I'm a white woman who was raised to date within her own race

I don't care what my family taught me.

Asian men turn me on in a way that white men have never been able to.

Attached: 1.jpg (500x714, 51K)

literally nobody cares unless you're fucking niggers because niggers are literally subhuman and you're basically disgracing yourself by getting with what is essentially an animal.

*Impregnates white women

The 21st century really will be the Asian Bull's one

We're dominating the world again

White women will willingly be with us and you wh*Te bois can't blame them as it's just woman's nature to be attracted to the strongest and we'll be the one

wh*Te bois will be universally mocked, despised and rejected by literally all races of women just because of you being wh*Te in a decade


Attached: 1.png (403x378, 325K)



Nice try shomolo/Tyrone/Ahemed. You are "Japanese" yeah right

I think he is a Tyrone no Japanese speak like that. Its obvious from his typing style

Realistically it's probably some white weeb that's working as an English teacher. Why would Shlomo/Ahmed/Tyrone even be in japan?

that's not some random 'asian man', that's bruce lee, you'd give your boipucci to bruce lee too..

we're taking over
no one can stop us at this point

oh look another race mix thread
The kikes are Terrified of White babies

fear, white boi

Attached: mongolwarriorandwhitegirl.png (922x988, 87K)

You see a disturbing amount of Tryone weebs going to Japan recently. There is also VPN

Your definitely not Japanese its so obvious from even the retarded meme you chose. Japanese don't get on well with swathes of Asia and know they are unique they also don't idolise Ghanghis Khan

THIS same low effort LARP thread again. It goes in all fields

>Disturbing amount of Tyrone weebs going to Japan
Why would they waste their vacation shitposting?
That's a white weeb thing, nignogs can't use VPNs.

Nobody cares as long as they're ethnic Japanese.

Other Asians are basically niggers and spics and any gook, chink, or SEAmonkey admixture createsa mutt, not "just another asian". The original Japanese race is almost extinct due to race mixing with inferior asians, the equivalent of all germans getting hybridized with greeks because they're white-ish.

Attached: jap.jpg (537x351, 19K)

They're trying to create division.

Attached: TheJewsFearTheSamurai.png (600x329, 180K)

These hapa shill posts always bring a smile to my face. The idea that the "asian bull" would come up with these childish taunts at white people is just hilarious.
>We're the best we're the strongest
>Fear us wh*te boi
>oogabooga muh dick

oogabooga muh dick is more than by angry blacks not Asians

no one but the fat man and the little boy

or hapas the muh dick is done by blacks

It's nice that while their demographic ones outside(good dammit even in asia) they are cucked, but still put us into their cuck fantasy.


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That's the point. It's funny to see angry hapas use those tactics. It's not just blacks btw, muslims and all variety of species do it. Apparently so do hapa robots, who'da thunk.

New JIDF shilling tactic, keep it in mind

how? with a funnel?

I am a hapa but I don't do it. Most hapas are quiet and don't really bother anyone from what I saw although they are rare. I wouldn't be anti white either when I look more European

He is not a hapa. Just some gook that gets upset about yellow fever threads. He also larps as a nigger some times

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>*Impregnates white women
>The 21st century really will be the Asian Bull's one
>We're dominating the world again
>White women will willingly be with us and you wh*Te bois can't blame them as it's just woman's nature to be attracted to the strongest and we'll be the one
>wh*Te bois will be universally mocked, despised and rejected by literally all races of women just because of you being wh*Te in a decade

now this proves you're not a women, women don't talk like jewish Jow Forums larpers, not enen in /soc/

piss off and sage

Since you're both being so kind I have to admit that I just used 'hapa' as a semi-insult cause it seems to get them. There's a dozen of azn masculinity types that produce this kind of stuff; even the (white) manosphere is full of it. Personally I mostly like hapas because they remind me of robots often, and they're just shy nerds. Sometimes you get the "fuck (white) women" types that degenerate into muh dick spammers.

From what I seen the Asians in the west (especially feminine millennial ones)sometimes end up with some weird complex and span this kind of shit but the ones in the east don't give a damn and a good chunk of them admire western culture atleast I Japan. As for hapas being robotic yeah its true for a good swathe of them but I am not like most I am too edgy and I found my self being a fascist after discovering the ZOG

Yeah I specifically meant those in the west. I can't imagine real asians caring one bit about any of it, except maybe indirectly cause of all the fucking language teachers and expats that they have to deal with (if they're city people or liberal). Not all hapas are robots obviously but the meme fits pretty well (remember how many white people are on the robot-pua spectrum), and the rest are pretty much 'normal'. That is, without a good sense of identity just like all the rest of us.

Yep the other hapas I saw were pretty robotic but I only saw a handful the meme does kind of fit. As for the identity less thing it seems true with most of them being exam obsessed nerds its sad they should learn more about one or both parents identity than to be a identity cattle like the ZOG is turning everyone into

>From what I seen the Asians in the west
do you not life in the west?
I mean hapas have to live with asian men image. Sad thing that there are so many full asians larping as hapas on r/hapas.

I live in the west now (England) I left Japan when I was 8 and I am 17 now. I have observed both societies

In my case I just go to keep my mouth shut if I don't want the Asian man stereotype. I look more European but not too much like most English people but like parts of Europe

How can we compete?

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Nobody cares. AMWF/WMAF alike is cool.

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