Here we talk everything related to communism.
Communism general
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I'm hungry.
I found 3 peas today. Time for a feast!
Not related
>As the white leftists get excluded by their minority brethren, watch for them to invade the white identity movement, and begin trying to co-opt the white population, turning them against minorities as a proxy army to serve as the white leftist’s protectors. Adolf Hitler the socialist will become Adolf Hitler the ultra-nationalist, ultra white-nationalist, and ultra-American patriot. In part it will be safety, and in part he will be genuinely pissed at the underprivileged who rejected his offer to lead them to victory over his fellow whites.
>The white leftist SJWs of today will ultimately end up writing white nationalist material which will make the Alt-right uneasy. They will do it because the minorities and victim groups will have ejected them from their ranks, and the White leftist, alone, afraid, and enraged over the betrayal will respond with more amygdala than any of us would have while looking rationally at the situation. That amygdala will fuel extremism, of a sort we are just not capable of today.
>We want them all to go back? Well, they stabbed the white SJW in the back, so they will want them tortured, medically experimented on, and fed into the ovens. We want a restriction on total numbers of immigrants? They will want citizenship revocations and racial and ethnic purges.
I found the implications of this on who remains a communist at this point interesting
You will work factory or go to gulag.
Hello comrade, where is the bread line at?
But we are hungry
Ah yes, the means by which the degradation of the human soul into the perfect herd animal is made manifest.
>Here we talk everything related to communism.
So we won't be swapping recipes then?
Ib4 Spurdo.
Where's the joke that commies have no food come from?
Have you met a middle-aged Russian? They're all fat as fuck
I got some milk for you ;)
Lets talk about Venezuela. How is communism working out there?
tell me why it failed
Not real Communism
>real Communism
Still never seen it, have we?
Man-made famine has been a common issue in damn near every major communist country
>Ukraine Famine (USSR)
>North Korea
What about Real Capitalism?
Thats always the excuse.
It's doing great, TJ. How's Venezuela?
technically he is right , that wasnt communism , but proletariat dictatorship , or dictatorial socialism
but according to our friend marx it is still needed to reach communism
so it is still kinda communism , or at least part of it
During the internal struggle some large percentage of their population died from starvation. For example the higher class famers that were known as kulaks. The numbers of farmers exectued, according to (((wikipedia)))
>According to data from Soviet archives, which were published only in 1990, 1,803,392 people were sent to labor colonies and camps in 1930 and 1931. Books based on these sources have said that 1,317,022 reached the destinations. The fate of the remaining 486,370 cannot be verified. Deportations on a smaller scale continued after 1931. The reported number of kulaks and their relatives who died in labor colonies from 1932–1940 was 389,521. Former kulaks and their families made up the majority of victims of the Great Purge of the late 1930s, with 669,929 arrested and 376,202 executed.
The result of liquidating the kulaks could have possibly lead to a soviet famine in 1932-33 which has a death toll ranging from 700k according to the soviets, to 6 gorillion according to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Tl;dr soviets killed off some farmers like in Rhodesia
not here bucko
Picture says a thousand words
So we gotta get through all the famines, all the authoritarian thought-policing, all the engineered wastelands, millions upon millions dead, THEN we'll break through to the utopia of Real Communism?
Don't I feel silly now, save me a spot in the breadline, comrade!
"Not real communism" guyz
dont be a kulak
i save you a spot on the train to gulag
It didn't failed because it was not real communism.
You see, communism is an utopia, a work of the mind, a dream of a world where things would be good and people nice.
Were things good? Were people nice? No? Then it wasn't real communism. Also, we are going to break things and assault people and possibly kill people who oppose us because that's the only way to achieve communism.
Basically you are calling yourself rejected pussies who were too stupid and self-destructive to realize what would happen to you in the end. Why would we ally ourselves with people who are too stupid to see what is happening and what was always going to happen. Traitors get the rope first you dirty commie.
Also >sage
well i covered about the not real communism already
MAGA, comrades.
the more i read the more im starting to realize all the bolsheviks were jewish and the rhetoric used to install communist dictators is just that, rhetoric. the oppression of the working class under communist rule is unmatched by any capitalist system. im about done with this.
i love gay sex this is why i'm communist
Scientifically incorrect.
What is the alternative? You got around 10 years until Capitalism fails due to technological unemployment.
>Traitors get the rope first you dirty commie.
Good rabbit, hop along now go fuck up the rightist cause for the greater good
>You will work factory or go to gulag.
Is this not the situation in the US except done through indirect, dishonest and inefficient privatized means?
>Hello comrade, where is the bread line at?
Right here comrade, bread for the soul
unironcally music and other cultures, ussr blocked shit they didn't produce and when it hit the ussr it hit them like a fucking semi truck. There was also one thing someone said on here something about someone called a politician saying next week the ussr will fall or some shit.
Your soul-bread is the only food you commies have.
That's why you always starve.
Ya'll should be thrown out of helicopters tbqh
>meme flag
Opinion discarded
>meme flag
Opinion discarded
>meme flag
Opinion discarded
>ussr blocked shit they didn't produce and when it hit the ussr it hit them like a fucking semi truck
yeah pretty much this
we bought shit ton of things from black markets , shadow capitalism you can say .there were experts saying that USSR would have survived if they would have went the same way as china
but then they would become state capitalists , not even socialists , they would have shit ton of billionaires and people shitting in the streets as people right now in china
Tickle my anus and call me Samantha
ow can communists be humans if what they do is inhuman?
>everything related to communism
hunger, slavery, equal helpings of misery for all, sageworthy threads and yeah, that's about it.
>hunger, slavery, equal helpings of misery for all, sageworthy threads and yeah, that's about it.
capitalist countries have these as well
Not on the same scale, not even close my little stupid homo friendo.
You sound like you are crying and pointing at some other kid and saying that he punched too.
>For all
you forgot this important bit
In a lax capitalist society, you work and can improve you social status, the market is in surplus
yeah capitalism is shit
that is why Jow Forums is a natsoc board
Stop being a lefty, stop being a commie
Us liberty loving folk are waiting with open arms and a rifle to hand you for the coming struggles
Comrade my son died of hunger,can I eat him or do I have to share his remainings with my fellow tenement comrades ?
go get punched nazi trolls
Get gassed, degenerate.
Or roped, you deserve to become a warning.
Communisim General
That's not quite right how about
Starving Marvin Central
you will never be as cool as us so GTFO
Communism is for faggots
This nigger gets it
>this is cool
okay retard
>posting a jewish puppet
>thinks it is an entirety of Jow Forums
you said all of you were cool
Capitalism has some problems coming better abandon it and adopt this system that will kill you dead and starve your family duh
Can't due to a theological point user, another user on some thread noted that communism is a modernist christian heresy, which was insightful, but missed the point somewhat
Theologically, unlike the modernist heresies communism does not admit all religions as equals but rather insists that God himself died on the cross, which is to say that man executed god as the father and son, leaving only the holy ghost
To abandon communism is to smother the last breath of god
there is very little people who unironically wear MAGA hat , besides /ptg/ that we were willing to get rid off
it is a natsoc board not neocon
also nice pic
explain cat is best cat !
>being manipulated by right wing thots
yeah I feel sorry for you I wont continue this conversation
of course
you are faggot
>a girl supports my ideology guys isnt that hot . AN ACTUAL GIRL!
>a girl supports my ideology guys isnt that hot . AN ACTUAL GIRL!
i never bragged about a cunt being natsoc
you brought it up , not me
so join the club or fuck off
pick one
>it's a cuck thread
may i ask you if you are an american?
anyone who is not wester european is slavic
so you are american
no I am gay
Fuck communism
Fagacious faggitry
why are you americans are so retards
>why are you americans are so retards
Not a commie, but I do admire Tito and see his Yugoslavia as a model for the ethnostate federation. New Afrika, Aztlan, Puerto Rico, Greater Hawaii, and Federative New Europa working together for prosperity.
>Here we talk everything related to communism.
>censor all different opinions
jesus fucking christ I thought you fags liked free speach
well maybe i might be bad at english gramma but at least i aint no faggot
>I may be retarded but atleast I am not attracted to the same sex
anyway I am not even american try again faggot
tp and bread lines
Show your flag, fag.
I have the right to not do it
but you would be suprised what it is
yes you are
only an american can be this ignorant
that or you are a hew