Is there anyone formidable enough on the left that could win this guy in a debate?

Is there anyone formidable enough on the left that could win this guy in a debate?

I was thinking that Chomsky might have been up for the challenge when he was younger.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jordan Peterson is a moron and a toddler's alphabet noodle soup diarrhoea would best him in a debate.


Yes, Zizek, which is why Peterson won't debate him.

Zizek's existence destroys him.

Peterson isn't even a particularly good debater. He's rambling and unfocused and you have to watch 20 hours of his lectures to have the slightest clue what he's on about. He just gets into debates with the top minds of the left which makes him look relatively smart.

Depends what you mean by "win". The only way to "win" against an opponent whose entire rhetoric is based on moving the goalposts and vomiting up word soup about dragons and janitorial work is to not debate him.

>Jordan Peterson is propoganda
>Behold, the left's greatest intellectual.

I would destroy him.

I'm sure you would

makes me wonder how a guy like this even becomes a prof at an uni. Memeson makes actual points at least.

get the fuck of fourchango and wash your balls bucko

Yeah me too

his counterpart is so obviously Zizek. Plus he's already been destroyed by a left-ish new-atheist:

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can our society even pretend it cares about debating when it has a number of topics you arent even allowed to discuss?

seems like a charade to me

This thread and it's replies are reaching triple-post-meta-irony and I am proud to witness this moment

modern debate is about being able to debate topics you arent even allowed to discuss

Zizeks counterpart is Chomsky

Even though he could be a raging pseud at times, Chris Hitchens would have probably dismantled him. Zizek would do the same.

Hitchens would have the audience laughing at him by the end, but I am not sure anything productive would come out if it. I still wish a Zizek Peterson debate would happen, though.

Probably me(me) to be honest f a m


didnt even this guy refuse to talk about Jews though for example? Like it seems memey to hold reasoned debate as this gold standard when there are topics where instead you say 'this is too dangerous'. I mean the entire idea is that debating thing in the open is supposed to get the truth out, so why would on some topics it have the opposite effect as in 'we cant talk about this because people will get the wrong idea if we allow it'. It is a direct contradiction

Peterson refused to answer it when it was asked because he was afraid he would screw up the answer if I remember correctly. He wrote an answer later, though, because he thought it did need to be addressed.


I clicked on a PragerU video once(1 time) and now my recommendations are full of shit like this

>not browsing everything in incognito mode
are you even the hacker known as Jow Forums

Disable recommendations and comments. Youtube turns from shit to not so shit.

You are really contributing a lot to the conversation there buddy.

Nobody takes atheist wimps seriously.

>implying Peterson is right wing

Not since Zizek died

Zizek would be a counterpart if he could just get his thoughts together and not ramble on about Lacan for 18 minutes straight every time somebody asks him a simple question,

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Christopher Lasch. it's not postmodern neomarxism, Pete. It's managerial liberalism, mass media driven information overload and the resulting culture of Narcissism. If anything, you should be blaming Rawls instead of Foucault. Peterson manages to 'own' leftists only because he is defending middle class commonsense against the increasingly intrusive psychopolitical demands of the managerial globohomo leviathan. Try reading vox, the guardian or the nyt, grates like nails on chalkboard precisely because they are asking you to adopt a very specific kind of mentality that's full of internal contradictions. On one side, it's institutional realism, on the other, it's a mangled form of social constructionism. shrill moralism and the journalistic royal We deployed for the sake of an ethics of mandatory individualistic hedonism. All the traditional criteria of merit thrown out the window for a fixation on percentages and 'representation', and yet they still expect the deference accorded to traditional merit based institutions.

'identity politics' has been embraced by major corporations precisely because it's an effective instrument of post fordist human terrain management. Doesn't prevent Jeff Bezos from becoming the wealthiest man in human history. See Deleuze and Foucault on the society of control vs disciplinary societies and Lasch inspired paleocons such as Paul Gottfried and Sam T. Francis on the rise of managerial power.It is in the interest of managerial therapeutic state to define you as a victim who must be granted self esteem by the benevolent external agency of the system. Internet leftists are sadomasochists who use the heavily formalised discourse of social justice to inflict narcissistic injuries upon each other.

>The postmodern big Other is a Symbolic Order stripped of its symbolization of itself; not posing as God or History, it openly announces itself as a social construct - but this ostensible demystification doesn't impede its functioning, for it has never functioned more effectively

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Extremely well formulated analysis. Supreme intelligent.

Dude already lost, m8.

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There are many who could beat Peterson easily. Here are some names Curt Doolittle, Spencer, Mike Enoch, Striker, even Sven.

Peterson is a kike loving faggot

He's a liberal, he believes in a meme ideology that people are rejecting en masse now so he's pissed that liberalism doesn't work anymore. He is the equivalent of the preacher who says "there's an unbeliever in the crowd" when his prayers don't work. Peterson's existence is a self own, a coward basically. So him just existing is the best debate there is.

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>who iz žižek?

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The left can just say they want to invest in helping people... it's really simple and makes low information people feel good. It's like telling a bunch of kids 'I want to buy you kids an ice cream! --- while the right is like 'no ice cream for you!'.. there is no question on how that vote ends.

Jordan is good at TV debates -- he has short punchy answers to questions. And he can real them off while looking sane and reasonablein the allotted time the TV format requires.

But these debates are shallow. They are about getting votes. An actual debate would require days of wordy back and forth that 90% of the public wouldn't even understand.

Is there a left-wing equivalent to the “intellectual dark web” eceleb professional debaters? It seems like a founding tenant of the new left that they don’t debate, since that would concede there are others way of seeing the world.

a degenerate commie subhuman

I’m curious how he’d do debating on anything not involving identity politics (which clearly gets him sidetracked into predictable race baiting). He’s clearly a smart and entertaining speaker with a reasonably open mind.

Sargon of Akkad

Peterson would turn into a crying baby after half an hour on stage with Zizek. He just operates on a higher level than Peterson, and in his own field even (psychology).

Zizek, who is a philosophy professor, is a better psychoanalyitic critic than the psychoanalytic professor Peterson.

lol is this /lit/?

>S E E T H I N G

Yeah, anyone with half a brain. Half of Peterson's shit is ranting about the importance of morality and misinterpretations of Nietzsche, the other half is sometimes useful advice on mythology and Bible Studies 101.
I don't get what people see in him, really. He isn't dumb, but he's overrated as fuck.
Any serious academic could beat him with ease.

What the fuck is going on and why is Jow Forums shilling for Zizek the fucking retard? Also, Peterson is a hack.

>Wins debate
Heh, nothing personel pops...

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>what do you mean by win?
>what do you mean by left?
>what do you mean by debate?

Where did this thread get moved from?

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Pedoshill, get fucked

Pure brilliance. what would we do without advice like that?

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What's going on with the user location flags in this thread?

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Is it just me or is both Chomsky and Peterson both kind of flumsy and never really get a point forward exept some vague ones?

Just ask him a simple yes/no question..
“Well it depends what you mean by ”

No, even Chomsky would hem and haw. Peterson is still /ourguy/ despite what /leftypol/ shills would have you believe.

Not on the left, but Patrick Little could

So close

Matt Dillahunty, an annoying, whiny pseudo-intellectual anti-theist, completely obliterated Peterson. It was actually embarrassing.

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"Are we talking about ? Or are we talking about ? Cause then we're getting into some deep stuff, man"

I think that his message it's very clear and against the current.

He don't support collectivism and thinks that individuals and a society based on individuals rights it's just fine.


Since noone has posted this yet :

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For different reasons:
Clean your room "because I'm the adult and I'm telling you to, and as long as you're in my house you follow my rules!!!" etc etc.

Below: Clean your room
"Because it improves your environment and attitude, and ultimately benefits you to be more self-sufficient and capable."

Modern parenting is a shit show where the vast majority of adults do things and force their children to do them because they believe that they'll understand WHY they're doing it if they do it enough, or worse, the Adults STILL don't understand, and do it like a modern cultural voodoo ritual because everyone else is doing it.

>Because it improves your environment and attitude, and ultimately benefits you to be more self-sufficient and capable.

Is that even his point? I haven't really watched his lectures fully but to me it sounds like his point is that people will discover that routinely keeping their room tidy is not as easy as it seems and that they will at the same time discover (probably negative) aspects of their personality which then they will have to cope with in a certain way (that might as well also be negative).

They will learn something about themselves no matter the outcome, and it might lead to some self-improvement down the line.


No, just kidding. He'd getting eaten up and shat out.

Sam Harris already shrekt this drug-addled beta bitch.

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board migration

literally just tell him to his stupid face that his solution doesn't fix the (((problem))).

He already got destroyed by a intellegent black liberal on stage in canada last month.


Fuck off kike retard. Peterstein is a brainlet.