployed with no income is somehow better than being employed with some income? No way you're that stupid, that's turnip level iq right there.

>meme flag faggot
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>meme flag faggot
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Begone kike

The sheer dishonesty of this type of shit