Why does the alt-right hate her?

Why does the alt-right hate her?

Attached: Lana-Lokteff-images.jpg (750x545, 63K)

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She is a fucking woman, it's not her place

I like her. My wife watches her more than I do though. Still, a good white woman. We should support her.

they don't ;^) nice try, cunt

You're a liar

she called (((them)))/*them* out more than ones, promotes white family and motherhood (and being the example for being one).
She is one of the few women in the "alt-right" spectrum that isn't a hypocrite.
She is not hated

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Red Ice is a MOSSAD operations.
You'll learn very soon.

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I'm Alt Right and I love her.

we hate you actually

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Incel detected.

women can be our cheerleaders

>why does the [goal movement to be subverted] [insert desired reaction][towards person to be character asssasinated]
sage and kys kike

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Lana is my waifu.

Asshurt incels

nothing but love and alt-right are jews you faggot kike.


She’s literally CIA.

Who? Some skank?

She's awesome

Names the jew, knows a lot about what dangers we face and doesn't praise joshua bar joseph like most americans. Has good videos that work for female viewers (out of all the material i gave to my gf and our female friends she is the most popular, hard to explain but has the straightforwardness of romanian women and they like this). She is great individually but her husband is more knowledgeable and she tries too much to impress him when they comment something together. Most likely a loving wife.

I don't hate her more white women should be like her

She is the ideal waifu

She looks and sounds borderline retarded


they dont

they love here

saged faggot

Nobody hates her Shlomo. She makes good videos, especially for white women.

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fite me fgt


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> OP is sjw working the board

I've never heard of this Lana woman, and i can't be botthered to google her. All I know about her is I'd give her it if i was stuck in a sleeping bag with her

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she is okay for the most part.

they have some cucky people on red ice though. not a big fan of "wolf age" or whatever that boomer's name is

nice meme flag nigger

red-ice is a cia nigger psyop just like (((alt-right))) you giant faggot. no mainstream identitarian group on youtube is legit

we don't

The altright are turning into figgits

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She's strikingly stupid, but her husband is just as bad.

I think everybody feels conflicted because they're ultra-low IQ, but they pass the purity test.

You should perhaps ask the alt-right.


i like redice, but they have explicitly racist content on youtube for many years and never get any (((community guideline strikes))) , whereas videos with banal facts about germany's ww2 economy are automatically put into limited state. it makes me very suspicious