
I've been seeing a lot of threads about the whole Lauren vs Little drama which have made me want to have a genuine conversation with you guys about the place of women in this community

I think we can all agree that tradthots have their benefits and their drawbacks. Putting aside the question of whether they're just doing it for the beta bux how valuable are these people really?

Every time a woman enters a movement or community, drama will ensue. It's in their nature and an inevitable outcome.

These faces help to attract normies and get people on their redpill journey, but what kind of people does it attract? The guys who get into this stuff just because a pretty girl said it to them are bottom of the barrel tier beta trash, and any guy who is of any value would get into these subjects regardless of whether a pretty girl told him or he read it in a book.

Is a feminine perspective helpful for the dissident right? Does it help us to inspire change by understanding the female world view or do women have no place in politics and simply need to be led by men like they are the shephards and women are the sheep?

So Jow Forums, do the pros outweigh the cons? Should women shut up and get back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant? Or should we embrace the Laurens and Tara Mcarthays of this world moving forward

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If she's an eCeleb, she's not trad. She's a thot. End of discussion. If she has a Twitch channel, a YouTube channel or a popular Instagram account she is, without a doubt, an absolute thot.

I like bobs

stop posting these threads you fucking loser.

open bobs

But does she bring any value, despite being a thot? Is there an pragmatic reason for these people to be rejected, rather than used to bring in normies. Hearing a pretty girl talk about the JQ and race comes across as a lot less threatening and easier to swallow than reading it from some book or hearing it from some guy

Typically, any movement with women on its side is seen as viable. However, the problem arises when people associate tradthots with how women should be/are. Women always are able to agree on what the definition of a good man is, but rarely can they agree on what it means to be a good woman. And they obsess over this kind of thing! We should be focusing, and protecting, the women who encompass the motherly virtues that have been discarded by feminists and makeup'd roasties who equivocate their worth with the monetary value their followers give them.

Youcis best girl
prove me wrong

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Why are people still contemplating the thot question? Its consequences have been shown time and time again in virtually every community. You should all know the answer by now.

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Im sick of these tradthots splitting the community with their bullshit womens empowerment

So should we hold up the women who espouse these beliefs as an example to be followed awarded with positive attention? Or should we completely ignore any female e-celeb because by definition being an e-celeb isn't trad?

Youcis is probably the only one I can stand. The rest just reek of attention whoring, inarticulate bullshittery and typical womanly drama

no objections

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I dont understand why some established alt righters are against Patrick Little
hes a fucking chad whos calling out the jew

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Just stop paying attention to women who are clearly whores.

she would raise an excellent school shooter

Cyrptofeminists. At the end of the day they don't give one shit about traditionalism. They all espouse feminist ideals. If they were truly traditional they'd be at home raising kids instead of whoring themselves out on cam.

I'm thinking that maybe there's a way to approach the whole issue which hasn't been tried yet. I don't know if its viable to cut this part of the community out, we even have lauren rose as cohost on jf's show, so these e-celebs are pretty much ingrained in the discussion at this point. I acknowledge that there are issues, with these women, but I'm trying to figure out what the best pragmatic course of action is and wanted to put the question out to you guys.


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I unironically think that he came in 1st or 2nd place. God I hope that election fraud is uncovered and he gets to rub it in lauren and Nick's faces

Lauren isn't high IQ enough to be on JF's show and give the viewers novel and in depth abstract evaluations of current events

Women are property. They are no more part of "the community" than your dog is.

At least dogs are good companions.

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„what use is there for them? If we could make children by cumming into fields, we would discard them immediately“ Athenian Orator

Right. And we should pay attention to women who live by the values we want to encourage, correct? So my question is are all female e-celebs, according to you, whores, by virtue of the fact that they're e-celebs? Or are there any exceptions of women speaking publicly on social media which aren't whores and should be given attention?

hes currently working with a few lawyers to check it out
its gonna be exciting
but over 54k votes are good aswell desu

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Eceleb posters must be banned

What if they're at home raising a large, christian, white family but at the same time use social media to try to encourage women to follow the traditional lifestyle? Like that woman with 6 white kids that was on JF's livestream the other day

Because she's a woman, young or just dumb?

Who is Lauren and why does everyone hate her? I’ve been gone for like three months.

Yes on all three, i wouldn't say "dumb" but probably only a standard deviation above average.

Best waifu.

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Modesty and gentleness goes a long way for a woman.

youcis doesn't accept donations though. the others all try to get the gibs

Do you think there is any circumstance where these women could be useful from a purely pragmatic point of view? I don't think that it would be possible to ignore the influence they genuinely have right now on the internet, and in order to take them off of these platforms there would have to be a major revocation of their rights, something which cannot happen in the immediate future.

So, given that they're here, and they have a decent amount of influence, what do you suggest? Ignore anything they have to say outright, or try to use them in some pragmatic way? And if so how?

From what you're saying I assume that the best action would be to not take anything they say seriously, but use them as an unthinking facade to get some of the edgier points across more palatable and bring in a larger audience

hi emily lol

So is there no use for them whatsoever? It seems to me that the context of that quote is in terms of personal relations, but from the perspective of an ideological movement, is there any way you think that they can be useful?

Stay strong, Sven. The day will come where we will hold our heads up high and say that we always believed in him

I agree, but I'm not trying to start a discussion about some faggy e-celeb bullshit, but rather the fundamental role of women in this movement or whatever you want to call it

I guess her tits were out of the shot so she had to display the only useful thing she has besides her cunt?

No traditional women would ever draw a massive amount of attention to herself for a career, or dress with their tits almost hanging out. These women's true motivations are worn through their clothing. Just like all women.

She has valid political points.
Hillary is the wife of a rapist.
Beddit is just a bubble.

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Who the fuck cares

I agree with you that she doesn't bring the big brain nigga conversations like frame games or tudiltom, but does he have to? I always saw her as a decently articulate pretty face that gives an nonthreatening facade to the shows politics, while at the same time trying to encourage women to be trad and for guys to seek trad girls out.

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty blllackpilled on women for a while, but seeing a young attractive girl like Luaren dress modestly and advocate for trad life gives me hope that there are girls like that out there, and it also shows girls that being trad can be for young people too

I agree, but you haven't answered my question

She's in Korea right now

>hes a fucking chad
He's a cry baby that got BTFO and can't cope. He is Hillary

thanks for the whitepill spainbro

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Anyone have that link of old black and white footage of English girls in the 1950s - 1960s talking about the role of women?

>So Jow Forums, do the pros outweigh the cons?
Yes. What even are the cons? The drama is between the women only. The pros are freely shared with everyone.

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In all seriousness, my theory is that the problem stems from women speaking. There's a contingent who sees value in including women because men are attracted to women and will listen to what they have to say because they want to look at pretty girls. And there's the other contingent, of which I think I belong, that realizes the moment women are given agency to speak on behalf of men, everything goes to shit because that's an undertaking they simply are not designed for. My proposal is to cut the pie down the middle. The role women should play is as eye candy/visual propaganda. To be seen, but not heard. So what these tradthots should do is wear muzzles around their mouths to signify that we are all on the same page that they should not speak, but that their physicality should be seen, because that's what's attracting men in the first place - their looks.

Male e-celebs should start hiring these tradthots to wear muzzles and stand in the background on their videos in alluring clothing, making provocative poses, like decoration, while the men talk about important matters. This will get clicks and rather than newcomers being exposed to the senselessness of female "thought" they will be exposed only to their physicality (which is why they clicked) and male thought. The best women will make cute poses like bending over and covering their mouths with their hand when something edgy is said, or maybe holding pom-poms and cheering good talking points. Maybe holding cue cards written by men from time to time. I mean the possibilities are endless.

Just as long as they don't speak, which is the real problem. Pic related. Notice how this poster doesn't make a sound.

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Lauren dresses pretty modestly honest, but I agree with you on the cleavage showing tradthots.
That being said, what do you think about Ayla? She's an e-celeb that was anonymously posting on social media about how young women should live the trad life and have lots of white babies. She was doxxed after a while and just kept doing it. Is she an exception in your opinion? And if so why?


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No problem senpai. I've genuinely been waiting for somebody to try Rockwell's strategy in the day of the internet where they can't just be killed and erased. I'm optimistic and looking forward to the outcome

Do you think that women are as capable of political thought and discussion as men? From a purely cognitive basis

It is a biological advantage for women to show their bodies. Lauren is trying to latch on a male dominated field and presents herself as trad, while doing nothing trad

I think we should replace them withall machines.

Hmmm interesting. I agree with you part of the way. I believe that women should serve as the nonthreatening propagandist allure to get our ideas out more effectively.

Where we differ I think is that I believe that it would also be best if they served as the mouthpiece or men's ideas, but should say these ideas themselves.

I say this from the pragmatic perspective of what could work right now, rather than from the point of view of moral idea. The male and female sex are designed to complement each other, they are not equal, and I believe that with time men will return to the naturally dominant role and women the submissive. That is what I see as the moral good. But despite this, the only way I see something approaching what you suggest coming to fruition is through decades and generations of social and societal change. It may happen someday, but nowhere soon

I cringe so hard when I see the comments in their videos

"I love you x"
"You're so pretty"
The thirst, the beta orbiters.

Great animator and beautiful girl
Totally fucked in the head doe

Exactly. These are the people that these e-celebs bring into our political circles. It's more people, sure, which should be a good thing. But the quality of these beta faggot toe-sucking basedbois makes me want to have nothing to do with them.

So should we try and maintain this "movement" small but of better quality or extend a hand to as many people as possible?

But isn't it good enough that she is pushing these trad ideas? There's no evidence of her doing anything trad, but there's also no evidence of the contrary either.

The day of the artificial womb is coming user, stay strong

Thanks mate!

t. Robert

Okay but I wasn't referring to life in general. I understand women have roles in the world that require them to speak, but politics isn't one of those roles. So if they want to be involved in the political realm, they should be used only for what value they bring, and their words have no value. Men don't click on a tradthot video because they want to hear watered down talking points, they click on them because they want to look at pretty girls. Let's at least be honest about that. And on top of that, the best part about my proposal is it would absolutely infuriate leftists, to a hilarious degree, if we turned our tradthots into voiceless models. Imagine the delicious tears.

Another alternative is that these women could make children's videos. You know, it's funny to me how overlooked that is. All of of the white knights and beta orbiters claim they want a better future for white children, but who is addressing the children in the e-celeb sphere? Where are the e-celeb videos that "traditional wives" can show their children while they do chores? And who would best be fit for that role, if not women, who are nothing more than children in adult bodies themselves? But see, these women don't want to make children videos. They want to wear pants and pretend to be like the men, and be our "equals" because that's where the betabux are.

Im glad you agree friend. Women dont like trad unless its with a rich chad. Women talking about the trad life is like a fat guy talking about diets

I agree that in modern society girls will only go trad for chad, but that wasn't always the case. What we have to do is reintegrate those societal pressures which pushed young women towards starting a family, only then will we see real change.

Having said all this, do you think that the only way for women to help with this societal change is to actually get married and not broadcast it, or try to argue for this lifestyle on the public space?

This. I don't care if women want to make some bucks shilling Jow Forums talking points in theory. But the moment they become ecelebs and get the idea that their opinion matters, shit happens. Like Lauren ''Haughty'' Rose deciding that she has the Ethos to criticize Patrick Little's campaign.

Having children and being humble are two good indicators.


Then and now

I completely agree that men only click on their videos to look at pretty girls. Just look at roaming millenial, for christ's sake. She is the most bland milktoast comentator I can think of and she has more subs than BPS. I also agree that your idea would create a fucking awesome shit show, but i still don't see it as viable. I can see having them around as cute pseudo cheerleaders to give a bit of flavour, but apart from that I think that if you're trying to have a serious discussion women shouldn't be around at all.

Since I don't see women as adding any value to a serious in depth political discussion, and only serving as window dressing, I still think that having these women spout off male talking points as being their most effective use

I do have to say that your idea for them making children videos is fantastic. I genuinely think that you struck gold with that one and that it is an untapped and necessary market. Videos you can show your kids without worrying about all the shit they might see on jewtube

So, according to you, there is such a thing as a good female e-celeb?

But in order to do this we would have to change the laws of the land. An in order to do this we need to change our current societal values to match a society which would see implementing such a policy as the right thing to do. This just pushes the question a couple of steps back, but its the same question.

Since we agree that it is necessary to push society in this direction, can female e-celebs help in doing this by espousing trad values? Or are they always a detriment to the cause?

I think they are neither. The course of history has already decided what it will do.
Tradthots neither enhance nor sabotage anything

Puros virgos en este hilo.
El drama cuando mujeres entran a un movimiento es causado por hombres ya sea para darles atención por sus tetas o llorar a todo pulmón porque las roasties no se quieren acostar con ellos.

Mientras la derecha facha siga satanizando a las mujeres, la izquierda seguirá reclutando y mas hijos marrones poblarán su patria.

Se merecen este genocidio. Idiotas.

Interesting. So you believe that nature will reassert itself no matter what we do, sort of a Tolstoy collective interconnected consciousness type of thing?

I completely agree that a major part of the drama caused is due to men wanting either to impress or act a certain way around women. The fact of the matter is that the dynamics of a group fundamentally changes when you insert a female. You can say that its because men are stupid, or you could say that is because women are drama whores. Regardless, if we can acknowledge that the dynamics change we can assess whether this change is desirable or not.

Every movement that we've seen in the modern internet era get infiltrated by women has followed the exact same steps, and yes, a major part of the reason these communities collapsed was because of the men trying to act a certain way because they were now around women. All I'm trying to do with this thread is try to have an honest discussion as to whether the embrace of women into this initially male "movement" is desirable or not.

I would genuinely like to read what you think about the whole matter, if you're a femanon, that would be even better

>7 minutes with a baby on your lap

"I have to get up hours before work to start getting ready!"

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I agree.

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no we need to keep pussywhipped betas away from this site or at least funnel them into Jow Forums

>Listening to the opinions of holes you are not fucking

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JF needs to bring her back on. If he does I'll forgive him for whiteknighting Lauren

I agree. But how?

by saying nigger

Is this a thing now?


why does he look so fucking bloated?

It's a first step, at least, but how do we deal with the faggots that would literally castrate themselves for these women? Laurenfags won't be put off by us just being edgy, there has to be some way to weed them out

Do women actually get redpilled by other women? A lot of people seem to think the answer is 'yes', but I seriously doubt it. Attractive 'tradthots' automatically annoys most women I've met.

call their beta orbiters beta orbiters
we need to start bullying these faggots

>automatically annoys most women I've met
Wow you really have caught on to something there.


Since we agree that it is necessary to push society in this direction

Just cant fucking leave anything alone can you ?

>Not bloatmaxing
Never gonna make it

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I like your way of thinking
Any other ideas? Maybe making memes of cucked orbiters and posting them under any whiteknight thread we find

As JF himself says, women did not evolve to participate in inter-tribal politics. Even Queen Ann is marginally effective as a political activist because she does not reach out to others or help others. She is valuable as a pretty feminine face on actual conservative politics, but she is not much of an activist much less a leader. And she's an extremely aberrant case of a woman having good insights.

And BTW, give JF a break faggots. He makes a good show and he clearly doesn't want spergs around. He's doing this to feed his white kids and he certainly made a mistake here, but everyone does, he'll get past it. Quit being autistic spergs all the time ffs.

Sort of like the fedora/ atheist shrek meme

You call them out for being the bitches they are. Shit like estrogents, beta orbiters, omega males, mitches, white knight, pussy worshipper, etc. And be mailicous with that shit. Meme it.

The Vampright meme