What did you feel when you realized the Jewish question?

For me, it hit like a ton of bricks. That Jews have destroyed many nations, that no nation survives them... it became all i could think about.

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Every single day user. Welcome to hell.

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Like this
>tfw the conditioning breaks

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Pretty much normal feel. I've hated them anyways, but after that it turned into a point of blood lust

>i knew it

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And there's only one place they can't undermine. Yet this time we're gonna put them in there for real and follow their "muh evil nazis" fairy tales

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Have you ever considered that hating Jews this passionately might not be good for your mental health?

Hating is normal and healthy. Not venting out is dangerous and this is what (((they))) do to us.

Probably not when I first realised it, it came on far more subtly for me, but it's at pic related currently.

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To me, when I finally started realizing the Jewish question, it was like thinking “Why do more people not see it? It’s like if you add 1+2+3+4 and forbidding people from saying the answer is 10”.
The irony is you could easily unite the SJW left and the alt-right on the fight against the 1%. They think it’s “capitalists” and “bankers” and “corporations”, alt-right thinks it’s “Jews”. We see the same problem, just define it with different terms. We need to unite on the solution as well.

I was not surprised, because it is kinda obvious if you just look who holds the power and money.
Besides, have you ever talked to a jew? you can see and sense the fact that they think they are better than you on everything, witch is annoying.

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Even Irl people agree on what you said but, it's an enjoyable passion which I'm not gonna give up

It took a lot to come to terms with it. My family is Jewish. I've thought about converting, but decided it'd be better to stay a Jew and instead subvert the rhetoric.

If I'm honest it made me a bit unhappy to swallow that red pill.

For years I had been the sort of "moderate conservative" type who could always say that "I am not a conspiracy theorist" to try to win favor with liberals.

I realised that was over for me, I realised that I will now be on the outside fighting against a system.

Thaking the red pill on the Jews really makes it hard to discuss politics with normies.

Pic related is unironically how i felt.

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gib me kosher milkers

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This is me over the course of my years long transition from Libertarian to Fascist.

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Have you guys ever considered that maybe all of world's problems are really complicated, and that there might not be simple solutions? That perhaps shoahing the Jews won't solve everything? And even if it would, perhaps it would be healthier to not obsess about it as much? Do you guys believe that there are any redeemable qualities to any of them, or are 100% of Jews 100% bad?

>Taking the red pill on the Jews really makes it hard to discuss politics with normies

how do you sit there and humour the mainstream discourse when people are discussing these things and completely missing the Jew's hand in it? And then when you point out the glaringly obvious, they say you're an extremist and conspiracy theorist, it's infuriating

im still young so it was not to life changing for me but when i do talk to normies i drop little seeds that take time to grow but they eventually surface ive had like 3 normie friends ask me about iq and race and how fucked we are in general so just drop little seeds in there head

Atm white man's worst enemy is white man himself (women more, but that's another topic for another time). If every single jew were to be removed from power right now, the power vacuum would most likely be filled with their globalist white western lapdogs. The stink goes from the fish's head however and removing kikes is the first step to fix the mess these semitic demons have created in the past hundrer years. Sadly, like many times before, these changes will begin from the bottom all the way to the top, not the other way around.

Not every single Jew is Soros, but white race is long beyond the point of moderate reconsiderations and negotiations and simply cannot afford to split hairs. A good kike is a dead kike.

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Sure that world problems are more complicated, but when you look at what jews are supporting with their money you'll see that they try to undermine all goyim nations, that's been well known in past.

Not necessarily all of them are bad, we just can't make the same mistake twice

Image is so kosher-cringe it hurts. That's entry level commie "le cabbitulizm is eebil" propaganda.

Hate without purpose is dangerous, it must be channeled

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I watched Evalion's video on their control over the media and government and at first I was a normie but unlike most people I listen to things with an open mind first and give it a chance so I did. Since then I feel angry and depressed and frustrated as most people refuse to believe me

they are not only very ethno-centric, they all hate europeans and christians and this ideology is drilled into their brains from childhood, I knew enough to jewish familes to see it firsthand
they should just all move to Israel

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>Why do more people not see it
cause jews are white and blend in

*rabbi gets offended*

Would you say that hte solution would be... Final?

low b8 troll

Codreanu rises up from the grave to punch the ancap in the face

it was a caffeine powered month long nightmare, but I wouldn't have it any nother way
better to die wide awake than to live sleeping

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If it's anything else than final, they'll backstab you at any moment


Dont waste your time here dude, bet these tards can't even name the three dudes at the top of this board. If someone isn't willing to put any effort into learning logic don't bother with them

I don't think she's very jewish at all

Don't spread the lie.
Kike spoted.

For me it was actually kind of retarded.

I was like 15 at the time, just slid down from neoliberalism to conservatism to libertarianism and I finally hit Jow Forums. Some guys started telling me about the jews, and I was thinking about it for like 2 days.

The 3rd day was a Sunday, so I went to church. Our church bishop likes to hang out with the "'youth" sometimes, so I asked him about the JQ cause i was a dumb teenager. And he said "yeah, jews are the worst". That's when I became a nazi.

Kind of transformed to a falangist for optic reasons tho, although I would live in a nazi state any day.

>don't notice anything goyim
>don't do anything goyim
>and don't ever think about fighting back

show your flag, schlomo

Cheated. Deceived. I used to be an anarchist, didn't like commies but I read a lot of communist literature. One day, looking over my anarchist "dismantle the state " literature spanning authors across two centuries, in one single moment, I realised all their names were jewish. In that moment I had my awakening to the JQ, I figured out in seconds that leftist and liberal ideology isn't an organic expression of compassion and rebellion, but a Jewish trick to infiltrate western society. I wasn't even a race realist at that point, but realising the depth of jewish puppeteering in anarcho-communist circles opened my eyes to their deceit.

>Our church bishop likes to hang out with the "'youth" sometimes, so I asked him about the JQ cause i was a dumb teenager. And he said "yeah, jews are the worst".
fucking based, dude

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No they donkt want you to do that unless you are brown.

this is bullshit but I believe it

I didn't really feel much.
I was talking about a group of shadow government elites manipulating people before I even knew what JQ stood for.
All it does is just reveal their identity to me.

I did think it was interesting when I found out my family has Jewish blood.
It explains my high IQ.

Ok. So we're just gonna to shoot them to keep it simple

Where have you found a jew in Finland?

I felt like a damned idiot for spending so much of my life as a philosemite. And Jews need to pay me back for that. And they will, because I will make it happen.

oh hi Pat

Kek this image is the story of our generation.

Probably burning in sauna

they didnt realise meme magic is real.
theyve been pushing the holocaust so hard and for so long that the universe just cant ignore it anymore

>compassion and rebellion
two things we have forgotten and are absolutely necessary today

we must bring humanity back from the brink of annihilation

it became a problem for me because i spotted their subversive actions almost everywhere
i want to have zero impact on my life from them but they are impossible to avoid nowadays
im now starting to think forced deportation from the entire globe to their ministate in israel is the only remedy

You won't do shit little guy. You will sit there, stew in your own anger for a few months and realize you can't win. YOU WILL CAPITULATE, make no mistakes about it.

doing God's work there, friend

>but muh roads
>but muh child sex slaves
>but muh freedom

Cult of kek is better than religion of some ugly merchants

>lose company
>wife leaves with new man who has new company
>try to restart, keep hitting invisible walls. Eventually realize you're just one of millions whose lives were destroyed to serve a few jews
Oy Vey! Anti-semite, remember the holocaust

shoo shoo shlomo

Making a fool out of yourself doesn't make anything happen.
Optics matter. Credibility matters. Reputation matters.

How did you know the names were jewish?

ABC's of Anarchism by (((Alexander Berkman))) was my introduction into anarchism, it was also my exodus from it and my guide into anti-semitism as I reread the book, wise to the JQ and realised how jewy and subversive it all was. It's not bullshit, there are a fair amount of saffer anarchists unfortunately. I find they only need to realise the validity of race realism before they adopt fascism.

fuck off, cutfag

I’ve only become Jew-aware within the last couple of years. I was always pro-Israel and wasn’t inclined to hate Jews at all. Quite the opposite, actually. But when I started noticing that it was a kike, or a group of kikes, behind every anti-white policy or program, I became very disturbed. This led me to discovering their history of undermining the dominant group in every nation they’ve ever inhabited. Once I had that knowledge, the subversive manner in which they operate in the U.S. started to make perfect sense.

>it became all i could think about

Autism is one hell of a disease.

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Pic related, when I stood back and took a critical look at the matter it wasn't that hard to figure out.

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They are ungrateful.
Disrespectful and belligerent.

Same. ton of bricks once I actually accepted it. was hard but once I got past that a lot of things made sense. Knew that pedo stuff was obvious, elites that can do whatever they want and do just that. rape, pedophilia etc. degeneracy in general. Once I accepted the JQ it was like a ton of bricks but also ".. holy fuck... it makes SENSE NOW" when it comes to what ties the powerful together. JQ, blackmailing and other "dark" things to keep a sort of... in-group loyalty between the wealthy and powerful whether that's pedophilia or satanic rituals or a bit of both. list goes on.

>muh hitler

tell your lieutenant moishe that you failed your mission. The nazis are coming for your base outside of tel-aviv shlomo.

tfw when you realize Martin Luther was tricked by local Jews into thinking that it was Catholicism not christianity in general that was keeping them from seeing the light, and by the time he amended his error by writing On The Jews and Their Lies, it was too late. Evangelicalism became Proselytes of the Noahide Laws

>patrick little threads get 20 people max
>nat soc general gets 8 people max
>/ptg/ gets minimum 80 consecutive people
I think you need to understand who runs this board little guy, and remember an attack against the jewish people is an attack against G-d.

love these consecutive digits

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JIDF you will not win, just because your puppet (((trump))) won doesn't mean you can just take over this board now. The board is too big ... for you.

>trumps a p-puppet
way to out yourself shareblue

Oh no, I'm really scared

Nazi fags are an autistic embarrassment to the right wing

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it's total cringe

>ironybros talking about God's chosen people and then talking about cringe.
it seems like the ironybros miss out on the irony of the situation. Even fucking antifa owns your ass

Too big to quail

we proud boys smashed antifa last time around
tf are you on about pussy?

>proud boys
more like proud goys

>mocking people that actually get out there and put their necks out on the line
what an absolute pussy

>putting necks on the line for Israel
good goy, here's a shekel

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Jews are fucking evil

Vindicated. What they taught about holocaust was so over-exaggerated and seemed like propaganda to me even as a child. It made me suspicious how much they focused on it through the years in school and also how they kept adjusting the # of those holocausted every few years, so when I was 19 and got to my first duty station I bought a PC and did some digging on my own.

That was short lived. It gets depressing seeing so many intelligent people around me eat it all up without question.

If they're intelligent, it won't be hard to show JQ to them

simply remove kikes and masons from your town

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If we accualy do that, it has to be fast enough - no passionate torturing

I was nearly kidnapped by a bunch of wig wearing Jew ladies when i was 2. I’ve always hated them

Is it bad that I hate Jews but I want to cum on her tits?

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At least cut them off before

>It gets depressing seeing so many intelligent people around me eat it all up without question.

In my experience, many intelligent people are the "toe the line" type. Intelligence and curiosity are not the same.

Faggot Whiteo*ds ruined thhis world.

If not for those cucolds faggots i would have big milkk jewsih slave GF that i could colonize after we remove the jews from power.

WAY TO GO CUCOLDS MED COCKK is required to save thhis world.

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>Intelligence and curiosity are not the same.
most regrettably

Hale hortler

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This the worst part.

Just listening to average people discuss politics is painful for me.

It's cringy and sad and soul killing that the entire world is structured around mind boggling lies and distortions. I try to just keep to myself.

Hearty chuckle friendo.