Motion to seperate California into 3 seperate states has recieved enough signatures to be put on the November 6 ballot.
Will we see the great destruction of the Dem party?
Motion to seperate California into 3 seperate states has recieved enough signatures to be put on the November 6 ballot.
Will we see the great destruction of the Dem party?
Just an fyi, there won't be 4 new senators if this pass. No way they would get 34 states to ratify more calicancer
>two new stars on the flag
Puerto Rico BTFO
will it happen?
How does this work? Will there be a separate "election" on November 6th regarding this or what?
This will not happen. Northern Californians in red areas might have supported it, but San Fransicko is included with them. Blue areas don't want to take a chance at losing electoral votes. They have a better chance at seceding, which also unfortunately won't happen.
how will democrats ever get re-elected without California? There’s a solid red area in California I think it’s Orange County. Plus Libbies are fleeing Cali
This means more senators though, wouldn’t there be more power to the Dems then?
>San Francisco and Sacramento allowed into Jefferson to keep it locked down
>San Diego in SoCal for the same purpose
This proposal is obviously a poison pill.
Can any cali-anons tell us what the general feeling is towards this motion? I just went on the California subreddit and almost everyone there is against this motion.
>inb5 plebbit
Nah they wont do it lol
Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to just switch away from winner-take-all electoral system in CA? That’d at least give the red counties a semblance of voice during federal elections.
The Democrats WANT this. It gives them more federal power and more money. Do not fall for the shills claiming this hurts them. They literally want you to support this.
two will be Republican.
Dems outmaneuvered
this is literally creating three dem ministates ffs you brainlets
No, the new map has a major liberal city in each state as the new capital. GOP will get nothing
Imagine if San Fran was clean
God that'd be awesome
>California splits into 3 states.
>6 New senator seats created
>Dems gain senate majority
gg no re
Cheating two-faced traitorous democrats wouldn't want this to happen if it didn't benefit them.
even if passed I doubt the flag will get bumped up to 52 stars
>5 electorates go to nor cal
>5 to the south east portion
>45 to the third world south western california
Calling it now
>Mexican shit hole
It will get onto the same ballot as everything else being voted on, probably as a yes or no referendum
Even if all votes are yes it has less chance of happening than brexit
Are they doing this just to fuck with the electoral college more than it already has?
Then again, the opposite is also true (except for the two-faced, traitorous part).
My thoughts exactly. What the hell would this even accomplish that would be different than the current situation?
>California threatens to succeed.
>Liberals okay with it.
>California says, "Fuck it, let's break up instead."
>Liberals freak.
Can't wait.
The petitiom gerrymanders the 3 prodpective states into 3 certain democrat states. All this will do is jam 4 more democrat senators into Congress
There are non pozed parts of Cali, but they get swallowed up
Nothing demoshits do is legitimate, from their votes and everything else. This is just one massive gerrymander.
Eat a bag of dirt you scum sucking loser.
>They have a better chance at seceding
I wish a nigga would - all of the water rights contracts with other states will instantly become null and void.
It's SECEDE for fuck's sake
This has to happen. Without a unified electoral block in California the Democrats are forever BTFO
Nah, a huge percentage of Californians are sick of watching their state transform into a third world hellhole but can't vote their way out, so they're trying to create smaller states so their voices can be heard.
Wouldn't this just result in 4 more Democrat Senators?
Most likely. Doesn't it require a 3/4 majority of other states voting to ratify such a thing? I don't think that would be likely to happen. Because while there would definitely be pluses to dividing the cancer of california up it likely wouldnt change much, each of these '3 new states' would have their own cancerous communist hubs that would likely still dominate the voting blocks in each one, so even "jefferson state" would likely be little better than a new york-lite. And it would add 4 new senator position,
One of the definitive pluses would likely be that divided apart these 'new states' would likely be unable to foot the bill of taking care of their shitskin pets.
California's liberal bullshit causing some Californians wanting to break away.
- High taxes
- Insane expensive cost of living in urban centers.
- Liberal anti-white fascism, if your white your inherently evil.
- State and some municipalities has love affair with illegals.
- Wildfires when its dry, mudslides and flash when it rains.
- Anti-deportation policy and refuse to work with ICE.
- Extremely hostile to gun owners and comparable to New York state gun laws.
I said that Republicans won't want it if it doesn't benefit them. Are you so retarded that you can't understand this? Pro tip: that's a rhetorical question.
Reminder that the proposed borders give each state a Democrat mega-stronghold city that will 100% dominate all elections. This breakup will give the dems more seats in DC.
I don't think that word means what you think it means
Has anyone given this a county by determine the actual numbers?
That is very likely what it is, they probably see those additional senators as a game changer for them. But, then again, the idea of splitting up california did not originate with them, and the common democrat is dumber than dirt and did not support the idea until Trump won.. This whole scenario needs to be analyzed as autistically as possible.
>4 more Dem. Senators, instant complete control of Senate
>great destruction of the Dem. party
wew lad
The 6 way split has a better chance of the 3 way split. Northern California will vote no because of this.
so now they get 6 US senators? How is this good??
It would need to be divided so that one of the new states would be red.
This plan is to make 3 blue states
Secession is far better. Then the Dems *lose* 2 Senators and ~30 Reps.
Also, we wouldn't have to put up with their kikery, faggotry and shitskinery any longer.
>this is literally creating three dem ministates ffs you brainlets
it will go to congress who will say no fuck you and that will be the end of it
Let them divide their state as they see fit. The authority of the state supercedes that of the federal government. However, once it is divided, inform them that they are now part of Mexico again, and have lost all representation in the USA. Then, build a wall around California and shoot them if they try to leave.
Most are against but there's a lot of people that want this not only for the "what if" factor but the vast differences between NorCal and Socal
Example Kern county is nothing like Shasta county.
I don't know, we'll wait and see.
You guys are retarded, it's gonna introduce 4 more Democratic senators
Right wing Californians are the biggest accelerationists you'll find. We all just want to throw a wrench in the gears. This gets support from me and every other califag I know
Cali would get fewer electoral votes tho
literally this
We'll just get asylum in Canada and land rafts in Vancouver
this will require 2/3 of the California state senate and then another 2/3 of the US Senate in order for this to be ratified and implemented.
This will not happen. California may ratify it but I guarantee that the rest of the US will not allow this.
they are due for an earthquake so
can this be done?
they will throw it out just like they did the last two times
>we only accept forged names and addresses from illegals, user, sorry.
>and then take it back when they are all gone.
makes sense.
No way they are going to give up those guaranteed 50 EC votes. Even if it passes, it will be Jewed. Same thing that happened with prop 8. Same thing that happened with prop 187.
Your right. He should have said totalitarianism or fagopoly.
thank god! red wave 2020?
Initiatives like these are surprisingly accepted by leftist, not liberal, circles. Their logic is to admit puerto rico and guam as states and to split CA into smaller states, each new state getting its own senator. It's believed that even a split CA could be gerrymandered to guarantee dem victories.
This is nothing new, it's been attempted every year. see -> Free State of Jones, Calexit, New California ect..
>give away the biggest west coast ports and a ton of farmland because you hate the faggots in SF and LA
The thing is formerly-California will have six senators. If pubs take south california then it's a wash
thats not a shad you dense mf. this is what his work looks like
How can they be actual states if they don't get senators?
iron giant was a good movie
Not evalutated/taken seriously at this point. This is the furthest any proposal has ever gone though. I also have never seen this particular division before.
Personally I don't think it will fly.
it will! it must!
>Letting your vote be subverted for gibs
It can, but two things need to happen: firstly, Cali residents must start culling Jewdicial tyrants indiscriminately; secondly, hope that the republicans don't replace them with Jewry. Both are equally improbable, but not impossible