MGTOW PEOPLE! Got a question

I've asked this question on several forums and not one person has given me an answer.
I adore the politics of MGTOW, their economics make sense to me, however, how do we have babies? Can't have a thriving population without babies and wombs are needed to make those babies. So we can't just ignore women forever. What's the plan? What do we do? Enslave them? Bargain for their eggs? Artificial wombs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>thriving population
do you even /pol?

is MGTOW a part if population control??

There will always be men who are reproducing with women. MGTOW will never be a mainstream ideology. So even if it does become more common, it MGTOW will never be the majority, so the population will continue.

>how do we have babies?
remove faultless divorce Men won't be forever raped by child support.

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MGTOW isn't the basis for a society.
It's self-defense in the moments before a societal collapse.

>So we can't just ignore women forever.
Why can't we? Just get artificial wombs built, and then abandon women.

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well put

Women have a purpose. It's called reproduction. Period.

Not with artificial wombs

>how do we have babies?
we dont you stupid roastie, I see right through your trick
after numerous shaming insults and "you will never have my tits" you just switched to MUH KIDZ
go home Stacy, your cat is hungry

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Wrong question. MGTOW is for short-sighted, solipsistic people who have no sense of meaning in their lives. They've already given up on themselves and on life. They don't care about this sort of thing.

Who the fuck is Stacy?

Rent an artificial womb. Hire a nanny.
You'll need a nanny to provide a female mentor in the child's' development.

>Can't have a thriving population without babies and wombs are needed to make those babies. So we can't just ignore women forever.

deep inhale

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>cant trust artificial wombs coming from the tech companies and people in power
>artificial reproduction will be used to replace the family unit, giving the state the ultimate power in raising entire generations without parental influence to stand in the way
>children have pschological and emotional needs that can only be properly met with a man and a woman

sorry but your feelings arent whats important here. fuck your artificial wombs

It is not hard to have a successful marriage

The fuck is Nick Land?

They have no answer for this.
Because it is quite a simple situation: Their movement cannot work.
Why ? Its based on false premises. If you stop breeding/fucking, then someone will take your place. Even if all men in a country went MGTOW, there is an infinite number of immigrants who will take their place. It's in fact accelerating the replacement of western population.
Artificial wombs are a meme. Even if the tech existed, it would be controlled by the corporate elites, and also, children need a father, but also a mother.
What do then ? Create communities. Stick together. How asians do ? How jews do ? How muslims do ? They support each other, use nepotism and centrism, etc. They act as group and fight.
Do the same. Do you know whats the greatest tool against us ?
Individualism. What is MIGTOW ?
Yes. Just that, turned up to eleven. This movement have good intentions, but is, in no way, a solution. Its in fact a new part of the problem.

>Their movement
but it is not movement
it is lifestyle

Lover bots and artificial wombs will save the day.
The internet and school peers have more influence then parents anyways. Everyone lies and does what they want when their parents aren't around.

*entrisme not centrism

This dream world, sounds like an excuse to enslave, torture, and ridicule those who are mentality lower then you. If you want to hurt downies like a psychopath just join a Special Aid group.

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>what are vaccines

Not an arguement.

based trips of truth

Its a lifestyle and a movement. They are very active on internet. And they push young men to give up instead of fighting.
If the law is against men, then so be it. What then ? Die alone in loneliness ? Or try ?
>but they are not lonely and bitter
They are. Otherwise they wouldnt spend so much time and energy on advertise. For me, its nothing else than a cry for help. If a true MGTOW exists, then he would be completly anonymous and content with the choice he made
>they want to help men
I do not deny that a lost probably do, but nonetheless, their fight is a problem for the survival of our people.

If you dont get a divorce why would you care about divorce laws?

Just like in the past. The natural thing for women to do is have babies with a single male. So if you don't have kids, let's say 2 women will have 2 kids with one man. That's how it used to be up until a few thousand years ago.

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>vaccines can replace 9 months of mother and baby exchanging chemicals
you realize that even birth has an effect on the baby, making it healthier than a baby that got out of the mother by c-section
you also do realize that you will have to vaccinate the child for a thousand things fucking up its immune system later in life

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>And they push
no they dont, at least not me
I advocate for taking control of your life and living for your own, not for your parents, your wife, your government or anybody else who is not you

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Good post

>women are going to stop being whores

You realise that your mentally retarded right? reread the thread.

ayy I recognize you we had many arguments about MGTOW and its satellites
anyhow, not interested in having kids at all cause world have too many people as it is

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Human birth rates have exceeded death rates. We need less people, not more. Culling the weak and the stupid is necessary. If they do it themselves, all the better.

jesus fucking christ listen to your self.
just get out there and get a chick already

I found one yesterday, I think she might possibly lurk here. I went to the park early on the day and she showed up. I posted her half drunk that I was going

>just get out there and get a chick
it only works for 20% of males

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don't you get it? Men don't care about the fate of the civilization that feminism has destroyed
men can't care about it anymore, as they have no connection to it
men don't have strong families and gentle wives raising their babies at home to care for
men don't have familial lands that were handed down for generations to pass to the next generation
so they don't care and they're walking away
it will destroy civilization, as we know it, but what is there to save?
what decent man would want to save this abomination of a civilization?

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Then you empower our elites, the worse thing you can do. They thrive on division. The ultimate division when each in a group of people is independant. Individualism again. Thats why its praised.
Bonds create strength. Strength is in numbers. The lone wolf fears the pack. Everyone but the white man seems to be aware of it. Even animals. And because of that, and other factors, we are invaded and replaced.
If one is MGTOW, he should just keep it for himself. He gave up and have good life (or thinks so) ? Good. Do not blackpill the others.

Intelligence and strength has nothing to do with being able to breed in modern society.

Stupid poor weak brown people breed all they want.

Intelligent strong white men can't have kids because they don't make enough money to get white women to have children with them.

Unless these white men were born into a privledged family like you probably were, they will likely never become wealthy enough.

There is literal genius IQ white men who are poor in America and the western world, and have almost no chance of breeding because of it.

Whites are on a demographic decline, and it's because of capitalism.

Ask to Ricky Martin, hahhha

That's not true tho, at least for every 1st world country. You know, all the ones with a white majority. There's only 2 regions where the birth rates greatly exceeds death rates. One is India, where the birth rate is lowering as the technology base is growing, and Africa. Good luck "culling" African overpopulation. Good luck preventing it from spilling over into regions where the population has stabilized.

>Then you empower our elites
opposite, as I deny them loans they live from

that kind of living, where you "neglect" the world around you, can only work to an extent in eastern yurop and "shitholes"
the west is full of leftards and their propaganda and immigrants who will fuck you up if you dont do anything
nobody cares if you dont want to have children, only your close ones care about you as an individual. to politicians and companies you are just a resource and one who wont have kids amongst many others who will. cheers

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I love when you tradcucks complain about individualism but the very second we say anything about the precious pussies you worship you pull out a big fat individualism card and start NAWALTing all over the place. I'll allow you to hang yourself with your own rope, watch:

All women are whores.

You are still on the false premise. They only need you as long as you obey. If not, like for women, you will be replaced. Simple as that. And meanwhile, you weaken our very frail bonds as a people. In the end, you deny them nothing, if what they lose in terms of consumerism is compensated by militantism.
I do not wish to insult you, but its the genuine expression : useful idiot. An expression used by USSR for western commies, who did not realized that what they were preaching for was very different of what they would get if USSR won.

>only your close ones care about you
not even, they want me healthy and prodductive because they want help in old age, simple as that
I swallowed one too many blackpills and now I would need lobotomy
anyhow, I think there are more MGTOW-hate than MGTOW-love threads because simple lifestyle without being good family goy scares the jew

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>being edgy is an argument
Talk like an adult or avoid posting. The whole thing i explained is perfectly logic. Try to not being all emotionnal and not a woman.

>what decent man would want to save this abomination of a civilization?
what conservatives fail to realise is that sadly noone would ever want to go back to something that was before. we know how shit it's was in the 40s 50s and im not talking about the good things like family values or sense of community or anything like that. im talking about no tv, no mobile phones, no internet, shitty cars with no aircondition, small homes and all that other shit.
let me make it clear i am in no way blackpilled or hate my history but people on right have to realise that figthing against progress is futile. the future will come no matter what. it is our job to craft a new and appealing vision of what that future can be

>Good luck "culling" African overpopulation. Good luck preventing it from spilling over into regions where the population has stabilized.
If you won't let me parasitize you, then I guess we'll just have to import someone that will.

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You realize that the average woman's consumption typically harms a child?

I'll talk like an adult when you start being rational and stop digging logical pitfalls for yourself. Don't complain about men acting in their individual interests if you're going to attempt to cover women with the shield of individualism every time they are criticized as a group. It's not persuasive.

>So we can't just ignore women forever.
We can. We have the technology. Just have to wait for moralfags to let us use it.

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>They only need you as long as you obey
not breeding is already disobeying, and worst they can do to me for it is not giving me tax break for kids
you must understand 2 things:
a) sex is overrated and serves mostly reproduction
b) sex is only value female have that cannot be replicated and done better by male

>you weaken stuff
now you talk with generals like burger talking about white race

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Stop acting like an emotional woman and re-read his post. Nowhere he defended degenerate behavior in women or men. Stop frothing at the mouth and use your eyes and brain

>b) sex is only value female have that cannot be replicated and done better by male
VR technology, sex robots, and/or genetic engineering might change this entirely.

Oh okay, then I suppose NAWALT is finally off the table and we can speak frankly about female hypergamy and other undeniable realities of female nature without hearing about special unicorns we can find in churches. That's a relief. In that case, his whole post is invalidated as all women are whores and most of us don't want to marry whores.

meh, yes and no, some of us will say that they need to smell women hair or hear hear panting or stuff like that, and some will be just against artificiality of the coitus with a machine
but to most of people it will be just like hand extension
and this is why roasties are already protesting against sexbots

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First of all my past experience with people's wives and girlfriends coming on to me has tainted my view of women forever. Even "good" wives and gfs will cheat believe me.

Second in my experience with fb and social media insta snap etc, there will never be a shortage of guys hitting her up all the time. The whole culture has changed the last few years and having a long term relationship has been rendered almost impossible. Years ago someone cheating would have been ghastly now it's almost expected.

I am being rational. And i am not defending bad women behavious, it is a poor strawman. I said that individualism is the best tool for people playing a divide and conquer strategy, and there is not a single argument that has been presented that refute this.
On the contrary: talking about digging logical pit, you dug a pretty deep one: women now no longer act as a group, but for their interests and whims. Their individual interests. See ?
"He no longer satisfies ME"
"I no longer love him"
"I deserve better"
Individualism, again. Dividing families and pushing people to be all about themselves, their rights, their freedom, and nothing about purpose, duty and compassion. And the more vulnerable to this are the most emotionnal and less logic. Women. They are the Achille's heel of white people, and thats why they are the main target of propaganda.

Zimmerman aka Jew, of course they’d give out advice like that

>then his post is invalidated
It's not really. Re-read it you emotional male roastie

roasties and jews are worst news for civilization
no nigger ever negged white man into starting wars

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even with an unhealthy diet it benefits the child more than w/o a mother completely
as long as it doesnt kill the child or makes it retarded
>not even
what am i suppose to do with this information? stop trying to make others feel bad for you. you are anonymous here, people dont care or will forget about you in an hour.
> they want me healthy and prodductive because they want help in old age, simple as that
you also do realize that people arent machines or animals, they look up to bigger things than just surviving. your parents just might be assholes but i am getting a vibe you were trying to make an argument parents only have kids so they can be taken care of in old age. and even if that was true, why do so many american people want their children to move out

Can you provide a completely logical argument against artificial wombs?
>the technology is impossible
We advance in genetic science every day, inventions like CRISPR would have been unthinkable decades ago. Saying that technology is "impossible" because it seems complex to us today is like people in the early 20th century claiming that we could never reach the moon because the technology required is "impossible".
>it would be controlled by the elites only anyways
Technology has a trickle-down effect. Computers used to be a specialty tool only accessible to military specialists and huge colleges, that took up entire rooms. Today, anyone can go to the store and buy a smartphone with the computing power of a 20th century supercomputer. Of course at first the cost of the technology would restrict it to the elites, but eventually the market would dictate that it becomes accessible to more people.
>what about migration?
"Just make more kids" has done nothing to stop migration. Migration is mostly fueled by globalists who want to destroy our nations, not by low birthrates. Take Japan, they have some of the lowest birthrates in the world, but remain 99% ethnically Japanese.
>but we need womyn
No, we don't. We can replicate all female functions and do it better. The ONLY thing we need females for is sex in order to reproduce and produce the next generation. Once artificial wombs work, so can MGTOW as a widespread, sustainable ideology.

I never denied for a second that women act in their own individual interests. They very much do. All of them. Which is why your expectation that men do not act in their individual interests, while women do, and are protected in doing so by men like you, is particularly grating. Also, I notice how you snuck NAWALT in after all. I didn't say anything about "bad women". I said all women.

>Top definition
A word often used by women claiming they are "anti-feminist" in order to gain man's trust and pressure them into rushing out and getting married, mostly against the man's will . Frequently used by advocates of unmarried women who complain they can't find a husband.
"Go find yourself a nice woman to marry...NAWALT"
#anti-feminist] [dating coaches#misandry
by Not a Mangina August 29, 2017

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You don't belong in this thread.

hold out for a trad wife. MGTOW is a means to do this. If you don't find one, guess your bloodline ends.

>some of us will say that they need to smell women hair or hear hear panting or stuff like that
genetic engineering can create this.

>what am i suppose to do with this information?
consider applying it to yourself for a day, see implications of it and change of your attitude towards everything
>about parents wanting care
yep, that is that, simple
>why they want to push kids out
to brag to other boomers of course

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Believe it or not but there are women worth settling down with.

When I was a teenager and cell phones were just coming out you had to have a girls number to talk to her. Nowadays any chad in your girls softball league can be messaging your gf tonight if he wants to on fb and all he needs to know is her name

Which is probably good anyways. A greater proportion of father's being family men and less being just tricked or accidental.

there is one for everyone mate. you are supposed to strive for this, that's what being a man is. And yes, all they need to do is basically to spread their legs. That's just how nature works. So you try and you try and you try, most chicks get off on that

everybody knows that, but right women for me may be somewhere in south america for example

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>all women are whores
I do not want to strawman or ad hominem, but thats the typical incel answer. Most of women i know are quite faithful. There are a few whores, but they are definitly a minority. Maybe its different in France, since i do not see the same amount of bullshit i see in the anglosphere. And most divorced/single women i meet do not whore around. In fact they have difficulties on dating and are quite miserable. Some end with a nigger.
And to add, most men i know get laid too. Maybe dating websites are not a valid data sources....

Look in the archives for how many times your acronym was posted before this thread. If you use reddit terms at least have the decency of explaining them like did

MGTOW is just a reaction to the fact that society is broken, and everything is stacked against men in the event that a relationship with a woman goes badly.

Instead of stating the obvious that MGTOW is destructive, how about talk about strategies to allow men to protect themselves from the very real threats that MGTOW protects them from?

I'd like to hear about things like:
>Wealth isolation
>Family trusts
>Hardened prenuptial agreements
>Other strategies that our prevertad (((judical system))) can't overrule/co-opt/end-run around

What I don't want to hear about are the bullshit that always comes up on Jow Forums that doesn't work:
>'find a good girl'
>fathers rights
>man up
These things rely on hopes/dreams that are invariably corrupted, or are reliant on others for help/enforcement.

>that's what being a man is.
says who
I'd rather not participate in game that is rigged against me and instead only work absolute minimum for society to support myself, and read books for rest of time
real man do not need anybody to validate his manliness
and whats with positive Norwegian attitude today? is your king shitposting with his guards again?

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Then pack your toolbox and voddka and move to Argentina like a proper pole.

>not interested in having kids at all cause world have too many people as it is
>muh overpopulation
No, you're thinking of chinks and niggers. THEY are overpopulated. WE are not.

You go MGTOW then you fuck the wives of men that are dumb enough to support women.


that's just called delusions user, that pic. she won't get any ofc, her standards are way to high

Except it's not that different in France. Your divorce rate is 55%, which is actually higher than America's. Most marriages in your country end in divorce, but it's "different" there? And look how quickly you've been reduced to childish "b-but you're an incel!" and "treat women like individuals reee" arguments the moment it's brought up that they share common traits as a group. Too hilarious.

Have fun with the coin flip you call marriage, Pierre.

jesus christ you guys are serious with t his. I feel sad for you. more for me then I guess

I don't understand you, how you just give up like this.

I advice you to investigate what happens when children do not have a functionnal family. No role model. Hint: its terrible.
I said it, even if the tech existed, it would create dysfonctionnal individuals.
So its not a valid goal.
And this tech would be in the hand of the elites. After all, nuclear fission exists, but you do not own a nuclear reactor, do you ?

I am actually considering that, but first I may visit Kenya as there may be job opening
you should not talk about European population Hans, you kind of caused the problem

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If you're not familiar with what NAWALT is it's because you don't spend much time in these threads, in which case you're hardly qualified to post in them confidently as you're doing. And as is evidenced by your posts, filled with shit tier entry level arguments.

>more for me
cool, enjoy it
if your way is overlapping with way of some nice girl, go for it
mine apparently do not, but I finally accepted it, and I dont care anymore, and I am finally sort of happy

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MGTOW is a evolutionary filter. Every generation we get rid of 5% of your basedboi gene's

Artificial womb, since women will not be the ones to keep our race alive as we can see.

Gone too soon...

I've never made any argument, I'm merely pointing out that you are saying the french's argument is invalidated by all women being whores, when his original post has nothing to do with that. You didn't even bother refuting it just started accusing people of being nawalt/tradcucks/roasties/whatever just like an angry feminist would call you obese neckbeard mysogynist without bothering to refute you

>spergs again
Now, i will say that you are a not reasonnable, and stop giving (you). Take care and try to grow up.