They're talking about you again

>The researchers gathered a database of more than 100 million images from online communities known to generate lots of memes, including Reddit, Twitter, Jow Forums, and Gab. They also downloaded more than 700,000 images from Using perceptual hashing, or pHashing, they ran an algorithm through these image databases to detect visually similar memes. pHashing extracts a unique “thumbprint” from images, making it easier to detect patterns in visual similarity over a large database, and derive patterns out of those similarities. They then clustered similar memes by community, and studied how patterns evolved over time.
So much fucking work.

>The researchers did not determine who actually made the memes, just where they were first shared on the public internet—as Motherboard has previously reported, many memes originally circulate in small Discord channels or on group chats before being posted to bigger platforms like Reddit or Jow Forums.
Soooo much fucking work.

>The researchers posit that this kind of algorithm—which they’ve made openly available—could be useful for social media platforms trying to automatically detect hateful content.
Oh noes.

Link to the actual study (which is pure fucking gold. I will provide amusing screenshots):

Attached: TheyReallyAreObsessed.png (2168x2090, 2.18M)

Other urls found in this thread: apustaja

Actual content from the study, "On the Origins of Memes by Means of Fringe Web Communities."
Savvas Zannettou⋆, Tristan Caulfield‡, Jeremy Blackburn†, Emiliano De Cristofaro‡, Michael Sirivianos⋆, Gianluca Stringhini‡, and Guillermo Suarez-Tangil‡+
⋆Cyprus University of Technology, ‡University College London †University of Alabama at Birmingham, +King’s College London

Attached: YouCantMakeThisShitUp.png (1836x1554, 460K)

>not blocking ads

I'm fucking crying, lel.

Attached: SmugPepe.png (1878x888, 858K)




Our tax dollars at work.

Attached: ThisIsScience.png (3960x1954, 859K)

>They're talking about you again
Oh fuck. They know about my unusual underwear.

Attached: be.a.nigger.jpg (500x633, 59K)

They try so hard to capture lighting in a bottle...

Attached: LeftyAutism.png (3898x1510, 1.6M)

It was all me

Attached: MoarAutism.png (2176x1639, 2.77M)

Not all Jow Forums got archived so they don't have a fucking clue.

>studying our autism

Good luck with that retard cucks

In case you were wondering who paid for all of this shit:
>This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ENCASE project (Grant Agreement No. 691025). We also gratefully acknowl- edge the support of the NVIDIA Corporation for the donation of the two Titan Xp GPUs used for our experiments, as well as Greg Bowersock and Brendan Connelly at UAB for their invaluable help with setting up our data storage and analysis infrastructure.

Is this a joke?

praise smug frog!

Oh, they're serious. But yes, it is a joke how desperate these people are. They still can't do shit about the memes.

Attached: LOL.png (1896x970, 707K)

Attached: Dubs.png (1906x1368, 2.26M)

Their digits meme is so shit that when I posted it, nothing.

>Figure 25 is a manipulated photo of the 6th author, originally taken as part of an interview for Nature News. Jow Forums seized upon this ex- ploitable opportunity and, during the course of one discussion thread2, decided that he “definitely masturbates to beavers,” creating Figure 25 to prove the point.

I love how many words they use.

Attached: Science.png (1864x1758, 2.26M)

Attached: 1512281680248.png (700x673, 108K)

>detect hateful content.
hilarious, they can never destroy us with an algorithm just look what a pile of trash youtube has become by employing algorithms.

Oh, speaking of Youtube... they have plans for future research!
>Future work. In future work, we plan to include memes in video format, thus extending to other communities (e.g., YouTube). We also plan to study the content of the posts that contain memes, incorporating OCR techniques to capture as- sociated text-based features that memes usually contain, and improving on KYM annotations via crowdsourced labeling. While shedding light on the Internet meme ecosystem, our findings yield a number of future directions exploring, e.g., where memes are first created, understanding components of a meme that might increase/decrease its chance of dissemina- tion, gaining a better understanding of the various families of memes, how they influence public opinion, and so on.

>Running a k-means algorithm over hashes of images
>much work
pick one, retard. You clearly lack the intelligence to know what you're even talkig about.

Demotivationals but no Advice Animals? Weak.

yea. haw haw haw haw haw

Attached: image4764474x.jpg (620x350, 29K)


Why are they going through all this trouble?

Attached: AFGI2589.jpg (1024x672, 37K)

Reddit and Twitter censors funny racist stuff, so how can they be meme leaders ever?
How much culture is coming from North Korea, where everything is censored, compared to South Korea which has much more freedom?

we can meme their study.

Attached: pol.png (2176x1639, 3.18M)

there are studies that show that memes affected the outcome of the elections in both USA and to a lesser extend Germany. they have made trump and AFD more popular. this particular study is from the ISD. active in both USA and Europe. Its funded by the EU.

>apustaja made it into an academic reseach paper

Attached: 19cc60bdca61935890024736c83e24b5db41783e779e0970c615a0e11f811a1b.jpg (636x637, 67K)

>Cluster N

They hate us cuz they ain't us.

article 13 perhaps?

>People are getting payed for this

oh then definitely article 13, pinpoint the source and you can solve the problem

Advice animals were the unfunny cancer that killed /b/ you faggot.

My assumption is it's because Hillary lost, and they're still looking for answers. I don't believe they ever mention when the data was sampled - They only say, "We de- sign a processing pipeline and use it over 160M images posted between July 2016 and July 2017 on these four Web commu- nities." My guess is this research was conducted after the election.

>analyzing memes
how fucking pathetic

yes article 13 is a problem. they can do nothing about us using VPN's though.

AH!!! I was about to poke around and see where the money was coming from. I'm not surprised at all...

Why do you think mods filtered soi? the left cant meme

Attached: 1512414296961.gif (1060x708, 232K)

this is the kind of shit that undergrads do for a research project, it's not serious

>56 Adolf Hitler clusters
>76 TrumpAnime clusters
>124 happy merchant cluster
124 different clusters of the happy merchant meme. 124.

Attached: aHR0cDovLzJzdGF0aWMuZmpjZG4uY29tL2xhcmdlL3BpY3R1cmVzLzhkLzYyLzhkNjIwMl82MDczNTkzLmpwZw.jpg (1200x900, 184K)


OP use adblock we don't need to know you shit yourself on a regular basis

I don't know a whole lot about vpns but couldn't they just ban them?

Literally meme scientists.

Interesting that le 56% face isn't up there considering how prevalent it is... Wonder why?

>Blah blah
>detecting Hateful content
And there it is.
It's all so tiresome

>60's spiderman



of all the balls

Attached: 1528885388884.jpg (800x450, 77K)

this is interesting because they made their money off of gamers now they are turning to AI as a business. AI is needed by governments (and academics) to control the thoughts of gamers.

You know what else is missing? Blacked and shitted. HRRRRRRRRRMMMM

Scenario 1:
~No more Memes on Social Media~
1. Normie cannot post that one funny picture they like posting
2. Find out it blocked because it came from [bad source of influence]
3. Normie not happy
4. Normie complains to other Normies
5. [bad goy of influence] walks among Normies and tells about secret place where funny pictures are
6. Normies decide to go there.
7. Funny pictures come with bitter red pill
8. Too late, you're here forever, user.


Always order dark brown underwear.

Just in case you gamble and lose


Attached: waht the fuck.jpg (600x632, 38K)

I have never seen it outside of Jow Forums. Reddit and Gab are much larger so it probably got drowned out in the noise.

i havent looked into it yet but there appear to be a number of ways to bypass VPN blocking.

The bestball

Attached: 1515412624789.jpg (1600x1128, 497K)


Attached: 1518731395485.jpg (750x556, 366K)

smug pepe is central to everything
the nestle of memes

Honesty is too far-left for them.

Attached: 4chan was far-left.jpg (750x600, 64K)

>yfw Jow Forums sells meme science certificates in addition to gold pass

Can someone post the leaked FBI study where they calculated the rarity of Pepe edits?

It's like their aliens trying to figure out what it's like to be human.

They could be watching us this very moment.

didn't /b/ die around that time? or was it already dead?

So the EU really hates us. If they can't censor us, what do you think they'll try to do next? Accept that we've always been the Western Culture Generator for the Internet?

The worst thing that could ever happen to this place is normies accepting it.

Attached: higBj1v.jpg (750x1334, 299K)

>using circle tool for memeballs

Attached: 10ftHigher.jpg (599x574, 95K)

>Why are they going through all this trouble?
(((They))) are trying to use logic to destroy meme magic.

The end of that clip is nothing more than a taxonomy of subjects used as a weapon.
Aristotle would be creaming himself if he saw it.
God, I fucking hate smug academics.
It's enough to make me want to be a wizard just to piss them off.

Attached: 1526164925169.png (540x532, 434K)

Attached: Demotivational-pictures-basement_Dweller2.jpg (600x450, 72K)

And 0 on (((Reddit)))

They have the largest tax funded collection of memes and they wont share. Selfish cunts.

Wrong. Rate my cock and traps killed /b/

But the reason memes are a thing is due to their intrinsic logic. Good luck using logic to beat logic. Lololololol.

Oh god I just realized I basically paid them to collect the memes I've made.

Don't underestimate it. Look at pic related. It's a disruption/distraction formula that's been implemented here to notable success:
>attention-grabbing image of attractive woman
>inflammatory bait post
>1 post by this ID
They ensnare with the image, bait you into investing emotionally in the thread, and obfuscate where they're operating from using memeflags. The fact that they're always "1 post by this ID" should tell you that they set one of these up and leave to make another, and another, and another, until all of you are so distracted in these threads they congest the board with, you never get anything done. Nobody coordinates. This has been happening since memeflags came back. Go ahead, take a look at the catalog at any given time, and you'll find several of these. The people researching this place like in OP's pic aren't as stupid as you might think; they've learned enough about this board to successfully railroad any potential efforts to deliver our messages to people outside of it.

I'd also like to add that almost every time I point this out, I get banned. Really makes you think, huh?

Attached: Screenshot_20180611-122138_1.jpg (714x833, 119K)

>implement their source
>get hashes of memes
>turn blacklist into image-grab-bot
>high bandwitdh internet and Harddisks can be expensive

I did not authorize my tax money to be spent on such bullshit. Who did?

>we can't control the elections
>why not?
>cause some autistics shitposters meme'd a President in with smug frogs
>we must have this power for ourselves

>apu apustaja
>mfw they got the name right
Those who made this are clearly professionals.

Attached: coffee helpings.png (949x817, 203K)

groyper BTFO

how comfy are those airknit panties op? can you recommend?

Attached: 1510837523189.png (517x396, 273K)

That's a vowel j and not a soft g right?

>use 30% less material
>instead of lowering the price you increase it
>call it a fancy name like "airknit" to cover the fact you cloth comes with hole out-of-the-box

Attached: 1513278283520.jpg (642x756, 146K)

I made at least 80 million of them.

Jewgle translate is your great help helper. Click the sound icon and you will hear it. I don't know what ''j'' or ''soft g'' means. Pic related is the reason. apustaja

Attached: english language ghoti fish.png (663x456, 14K)

>160 million

>Doom Paul its Happening
Why is this marked as "meme" and not "people"?

Also what is up with Gab and The Donald having memes about Jow Forums? litterally the "I don't think about you" meme..

Yep. There's a lot of truth to this. When I'm bored and nothing is going on I'll shitpost in those. I'm not sure how effective a tactic it really is, though. If anything, it helps provide cover. An example of this would be the April fools Easter prank this year. Anons quietly located the Florida retards' "meme headquarters" relatively uninterrupted, and people didn't find out until the next day. Usually when something is really important and people want to get word out, enough people are bumping the thread to subvert the bait spam.

Is three years old, what a load of bullshit.