How can I avoid permanent damages to my brain? Suggestions on food,internet use etc?
Average IQ is going down
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Are they finally going to admit that Watson was right
I have been using the same argument for years and it doesn't stop surprising me how little sense it makes to the average individual.
(((their))) plan is working
watch Rick & Morty
It doesn't really matter what you do. IQ is mostly genetic, maybe 10-20% environmental which can be improved through healthy diet, reading, education. The reason the average is decreasing is people with low IQ (eg Africans) are reproducing far faster than those with high IQ.
Just don't be a Nigger or an inbred Sandnigger and everything will be ok.
>99.9% of Jow Forumstards dont even realize how someones IQ is determined
This outta be rich.
IQ is overrated.
>discovers drugs
> 20% -> 80%
It's going down due to an influx of shit skins.
>IQ is mostly genetic, maybe 10-20% environmental which can be improved through healthy diet, reading, education.
Instead of humans inheriting IQ directly we might instead inherit traits that make us more likely to do things, which lead to a higher IQ. This would explain why IQ's heritability increases with age.
It also leaves the door open for the Flynn effect.
Don't have nigger kids
IQ average by definition is always 100.
So maybe the IQ of scientists writing magazines has gone down.
Quit drinking fluoride
"As of June 2018, a total of 60 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and over 40 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in animals. Of these investigations, 53 of the 60 human studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ, while 45 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are based on IQ examinations of over 15,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain"
Does Alex Jones have a legitimate fluoride filter i can buy?
the fuck is that in the image? 85-115 is average? 85 is average? that's absurd. 85 was considered retarded for a long time until people got uppity over the fact that it classified 80% of blacks as retarded.
100 IQ by definition is average. 85 is a full standard deviation below that. there is an absolutely massive difference between a 90 IQ and 110.
Or does Kangen Water provide fluoride filtration?
Or if you have high IQ, impregnate as many females that have a lower IQ, like that math teacher
>mass uncontroled immigration
>"ohno, average IQs are going down" :(
>they can possibly be connected
>Be a Boomer
>Be the last generation born with peak IQ
>Make the world paradise
>Millennials BTFO and retarded forever
makes sense now
except a lot of us were already tested as children for placement in the schools
Wrong. Twin studies account for this sort of thing. Nogs in white homes still end up nogs.
fluoride has been in the water a lot longer
you sound stupid
It's going down due to cohort effect (stupid people breeding + mass immigration). Don't worry about it too much. Soon enough gene editing will make this a non-issue
That's what happens when you let niggers and leftists breed.
If you define a fix 100 IQ, not an average one, then you can see it decreasing I guess, otherwise you are right.
Where we really expecting the macro data to remain constant despite allowing ourselves to be flooded with hordes of third worlders while 'Idiocracy' comes to life among our own population?
Migration from low IQ countries and female friendly methods of education are the problem.