Brothers, always remember that the first and the nobles of victories is to conquer self...

Brothers, always remember that the first and the nobles of victories is to conquer self. We shall not speak about defeating the Jews and other undesirables, unless we become Ubermenschen ourselves.

The movement will be better off without fat fucks and skinny retards. Muscle up gentlemen.

Stop eating sweets, softdrinks and fastfood. They are literally created to harm you and your well-being.

The movement needs smart people with broad knowledge and a head full of ideas related to our cause. It's also a good pasttime, better than lurking all day on an anime imageboard.

But not in the REEEEAD SEEEJ way. Join your local church community or a nationalist group / party. Or even start one yourself.

Higher T levels, better sex, confidence, energy, lack of depression and much more - if you fancy that, then get your hands off your dick. Also, pornography is an industry directly controlled by the Jews. Just saying.

ITT: we discuss everything that will help the individual become an Ubermensch. Brothers, this is our common struggle.

Share your:
>motivational pictures (related to our movement)
>NoFap experiences
>diet plans
>favourite exercises
>personal growth stories
>reading lists

And everything you deem worthy of being in such thread.

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25 push ups is pathetic.

Not for someone that never exercises. You have to start small. If it just said "lol do 300 push-ups" then no one would do it. It's better to do 25 than none.


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If you can’t do 50 push ups be it if you exercise or don’t you’re a pretty pathetic specimen of a man. Surely pol isn’t full of fat wastes of space, is it?
And just 25? Why not 10 sets of 25?

Tfw you already do most of these

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FYI, I am for this but this is pretty weak training. It’s not meant to be nice, enteral struggle and all.

>rolling XDDDDDDD

I didn't get an answer on this list. Is it a good place to start? Any other recommendations?

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Depends on the push-up. The wide grip that's bad for your shoulders is fairly easy, but proper form is a lot harder if you're not used to doing them.


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Rolling. Busy applying for jobs after I quit mine. Need something to take a break and do

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Single digits should be get a gf for all you incels around here

>25 push ups
Thats literally not going to get you anywhere.

25 done. What's next boss?

Any push ups are piss easy. It’s when they get into the 300-500 numbers, then the burn and the primal screams come out.


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Yes, 25 push-ups aren’t shit, the OP is implying that if you’re a fat fucking neet, this is the start. Come in mighty Europeans, where’s your cognitive skills?

What about hentai master ?

Already have short hair reroll

Then you're either an endurance sports enthusiast or you weigh absolutely nothing.

Ok brps what languaje shall it be?, numbers decide.

this thread is dumb

rollan something easy pls





I don't think you guys understand the gravity of some people's situation. Some people have barely left the house in years and yes they are fat fucks or skinny fucks. It's not about the actual exercise, it's about getting off your ass and taking the first step. If you think 25 is so low then do 2,500 if that makes you happy. For some people this really is a huge accomplishment and those are the people that need the most help. Some people are really really bad off and they need a small start to get the ball rolling. Self improvement is all about small steps and for some people these baby steps are incredibly small. Do not shame them or complain about them, it's the same for a shower. Imagine going through physical therapy after your muscles have atrophied. That is what some NEETs are like with their willpower muscle. Shit that is easy for normal people is monumental to them because their willpower muscle is atrophied and this small exercise can lead to bigger things. It can show them that doing 25 push-ups is not as bad as they thought. You guys shitting on people doing them is like telling a baby that their literal baby steps are dumb and they should be jogging instead.



rollity roll get off my choires

You are absolutely right, I’m ready for the Royal Marines. Hope there is any niggers there.

Taking a shower and working out today might even eat a vegetable I am such a over-achiever.



Do as much as you can man.



>Surely pol isn’t full of fat wastes of space
user this is an American website



Zionist shill controlled opposition at it again. out of Jow Forums

Doing most of this daily anyways, but sure. rolling

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Any race that thinks it has the right to rule the world must be destroyed. Looking at Muslims more then Nazis these days. But still.... fuck Nazis.

Latin. Read Cicero as intended.


Also what do people expect? A bunch of doctors, athletes, and successful businessmen? No, those people already have their shit together, self improvement groups by definition are going to be majority losers.
How in the actual fuck could self improvement possibly be shills? It's getting men to make their lives better which is the opposite of what jews want.

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Such a shame, the reason why the meals are so big in murica is because the work was twice the size then In Europe when the founding father started building civilianisation. Twice the work needs twice the meal size. Now yanks just think that’s a normal meal.



I'm currently reading "How to Read a Book," and can confirm that it is a good read. I will be reading the rest after I finish up with that.

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Please I'm a fat fuck


I can only do about 25-30 before failure. I don't really exercise at all though.

Alright here we go



trips nigger


reroll my hair is cut niggers

Welp, time to dust off the hs textbooks and learn frog


4 please

>church community
Nice try, kike
In Europe, the nationalism has always been against the church, until the kikes forced the meme of Christianity is a religion of Europe


Did you exercise as a child? Not even exercise per say, just play outside? When you’re a child and you play/exercise a lot your body gets naturally stronger and you use fat more productively. Maybe that’s the case? Like 30 push ups can be done in 20 seconds easily, be it wide or close up ones. I’d suggest do more walking, in the day time, then get home and do some push ups, your body is already pumping full of blood so it’ll be easier.

I am guessing it is for fat fucks, skinny losers like myself can still do it easily but I am thinking even 25 is a lot for someone that has a shitton of fat to push.

On the Supreme Good and Evil
Translated since it is the one old book I found by a ancient while moving stuff. Not able to afford books, luxuries an such and stuff for a while.

Pfft why not let's roll.



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We need threads like this atleast twice per day

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>get a hobby
Do I have to get another if I already have one?
I have hobbies like biking and music.

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for anyone trying nofap, what helped me to get off
it was to use more vanilla stuff each time, and
less frequently. now proud to say i have been
free of it for 2 years.
next plan is to get more fit


You could read or listen to something informative while you bike.

The faggot mods keep moving them to Jow Forums where they immediately die.
>surely if I keep moving the political threads full of the most inspired people on Jow Forums they will stop posting it

Am sorry fren. If it be so then you're right. Consistency is key though.
Although im doing much more i find it of little profit.
I was in that spot some time ago but Christ changed me and changes me continually.

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can't let those e-celeb threads get slid

No Fapper on day 38
the first 3 days were the hell, then it went fine until week 4 (day 22~25 aprox.), the urge came back and it was really tough but I resisted
the last days were fine, today some struggle again, but its because its the first day since two weeks that I dont work / study
I already felt better since day 4~5, I feel kinda clean and fresh, I see the world with other eyes

>We shall not speak about defeating the Jews
>The movement is directly related to your current physical state not your contributions or ability to inform the populace of jew crimes
>Stop browsing Jow Forums where jewish crimes are exposed daily
>Join your local church community like a good goy. Nevermind the fact christianity is a jewish tool and praises the jew. Also forget that jesus is a jew, literally king jew
>stop enjoying your body and stay sexually frustrated. Do not permit yourself the pleasures of an orgasm when you desire too.

Ok schlomo-goldberg, settle down rabbi. You think because you posted a swastika in your picture you can pretend to be a national socialist and promote cancerous ideals here? Half the shit your spouting is grade A jewish marxist dogma. Your not an SS. Just because you talk about gaining exercise and eating healthier we're supposed to ignore the rest of the hot garbage coming out of your mouth?

No real national socialist would ever, ever say to ignore the jews, under any circumstance or reason whatsoever. Caught you red handed rabbi.

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>tfw 88 replies, 14 images

Do what you will, say what you want, but above all just keep improving. That's all I want. And a place to share and receive advice.

I used to drink at least 4 litersof coke every week.
Sugars and HFCS are death.

Now I can't even drink beer without feeling all bloated due to my low carb high fat diet.
Made myself a gym bench, lifting dumbbells for chest. Doing 30 minutes of jump rope every other day, it is fucking hard!

