do women make better leaders then men?
Do women make better leaders then men?
Other urls found in this thread:
women think so.
History doesn't.
Women have an aversion for violence so no
is my mum
this guy gets it. women are dangerous when in control without emotional bonds. They’re fucking ruthless and evil.
only pure orthodox women
western woman is degenerate
No. Sage.
Angela Merkel
Queen of England
All of these have one thing in common.
All of them are responsible for bringing down the worlds biggest empires?
NO, women belong in the kitchen making sandwiches!
and fuck these 1post/female/bullshit slide thread nonesense
you kikes are trying so hard today but everything thread is:
> but w-
fuck off kike
>Are half the human population better leaders?
If they were, they'd be leaders.
Dilma, Kichner, Merkel...
They're all European
No. They irrational, and emotional, and place more weight on subjective feelings when making decisions. Just like a Jew, if a women is talking, stop listening.
Love when i know exact moment nofap is getting a reset
good leaders wont get into politics, because that's not what's in demand
hey is you
you fap to mummy in red dres before
My country had a woman president less than 10 years ago.
No, no they do not
Generally, no.
is she the nofap girl?
Hell no.
Now fuck off with your off topic thread.
That's the type of women you'd want close and personal, looking at her pictures is merely a small percent of the features she'd provide you with.
you like mummy becos she part serb
Men and civilization have 5000+ years of history of learning to work in groups that exceed the Dunbar number. There were some pretty blood lessons
Women do not have this experience. Should we let them practice with nukes?
She is? Idk
Than...not then...and no you dumbfuck.
mummy in serbia
Short answer: No.
Theorically politics are based in impartial verdicts always thought for the good of the majority. When a more sensitive and emotional person is put in charge the whole system goes to shit.
needs to be mutted
mummy is such a fascist slut
>me 12 years old playing lego in my room
>mummy knocks on door and says bedtime
>tidy up lego and climb into bed
>mummy comes over and tucks me in
>tell mummy i need to speak to her about something very private
>mummy reassure me i can talk to her about anything
>tell mummy about problem where peepee go big and stiff very irritating
>mummy says is normal but needs tickle from time to time
>ask whats that
>mummy says she will show me how to
>take off pyjama bottoms and sit on mummys lap
>mummy gently stroke peepee and it go hard again
>kiss mummy and touch her boobies
>mummy unbutton her dress and let me suckle
>suddenly feel rush and peepee start pulsing
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
>mummy licks love yogurt on her hand
>start to cry
>mummy ask whats wrong but just tell her i love her lots
>mummy says she loves me too and very proud of her big boy
better version
>me 12 years old playing lego in my room
>mummy knocks on door and says bedtime
>tidy up lego and climb into bed
>mummy comes over and tucks me in
>tell mummy i need to speak to her about something very private
>mummy reassure me i can talk to her about anything
>tell mummy about problem where my willy go big and stiff
>mummy says is normal but needs tickle from time to time
>ask whats that
>mummy says she will show me how to
>take off pyjama bottoms and sit on mummys lap
>mummy gently stroke my willy and it go stiff again
>kiss mummy and touch her boobies
>mummy unbutton her dress and let me suckle
>suddenly tense up and my willy feel good
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
>start to cry
>mummy ask whats wrong but just tell her i love her lots
>mummy says she loves me too and very proud of her big boy
stop stealing my stories not nise
>slavic women age like milk they said
want to have sex with mum
>What's Catherine the Great
>What's Queen Victoria
>What's Margaret Thatcher
>being this ignorant
It's a mixed bag.
suck mummy
Post tits please.
Go find:
- CEOs of top 100 companies.
- Managers of the Premier Football League
- Managers of the NBA
- Managers of the NFL
then come back and tell me what you found.
wait, what the fuck is this shit now?
That meme basically sums it all up.
Letting women vote was a colossal mistake and historians will be amazed that we were so stupid
The female gender needs to be replaced.