I just fixed Europe

I just fixed Europe

Attached: 6chSaLiG.png (6480x7480, 2.79M)

Kingdom of Finland*


yeah sure pekka

Republic of Finland*

jesus that map is fucking atrocious

It's perfect.

Good start, but you forgot to give all of Iberia and France to the Kingdom of Austria too.

This guy gets it

Then it would be Habsburg empire, not austrian

Attached: Poland_is_importa-.png (1280x592, 194K)

What an autistic map.


Grzegorz what the fuck

Why Leinster?

Irish Provence with best flag
Greater Connaught (Con-oct)

Attached: download.png (263x191, 9K)

i prefer to be called nigger

Don’t leave out the ancient Christian caucuses. Just because those mongloid Turks occupy those ancient Christian lands doesn’t change things.

Empire of Finland*


Attached: mapee.png (1374x1245, 59K)


Pretty based. Although Hamburg should also be a part of the Danish kingdom.

Why did you group Latvia and Lithuania w/ Finland and Estonia?

came here to post this

Nope you just fucked it up, unless you want a few more world wars...

>muh greater poland empire
pure autism

Leinster is the worst provence in Ireland

We would be either indenpendent or with the eastern roman empire u fucking heretic

>great Romania
yes please

Attached: 1524929340149.jpg (432x444, 20K)

>implying Germanics want to share their state with shitalian subhumans

Khaganate of Finnland