I'm a White Woman Who Was Raised To Date Within Her Own Race

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't care what my family taught me.

Asian men turn me on in a way that white men have never been able to.

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No you’re not

Ching ching ching ching Lee chong ching chong

fear more, white boi

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old rules apply. Tits or gtfo. Feet are good also.

Who raised you like this? LITERALLY HOORRTLLER?? It's 2018, outdated social constructs like race and gender and good and bad and Hitler, have no place in the world. You are on the wrong side of herstory.

Hello JIDF

*Impregnates white women

The 21st century really will be the Asian Bull's one

We're dominating the world again

White women will willingly be with us and you wh*Te bois can't blame them as it's just woman's nature to be attracted to the strongest and we'll be the one

wh*Te bois will be universally mocked, despised and rejected by literally all races of women just because of you being wh*Te in a decade


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a nip making an obvious bait racist thread
It's always either american or memeflag but this time a fucking nip

As long as its axis its a ok

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lel what the fuck are you talking about?
i have no pussy, retard

no... please... have mercy

since you are a nip zipperhead gook fucker, i guess you have a boipucci. now gib mir VASELIN!

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Well look at this beautiful couple I wonder how many times he pump her with his superior white seed.

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what's a bait about this?
we're taking over
white women will be with us, white women will choose us over you as we're becoming the rulers of the world

no one can stop us
no one can change this inevitable future

No japanese woman can resist the superior white navy man.

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Life is great for white man in the land of the herbivore man.

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They even feed us, how cute.

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So much cringe.

Women are whores regardless of their race or who they fuck.

Stop the worship

iarasi tu, mai cacaciosule! tu esti ala care zice ca e mai bine sa futi galbejiti? Am o reprezentare vizuala a copilariei tale.

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Meanwhile jap boys marry their pillows.

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Shieet what is this?
Stfu retardad infect ca vin si te fut in cur cu o bormasina.

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Beautiful portrayal of the origin of the Finnish race

If you get so triggered by the yellow fever in this board then stop lurking you yellow cuckold

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How can this be, I thought the japanese man was the definition of manliness.

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You want a prize for that? Normalny that's a given

Good for yo-
Fuck off nip LAARPer.

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deci tu vizualizezi sa futi cu ce n-ai? Ma galma bubonica!

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oh look some autistic wh*Te bois screaming like children over reality is trying to ruin a thread again...

Oh no no, how can the jap boy ever recover.
Te rog lasa-ma in pace.

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jealous white boi spotted

t.yellow cuckold

I know you get mad about all the yellow fever just get over it or go to 2ch if it gets you so mad

Get out of the way, the white man coming trough.

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nu pana nu arati asa

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You are so pathetic its almost sad.
De unde plm gasesti tu roscata cu ochi albastri in romania, plus ca nu o sa am copii si o sa pun in glont in mine pe la 35.

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Tits or gtfo. It disappoints me that nobody has posted this yet.

tu ce plm vrei ma?

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Is there anything more pathetic than self-hating insectoid (asian) "males"? Even niggers and kikes are more respectable than those slant-eyed, sniveling vermin.

Jap boys on suicide watch.

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you know the rules

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Your not a white woman, and your country got nuked by our BWCs, your women are ours gook, your suicide rates are proof of that
>stay mad tojo

viata nu-i asa simpla bro. treci la numarat bacnota din botswana.

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How tall are you mate?
Oh, and around 60% of asian adults are equol producers that eat onions, this is why alot of asian men are low testosterone and why micropenises are more common in asia than in the rest of the world (equol supresses DHT aka a male hormone that develops masculine traits)

>im a woman

and? so? who cares?

cry maor, white boi
we're taking over

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Nu inteleg referinta, si oricum nu imi plac romancele poate daca am noroc gasesc o straina ceva, adevarul e ca nu sunt prea interesat in asiatice.

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Moldovencele in general sunt roscate dar sa ai grija cu ele ca poti deveni un cuck imediat cu ele.

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are you illiterate

How does it feel that your women are being little whores for white men since the end of WW2?

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ni aici

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Just look at this chad and your little princess getting rammed by him, must have felt alive for the first time in her life.

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But my fatheruu will sepukku me if I do this big dicku americanu.

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b u m p

Looks like you need the second nuke, maybe radiation will give you a pair of balls

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What you meant to say was "I'm a lonely Asian man on Jow Forums that can only dream of dating a white woman's LMFAO!!!!! Asians and their obsession with white women

Give feet. NOW.

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These are the rules.
Tits or GTFO.
Also sage, because fuck you.

>Stormfront having a nuclear meltdown over increased banter from Japan

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These are the "alpha" males that white men need to be afraid top kek.

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Hapas are cute and Asians have high IQ so there's no problem unlike with niggers race mixing. Arigato Kami-sama.

sure that you're an illiterate brainlet

Even the niggers were making your women their pets.

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jealous white boi spotted

So when is your marriage due?

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also timestamp.

Tell me Tokugawa.

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>We're dominating the world again

Because you did it once already ?

> daily reminder that the last samurai was french.
> commit seppuku already nip.

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Or do you like robotsu more?

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>wahhhh stop ruining muh LARP fantasy wahhhhhh

Answer already or have you done seppuku?

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Give me those dirty, sweaty, sock-fermented feet so that i can fill the cracks in your skin. I am a dermatologist, you know.

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honestly no one is afraid of white bois, even women, bro

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My wife was raised by a racist too. She married me, half black guy, Instead. We've been married 10 years, 2 kids. Feels great.

Enjoy being a freak lol. I can count on one hand all the AMWF couples I've seen in my entire life, and that's living in a major metropolitan area.

Thats an anglo they are pretty pathetic at this point try that with a real man and see what happens.

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Pretty sure this guy is afraid of white bois mate, his family isn't though, becouse they all got killed by the nukes.

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lol its like im watching a parody of what a shill would look like

damn how do you fight the urge to run

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Leave japabro alone, dick. I'm 85% Frenchie by genetics but I can see that they're superior culturally to you faggots. Don't you have some no-go zones burning while your women are raped by the thousands each day? You should go deal with that before you throw stones.

Of course she says that, no white guy wants that thing.

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My parents are still married too (40 years). Good roll models

The BAC rules supreme.

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Stfu retard people like you need to be sterilized and sent to the mines.

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Is this your one and only accomplishment? Something that should have been a given?