Anyone want to redpill me on the Weimar Republic? Someone told me it was characterized by poverty and sexual liberation...

Anyone want to redpill me on the Weimar Republic? Someone told me it was characterized by poverty and sexual liberation, which led to the reactionary Nazi party.

Attached: weimar.png (280x254, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>sexual liberation
Call it degeneracy

Literally the most degenerate society that ever existed and easy pickings for any leader with a drop of testosterone.

can you tell me more about the degeneracy? I don't know much about the weimar republic

>Anyone want to redpill me on the Weimar Republic?
Degenerate state full of faggotry, crime, transsexualism, snuff porn, and gommunism. The country sides were mostly untouched but the shit going on in the major cities, especially berlin makes modern San Fransisco look conservative. Men who worked for sex clubs would kidnap, rape and then slowly dismember women in the most horrifying ways possible while filming it to sell to degenerates who would whack off to it.
>Someone told me it was characterized by poverty and sexual liberation
Poverty and hyper inflation were extreme and at some points it would take millions of marks in order to buy bread.
>which led to the reactionary Nazi party
There were plenty of reactionary parties but the nazi were not among them. The reactionaries wanted a return to the Aristocratic Germany empire. One of the first things the Nazis did was to dismantle the German aristocracy and seize their assets. Fascism is a revolutionary ideology, only socialist would group monarchists and fascists together.

Attached: index.jpg (668x689, 248K)

Antifa founded in Weimar Republic
Berlin was basically one big orgy
Widespeak Alcoholism and Drug Use
Run exclusively by Jews for Jews
Commies attacking people on the streets

i've been hunting this information down myself, by reading through the free 100+ year archive of the Spectator, a British newspaper.

they mention memoirs, but ALL THREE of these authors are jews or communists or both.

Attached: weimar germany memoirs.jpg (555x228, 62K)

Attached: marxist republic.jpg (582x156, 41K)

Rabbi writing about "giving up the dream of Palestine"

some fascinating stuff in these old archives. Wish I could find free archives of more papers. Especially german papers would be more interesting but I only know English.

Attached: abandoning prayers for palestine.jpg (675x884, 204K)

The articles in the inter-war period (weimar germany) are full of talks of reparations and war debts.

Attached: germany must pay in land and autonomy.jpg (687x597, 134K)

A bit about Stampfer who wrote some memiors of weimar germany

Attached: stampher.jpg (604x801, 161K)

"trafficking of women and children" - this article like many others 404s

Attached: 404 article.jpg (644x119, 24K)

the "rebirth of germany"

Attached: rebirth of germany.jpg (694x852, 202K)

Attached: Weimar.jpg (1338x6212, 3.37M)

>sexual liberation
Mutsies would sell their services on the street, they were pregnant prostitutes
Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld was performing crude transgender surgerys at the institut fur sexualwissenschaft
Strange to call it liberation.
The poverty was introduced by the treaty of versailles as punishement for losing ww1 Rich Jews and foreigners were treating it like a sexual tourist spot like Bankok today. International financers funded a bolshevik movement like the one in Russia 1917.

just found a book "jewish domination of weimar germany" - sure to be some pol memes in here

vintage Jow Forums meme

Attached: connection to the soil.jpg (709x572, 118K)

Yeah the jews were really in to some fucked up shit. The famous nazi book burning that you always see in movies was the nazi burning all the works from the transgender studies institute in berlin. Of course you never hear about what books were being burnt, just that books were burnt.

wow i didn't know that stuff

Attached: lesbian clubs.jpg (795x847, 154K)

Attached: youth removing degeneracy.jpg (538x1020, 141K)

>Poverty and hyper inflation were extreme
Actually, hyperinflation was only for a short period immediately after the war and it was caused deliberately in order to force the winning powers to renegotiate the entity of the German war reparations. What really caused widespread poverty were the housing bubble following the rapid industrialization caused by American capital flooding the country after said debt renegotiation, and the strong deflationary and wage lowering policies the hyper-liberal government pursued to misguidedly fight the recession caused by the Great Depression and the consequent capital flight.
Hyperinflation being the cause of the rise of Hitler is a meme the German government tells in order to justify their current destructive economic policies

clip from "greatest story" about the perversions of Berlin

Attached: perversions of weimar germany.jpg (1340x1054, 162K)

Hyper inflation lasted from 1921 to 1924 sure it didn't directly correlate with the rise of hitler but it was still fresh in everyone's mind while hitler was rising to power. In addition Hjalmar Schacht the man who solved the hyper inflation problem was a member of hitlers government from 1933 to 1939 which defiantly gave him a shitload of political credibility when it came to economics.

Based leaf!

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Attached: veterans today sexual decadence weimar germany.jpg (719x545, 144K)
>By November 1923, the US dollar was worth 4,210,500,000,000 German marks.

sir arthur bryant wrote about "throngs" of child prostitutes in Berlin - another good primary source to look into

Attached: sir arthur bryant describes child prostitutes.jpg (762x936, 223K)

>but it was still fresh in everyone's mind while hitler was rising to power
I think that Bruning mandating a 15% salary cut in 1931, the banks being saved with taxpayer money and the 7 million unemployed workers were still fresher in the minds of the German public. Hyperinflation was the least probable of the possible outcomes of the crisis Germany was going through in the '30s

sir arthur bryant published a book in 1940, but it was written before the war. If i find anything interesting i'll publish to the thread

Attached: sir arthur bryant - unfinished victory - written before the warr.jpg (516x749, 113K)

>Poverty and hyper inflation were extreme and at some points it would take millions of marks in order to buy bread.

A popular joke at the time: A man arrived at the bakery too late to buy bread for the day. Being too tired to take the wheelbarrow full of German money home, he just left it outside the bakery. Coming back the next morning, he found the money still there, but the wheelbarrow had been stolen.

>German humor
Actually not that bad

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That's a false cause, the hyperinflation was orchestrated by the government in order to renegotiate German war reparations, it was a gamble that paid off since they managed to secure American financial aid for the reindustrialization of Germany.
Hitler was propped up by the strong deflationary policies pursued by the German government in order to save the German banking system after the shock caused by the Great Depression that caused widespread unemployment and poverty among salaried workers


Watch this for all the redpills you can handle on late 1920's early 1930's Berlin. As other's have said it was full of degeneracy.

History is literally repeating itself.

Attached: sadfrogmeme.jpg (600x745, 52K)

>restricted mode
I wonder who is behind this

Attached: walk in the park.jpg (443x381, 47K)
>After the disastrous years of the inflation, business revived almost suddenly. With the re-establishment of the gold value of the mark (equal to the full gold value of the English shilling) stable conditions for security of investment became possible, and Germany needed capital badly
>German enterprises got as much support as they wanted from the United States, where bankers were at a loss to know what to do with the gigantic amounts of money that had been accumulated during the war. The recovery which started in Germany in 1924 had all the elements of an investment boom. Factories scrapped their old plant and replaced it with up-to-date machines. Germany was going to become the most advanced industrial country in the world, surpassing even the United States. Busy times drew millions of people to the big towns, the population of greater Berlin increasing rapidly by two millions to six and a half millions.
> The public bodies rushed in also to participate in the feverish building up of a new and modern Germany. The whole rail-traffic system was reorganized and re-equipped. In Berlin rows of houses were demolished to broaden the streets. In the heart of Berlin the Alexander Platz was to become the largest square in the world, surrounded by the most modern skyscraper office buildings.
> Prices and rents of land soared at once, and so, too, rose the cost of building materials, with manufacturers protected against foreign competition by high customs duties. The price of iron was double that in England at the time, and cement was three times as high. Land prices rose on the average by 700 per cent in Berlin and by 500 per cent in Hamburg, within six years. But in some districts of the capital the increase amounted even to 1000 per cent or more.

> Berlin spent upon land-buying no less than 400 million marks, of which 120 millions were invested in purchases around the Alexander Platz. This business turned into a big scandal of speculation and corruption. The sites for which the city paid 120 million marks had been valued at 35 millions previous to the purchase. The excess of 85 million marks was actually regarded - in addition to the original 35 million as the rightful property of the vendors because that would be the value given to the land by the expenditures of the taxpayers' money on the improvements about to be made; the vendors should not be deprived of this value added to their "property." It has to be said, too, that the city officials of Berlin, entrusted as they were with the defense of the city's interests, lent a hand to that speculation - and not disinterestedly. It was a kind of legal corruption and bribery.
>Another case of flagrant corruption was the leasing of the Berlin river-harbor basin to a private firm.
> An accommodating firm was soon formed as the Berlin Port and Warehouses, Ltd., by the Busch Wagon Factory and the transport agents, Schenker and Co. To that company the council leased the whole basin with all its fine warehouses and other equipment for fifty years against payment of 369,000 [...]. The area of the basin was one million square metres and the rent of the bare land in that neighborhood was one mark per metre per year. The company, therefore, paid for the fifty-year concession only a 150th of what they should have paid in rent for the land alone. In addition, the city council granted to the company a loan of 5,000,000 marks for working capital. Exactly twelve months after the signing of the contract, Herr Schuning was appointed director-general of the company. With the port of Berlin under their control the promoters of this company controlled all supplies coming to Berlin and the Berliner had to pay them tribute for every bit of bread he ate.

>Half the area of the agricultural land in Germany is taken up by large estates which are in the hands of the old military nobility, the Junkers.
>The large estates employ 2,500,000 persons: by contrast, those engaged in work on the peasants' farms (peasants and their dependents and paid laborers) number 7,500,000.
>After the War of 1914-1918 the question of land reform was much discussed in Germany. The republic, peace-loving and led by socialists, was expected to make a radical departure from the old economic ideas. Millions of soldiers being demobilized could have been settled and the agricultural output could have been greatly increased, since according to official statistics the value of the output of the small farms was up to 47 per cent higher than that of the large estates; in dairy farming even up to 69 per cent higher.
>But nothing happened. No land reform was initiated, nothing but some timid steps towards market gardens and allotments near the cities and towns. When, later, owing to the competing imports from the grain-growing transAtlantic countries, and to the fall of corn prices on the world market, the Junkers got involved in difficulties, the government helped them handsomely. Customs duties on corn and fodder were raised, which was a heavy blow to the small farmers, increasing the cost of stock-farming. In addition, what is known as the _Osthilfe_ (the "Help for the East" to the landowners of East Prussia) was granted by Parliament, amounting to 500,000,000 marks (125,000,000) cash subsidies to relieve the estates encumbered with debts and to modernize the equipment.

> Even so the Junkers were not satisfied; they demanded and got more subsidies. I have the official figures for the year 1931. In that year alone they were paid 100,000,000 marks for storing corn, withholding it from the market in order to keep its price high. That meant that the people bad to pay more taxes in order that they should pay dearer for bread. In the same year the interest on the debts of the Junkers was reduced by 365 millions and they were given tax relief of 160 millions. With various other subsidies added, the agrarians were presented with more than 1000 million marks (150,000,000) in that year 1931! And with all that money in their pockets they eventually extorted from the Reichstag the famous, or infamous, law which generally prohibited the collection of debts from the agrarians.
> Under such conditions the value of agricultural ground of course rose enormously. I have no exact figures for those years but data of previous years will show bow, as to one form of subsidy, protective tariffs are reflected in the increased rent of land. From 1892 to 1906 corn duties were stable in Germany and ground prices increased during the same period by 18 per cent, a figure which may correspond to the normal rise resulting from the increase of population and the improvement of production. In 1906 import tariffs on corn were doubled. At once the prices of ground belonging to large estates jumped by 200 per cent, with which trebling of the fortunes of Junkers is to be compared the increase of only 10 per cent in the land value of the small farms. After the law was passed prohibiting foreclosure of mortgages there were no ground prices at all in Germany for the simple reason that no one was so foolish as to offer to sell a single foot of land. The monopoly was complete.

>The industrial boom lasted for about seven years.
> The flow of capital which came over from America would have been of no use if there had not been hands to make the new machines. [...] Wages were low and low wages will stimulate industrial investments. The increase of ground prices proved another incentive to investments and intensified the rationalization. But high ground prices increase the cost of living and be who continues to employ labor has to provide for its regeneration whether he likes to or not. The laborers began to press for higher wages. The employers were in a difficult position. With high prices for the ground on which their factories were built, high prices for building material and coal, increasing taxes weighing heavily on their budgets, how could they bear the burden of rising wages? They decided to speed up the modernization of their equipment, to get rid of those expensive workers as quickly as possible; in other words, "to rationalize." Yet in doing so they caused ground prices to rise still higher and the cost of production rose again - another vicious circle.
>In 1930 the first signs of a crisis became manifest. Laborers stood off by machines met with difficulties when looking for other employment. Industrialists and merchants complained of difficulties in selling their merchandise. The position deteriorated month by month, week by week. In 1931 the crisis was in full swing. The ordinary means to meet the crisis had failed. By restriction of production things went from bad to worse. Amortization, rents, interest, taxes ate up everything. Workers were dismissed en masse but the employers hardly felt any relief in their budget, and in any case with every worker lost to employment a consumer bad been lost as well. The number of unemployed went up by tens of thousands, then by hundreds of thousands, and the number of bankruptcies mounted correspondingly.

Most of the degenerate things were mostly only in berlin the rest of the country had way bigger problems with the shitty economy/inflation

>Land prices rose on the average by 700 per cent in Berlin and by 500 per cent in Hamburg, within six years. But in some districts of the capital the increase amounted even to 1000 per cent or more.
same thing as happening in my city, and probably all your cities too.

Attached: download.jpg (894x692, 92K)

With guns and superior intellect as well as proper wartime tactics.

Shut up OP.

Fake news pushed by your government, which is going down the same disastrous road as the Weimar republic
>To reverse their gold outflows, other countries had to run a trade surplus with the United States and France. Because the Fed and the Banque de France sterilized gold inflows, those other countries had to achieve trade surpluses through deflation. That is, to make their goods cheaper on international markets, their price levels had to fall. By creating obstacles to trade, protectionism exacerbated the extent of the required deflation.
>Both international and domestic considerations compelled Germany to deflate rather than abandon the gold standard. The Banking Act, created in 1924 as part of the Dawes reparations plan, required Germany to back its currency with gold and foreign exchange reserves equal to 40 percent of its currency. A foreign member of the General Council, set up to oversee the Reichsbank, could stop note issue if he believed gold convertibility was threatened (James 1999, 25).

>The breakdown of the German banks in the summer of 1931 further proved the truth of the theory of the invariable costs. The industrialists and the merchants were unable to meet debts and interest and therefore the banks bad to stop payment. Yet the debts in question were nothing other than the capital invested during the prosperity [...]. The invariable costs had quickly become insupportable and were simply not paid.
>The Government rushed in to help the banks, which got accommodation at the expense of billions of marks drawn from the people's taxes. Then began the flow of other subsidies [...] by way of helping it to meet those "invariable costs."
> The crisis grew, ever deepening. Futile expedients were adopted in the effort to stem it. Although it was obvious that the "invariable costs" [...] were eating into all production, the responsible men and the leading exponents of what was taught as economics kept their eyes [...] fixed upon the worker's pay-packet. Herr Braining, then Chancellor, declared for the so-called deflation policy which involved a general reduction in rates of wages, and wages were reduced by 15 per cent. This it was contended would decrease commodity prices, so stimulating consumption and decreasing unemployment. Herr Braining and his advisers failed to see that, even if the decrease in prices was equivalent to the decrease in wages, the amount of goods produced would remain as before and such a scheme could never result in finding new employment for the workers who were in search of it; and that reduction in wages cannot induce a corresponding reduction in prices since prices are so largely determined by factors other than wages. Herr Braining ought to have cut down the rents of land and rather raised than lowered wages, which would have loosened the Gordian knot and brought the needed relief.

>sexual liberation
Notice how innocent they make it sound like. Surely doesn't hit as heavy as saying there were transsexual child prostitutes

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> Seven million men and women (one-third of the wage-earning people) unemployed, the middle class swept away: that was the position about one year after the climax of prosperity. Progress, conditioned as it was, had rapidly produced the most dreadful poverty.
> In the first year of the crisis the number of Nazi deputies to the Reichstag rose from 8 to 107. A year later this figure was doubled. In the same time the Communists captured half of the votes of the German Social Democratic Party and the representation of the middle class practically speaking disappeared. In January 1933 Hitler was appointed Reichskanzler; he attained power, as I said before, quite legally. All the forms of democracy were observed. It sounds paradoxical but it was in fact absolutely logical.
>When the disparity of condition increases, so does universal suffrage make it easy to seize the source of power, for the greater is the proportion of power in the hands of those who ... tortured by want and embruted by poverty are ready to sell their votes to the highest bidder or follow the lead of the most blatant demagogue; or who, made bitter by hardships, may even look upon profligate and tyrannous government with the satisfaction we may imagine the proletarians and slaves of Rome to have felt, as they saw a Caligula or Nero raging among the rich patricians.
>Similar conditions will be of the same effect everywhere. What happened in Germany will inevitably happen anywhere that similar conditions prevail.
TLDR: the jews did it themselves by fostering a financial, housing and overproduction bubble, cutting wages of the working class and siphoning taxpayer money to their own pockets, and now are pushing the "muh hyperinflation caused Hitler, good goys do not increase wages or public spending" narrative in order to keep inflation down and consequently maintain the value of their credits towards states and citizens steady or growing

Attached: hetzel monetary history of germany.png (598x432, 21K)


Interesting thread. Have a bump

It’s identical to what is happening today.

Yes, that's why they are fighting "populism" so much, because they know that they will end up like the kikes that preceded them. And in comparing politicians like Trump to Hitler, they are actually quite right, for both are the response by an exhausted population to the tyranny of a small cabal of big capitalists and bankers who are too shortsighted or conceited to realize that they are creating their own downfall with their pointless egotism

Jewish revolution led to this state of total degeneracy and poverty

I think we all feel it. The population is tired. Except this time they turned us on ourselves instead of them.

It will take some time for the people to realize what is happening, even if we are close to the breaking point. The fact that the left, which should at least in theory be the one in charge of making the people aware of this kind of social problem, has been turned into a club for the advancement of pointless civil rights doesn't help

Anyone itt watched Babylon Berlin? Not sure how accurate it is but it was interesting

>characterized by poverty and sexual liberation
Sounds a lot like a certain time period on the tip of my tongue

Lots of underage drinking, drug use, prostitution, homosexuality, orgies, infidelity, vandalism, theft, violence, pimping and drug dealing, media and theater glorifying all of the above, but most importantly jews profiting from all of the above.
Finally mein fuhrer rose and thankfully crushed many juden for their ill ways.

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If you're actually living in Italy, is there any time of mood shift over the past year or so? With the new government in power and all?

The new government came into power exactly because of the shift in mood the rapidly deteriorating social and economic conditions have caused. Our MSM disinfo can't really convince the masses of new poor people, unemployed and impoverished pensioners that their current situation is to blame on their personal faults, not being enough like Germans and Putin's propaganda. The new government has been in charge for just two weeks and we are already seeing how the whole narrative frame they built to keep their scheme up is falling to pieces

>This content is not available on this country domain.
What am I to make of this?

History is antisemitic goy,, wouldn't you rather play some xbox and order a pizza?!

(((they))) don't want people to get (((wrong))) ideas

From this side of the lake I'm seeing more ferocity from the left, but I've also noticed those who previously had no stance in the fight are being driven further and further into conservatism/traditionalism. Especially white males. They are fighting back but the the left still has a vice grip on its followers (women, blacks, etc.)
Any comparisons regarding a polarized populace in Italy?

Here the divide is mostly on class/occupation and geographical, the left has the biggest grip on middle class wage earners that haven't been hit that hard by the crisis and in the ex-commie regions which have now gone full liberal (Tuscany, Emilia) and of course South Tyrol. The rest of the population is definitely against the current status quo, choosing between the two populist parties again based on geography (North Lega, South M5S). There is actually no gender divide, in fact the Lega was more voted by women, even if by a small margin

I feel like San Francisco will surpass Berlin on its way down desu, once leftists get power again they will probably try to legalize pedophilia. You already see them trying to normalize it.

Sounds like you have momentum. The right and left are at a stalemate right now here, tearing each others throats out and declaring victory afterwards. I am hoping that since this ferocity is relatively new to the right that we will triumph in the end, maybe follow the way of your Roman Republic.

It is legal dumbass, if they can send drag queens to teach your kids about anal sex in government ran elementary schools, give them hormones of the wrong sex, castrate them, show them nude adults on tv and film and YOUTUBE, then pedophilia is legal, it's just not written in law, its more of an unwritten law.

bumping interesting thread

This one is good to watch after that, to hear the other side of Weimar. Listen to how they twist it. All the child prostitution, poverty, and drugs was completely ignored because “being a train wreck” is considered “fabulous.”