If LGBTQ+ ideology is so natural

Why do we need to be constantly reminded of how natural it is?
In EVERY form of media.

Attached: Muh frogs.jpg (673x486, 149K)

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because of centuries of oppression and propaganda of hateful christians

What the hell is this pepe supposed to symbolize?

Because you won't stop screaming about what your neighbors do in the privacy of their own home so we have to keep reminding you to fuck off and mind your own business.

your posting

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Because it's always the opposite of what Jews say

I am not screaming. I just mind my own business and every time i play a video game or watch a movie there is someone telling me that if i don't fap to gay porn that i am a biggot.

Says the asshurt tranny.

Maybe you should stop spreading your degeneracy then.

Top kek

>privacy of their own home
That was the original argument, kike. Now we have "gay social identity", pride parades, marriage, child-rearing, super-AIDS. Fuck off. You faggots have become social parasites, just like the niggers and kikes, you will be roofed.

having a prelapsed asshole must hurt like hell

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Years of church doctrine became government policy that was only recently lifted.
Only the new generations support it while the older do not.

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No, there isn't. And yes, you're whining right now about it.

On the surface it's because either being offended by homosexuality isn't natural or nature itself is wrong. The actual cause is that it's a mockery of God's creation -- manipulating people into believing and promoting whatever weakens Christianity, if only to demonstrate it can be done and we are thus unworthy of creation and God is wrong. The ultimate cause is what happens when stupidity and power are combined: unadulterated evil, i.e. satan.

It's as natural as schizophrenia, syphilis, smallpox, down syndrome and the flu. Just because something is natural it doesn't mean it's fucking good

if lesbians are gay why do they use plastic dicks as sex toys and not fake pussys?

>being gay is in nature so it's fine
>also licking your own anus is fine
>also females eating the males after sex is fine
>also men smelling women's urine to see if they're ovulating is fine
>also shitting wherever you like is fine

Oh shit

Centuries... Maybe it just isn't natural?



Because politicians always distract people's attention from actual problems to fictional ones, trick as old as humankind. Except in the early days it were communists, jews, traditional values and degeneracy, but nowadays it is LGBTQ naturacy, cultural appropriation, racism and other SJW shit. Different sides of one coin to control silly goyim.

If we started to kill heterosexuals for centuries, would it turn heterosexuality into something unnatural? Kys and fuck your shit logic

This reminds me of one time I was hungry for toast but none of the electrical outlets would work so I said fuck the patriarchy and plugged my toaster into another toaster.

The theory is if it is mainstream in the culture the lifestyle will become normal enough to be unremarkable.