Can it be?

Can it be?

Attached: BA2BF2DA-BB75-4948-959D-8B2B7ADE7597.jpg (750x889, 370K)

What will it take to get this to pass?

It's a kike plot to jerrymander the state into 3 blue states. Northern CA would get swung blue by the faggots in the Bay Area, CA has LA and all the kikes in it, and Southern CA would get swung blue by San Diego. Stay based, don't fall for this nonsense like a good goy.

3? One left one right one brown?

Isnt the constitution against creating new states in the territory of a already existing state?

Lmao that shit wont last in a court, no fucking way.

It doesnt matter if all of california votes yes congress would never pass, approve, or recognize such a thing in this age. Its not 1800's anymore when such a thing might have been possible.

>Isnt the constitution against creating new states in the territory of a already existing state?
Only if it is against the wishes of the state. If the state brings it up themselves, then it is ok.

How would this be any different than the status quo?

>Northern CA would get swung blue by the faggots in the Bay Area
It depends upon which map you see being floated out there. Some maps show San Francisco -not- being part of the northern partition, and that would clearly swing Red, instead.

More senators you simpleton.

Socal=riverside/conservative (can get ccw pretty easy there) orange county/pretty conservative, san diego/suprisingly conservitive.

It breaks ups the liberal hell holes monopoly on california, LA and SF will be influential, but will have to deal with and appease their rural counter-parts.

Ive concluded that breaking up into 3 states will decentralize the blue monopoly and give conservitives a chance (especially if conservatives saw the benefit of campaigning parts of new CA) OR the frustration rural fags experience when havibg their lives ruined by city slickers will lead to civil unrest.

I like it, fuck yourself shill

More democratic senators to impeach Drumpf.

thanks retard for your retarded input.
It won't break up the blue monopoly it will exacerbate it by giving the Senate 6 Democratic Senators instead of 2.
You brainlet - the congressional districts are divided up by population - the rural areas of California will further be disenfranchised.

>Its not 1800's anymore when such a thing might have been possible.
>drawing lines is impossible in 2k16 + 2

They'll be surprised when the State of Jefferson turns red

>he actually thinks this can happen if Jefferson gets sandbagged with San Francisco + Sacramento
I hate California too, but this proposal is poisonous.

SF bay area should be with coastal CA

This is probably what will be drafted. North, Coastal (SF+LA), interior (with SD?)

and each state will still be blue

Northern and new Cali will be blue but southern would probably be red. Most people don’t realize that San Diego is red for a city due to the huge military presence.

Terrible idea

It won't be Jefferson if they cram Sf into it.


Attached: 1485626765738.jpg (433x439, 37K)

Jokes on them - we will just divide Texas into 400 invididual states and BTFO the rest of the US


Attached: 1312744481655.jpg (450x300, 139K)

THIS is what the map should look like. The red counties of Oregon and northern California become Jefferson (a state that has been proposed since 1941), The more mixed central region becomes its own state, and the coastal region becomes a cesspool of far-left degenerates that doesn't vote for the entire region.

Attached: 3 californias.png (729x878, 51K)

The official map from the man who got it on the ballot has the bay area in the northern state. It's gerrymandering and that's why it's not being laughed at in the media.

That's why they cut Anaheim off of LA and put it south. San Diego is blue as hell by the way, the surrounding areas like Escondido are purple so it would be close with just San Diego.