"Culture of Critque" General

Hey, here we have "Culture of Critique" general.

We can discuss book here and even talk about the ways of promoting the book

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Are you the faggot pole redditor who is obsessed with this book? Are there more than one like you?

Tell me why I should read it user

Reported your ass bro. I don't like being spammed, be it jews or otherwise.

Do you mean ChadRight guy?


No, I am not him, but I like the idea of this book being spread everywhere

Great book - I love it.

P.S Who is she?

Rowling - author of the Harry Ptter

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Get gassed you greasy kike.

Bumping just to spite this jew. Fuck you.

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>Pawel learned how to use his neighbor's hotspot as a shitposting alt.

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Kevin "Jews are just smarter than da dumb goyim!" MacDonald

yeah no thanks

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gtfo of my beauty city Szczecin


> I prefer to be enslaved by kikes than to have a few more posters in my city

chill, it was joke you know.
I dont even know what this book is all about lol

ok i find out, going to buy it

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It's an amazing book.

Here is a link to the website in polish lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/152573/kultura-krytyki

If you live in Szczecin you can borrow it both in Książnica Pomorska and in Library number 28.

Do it - you will thank me later :)

This place looks comfy - where is it?

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So after reading the book what's the solution? Are you fine with globalist non Jews making the same mistakes, because there's plenty of those around.

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BTW. This book was endorsed by nationalist from all groups and organisations:

Niklot, ONR, Szturmowcy, Autonomous Nationalists, NOP, Młodzież Wszechpolska.

It is must read for all nationalists and even normal people from left and right.

It's more important than any other book, whether it is Dmowski, Evola, Marx, Dugin, Hoppe, Hitler or anything else.

The Culture of Critique made both Nehlen and Patrick Little go from centrists to Hitler-Nazis and it is an academic serious literature.

I am glad we are reading it

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Robert Spencer: Why It Was So Disastrous When Bush Said "Islam Is Peace" After 9/11


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Jew rat

I don't know, user. I read it and although I know Jews have a tendency to go left, it didn't make me a nazi or a white nationalist. I still say judge people by actions, because if you just target Jews or blacks you're leaving out alot of other scum.

I am against globalism and once we will solve problem of jewish globalism we will also have at least 90% globalism destroyed.

With only 10% of globalism left it will be very easy to deal with it

This book really does scare Jews holy shit.

The book is full of factual error and cannot be used serious

Why not just deal with globalism in general and you'll get rid of it all entirely? If it happens to be 70% jews who are globalist, okay that's how it is. But I still judge by individual first.

What are the factual errors?

Not all globalists are bad user. why don't you judge the globalists as individuals. :(

Noboy is saying to be beat up or kill jews for being jewish

It is bad for jews that goyim know it :))

It says Jews ruled the USSR. That is wrong ad Stalin has persecuted Jews. This is from top of my head. But there is also others.

Globalist is not an ethnicity, it's literally a description.
Then why focus on just jewish globalism? What about the EU?
That's like just focusing on "black crime" but ignoring crime done by gypsies and Muslims.

He makes it seems that it's a unique way of thinking among a certain tribe, yet Hindus and Japanese operate the same way.

Because it wouldn't be effective not to focus about Jewish influence.

Jewish influence is real and focusing on one key group can make it or break it - just look how effective jews were with demonizing white men

honestly you're better off pushing this
no one will read culture of critique. it's dry and reads like a conspiracy theory. hearing him talk about it is better.

First politiburo was 70% jewish.

Kevin States that jews were 32,5% of officers in NKVD - which was even higher.

Kevin Talks about overrepresentation, but you still choose to simply and strawman his arguments

Dude, the number of people registering and reviewing the book has increased 400% since a year ago so fuck off with your defeatism and concern trolling.

Yeah reatrd, I will make posters about youtube video - great fucking idea /s

Maybe it's just high IQ individuals and a large percentage of them happen to be Jews? Non jewish globalists operate the same way, it's incredible.

I don't think MacDonald explained why Jewish globalists tend to be more pro palestinian. Doesn't sound too Jewish to me.

There is just no evidence that 70% of the first politburo were Jewish and even less for the other claim about the NKVD. Could you name the members of the first politburo and tell which were Jewish?

Also secondly there is zero evidence that Jews in the Communist Party were acting in the interest of jewishness. They were firstly and foremost communist

Not to mention they shut down synagogues.

It reminds me of a documentary I was watching, where it was claimed that Mongol hoards led by Jews raped German women. There was no source of this claim, and the director of the documentary turned out to be a biased white nationalist.

I'm a nationalist myself and this shit hurts our cause more than helps.

>On August 18, 1917, the top Bolshevik leader, Vladimir Lenin, set up a political bureau – known first as Narrow composition and, after October 23, 1917, as Political bureau – specifically to direct the October Revolution, with only seven members (Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Stalin, Sokolnikov, and Bubnov), but this precursor did not outlast the event; the Central Committee continued with the political functions. However, due to practical reasons, usually fewer than half of the members attended the regular Central Committee meetings during this time, even though they decided all key questions.

The 8th Congress of the 8th Party Congress in 1919 formalized this reality and re-established what would later on become the true center of political power in the Soviet Union. It ordered the Central Committee to appoint a five-member Politburo to decide on questions too urgent to await full Central Committee deliberation. The original members of the Politburo were Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Lev Kamenev, and Nikolai Krestinsky.


>The original members of the Politburo were Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Lev Kamenev, and Nikolai Krestinsky.





Literally 4 out of 5 members have jewish were of ethnic jewish orgins.

Literally 80%

> t. Hello fellow white nationalists

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The post was fed through a translator

I'm not a white nationalist, white nationalism is retarded. Nationalism will heal europe,naturally it'll become ethno nationalism.

No it was not, see pic related
Lenin was at best 1/4 jew (His grandma was a jew who converted to christianity)
>It is likely that Lenin was unaware of his mother's Jewish ancestry, which was only discovered by his sister Anna after his death.

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Do you even not know what myopia means? Are jews not near-sighted fucks?

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Only 1/4 Jew and as somebody pointed out he was not aware of it

He is not jewish according to jewish law as his mother is a non-Jew.

There is no evidence that he is jewish. As yor wikipedia article says some claim he was russian or ukrainian

That leaves only Trotsky who was indeed a Jew

Also the member of first Politburo
Russians: 2
Unkown origin: 1

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Of come one. Everybody could write this.

Superior book on the judenfrage coming through. Low IQ Amerimutts can't grasp the /mannerspill/.

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fantastic. The Jews loathe western civility.

But there are Jews who admitted that the book is right.

People are making "Culture of Critique" book reviews

that's a great book

People are also replying to themselves via proxy
Are you going to give your opinion on that comment or what?

lel, this thread died really fast. nice work guys.

Why should I? You completely ignored what I said about politiburo and instead decided to focus on commisariat

Whether you like it or not politiburo was 60-80% jewish depending how we classify Lenin. Communism was started by people of jewish orgin.

Pls respond to , whom I suspect is jewish


Religious rules don't matter, ethnic background and identity do.

And btw. according to your rule literally all ashekanzi jews are non-jewish because after they came to Eruope they took non-jewish wives thus making their children non-jeiwhs

I agree, Culture of Critique is the best :)

No, it is you who ignored the fact that the politiburo was appointed by the central committee
>It ordered the Central Committee to appoint a five-member Politburo to decide on questions too urgent to await full Central Committee deliberation
Of which only 7 members were jews out of 42


Video of Fuentes and Little Culture of Critique discussion

So if you discovered you had Jewish blood you're Jewish?

Depending from my identity. If I found out I was 2% jewish it would matter to me really, but if it was 25% it could influence my way of thinking about nationalism, race, ethnicity and politics

culture of critique FOR NORMIES - one hour summary of the entire book




>but if it was 25% it could influence my way of thinking about nationalism, race, ethnicity and politics

Not really dude, there were nazis with Jewish ancestry.

In which way? If you are raised in a catholic household that has 0 jewish cultural upbringing it would not matter to anybody.

of course its translated

has anyone read the 4th turning?

Best way to promote this book would be to take the best arguments from all three books and dumb them down and add some pictures because that the only way american will read it. Or turn it into some type of narrative.

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You are of makings top joke laugh man

The new "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." Critique isn't a Jewish plot, it's the only way to stop being a total fuckup.

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Great video :)

>has anyone read the 4th turning?

ya it basically pushed the the idea of cyclical civilization further, to cyclical generations.

worth a read?

What is the Polish take on Tadeusz Borowski? Any Poles care to step in?

>be me
>be making $150,000 a year
>ask off 3 weeks of work to read one book
>only finish 2 chapters
>quit my job before I finish the book to try to disprove allegations
>can't disprove anything because I'm a sub-30 IQ retard
>decide to sell my car and run for Senate in California on a platform of naming da jooz
>get my hopes up based on one incredibly flawed poll
>spend less than $5,000 because my political base is made up entirely of Jow Forums shitposters
>win less than 2 percent of the vote because of jews
>come in 12th place because of jews
>lost everything because of jews
>can't get a real job anymore because of jews
>get yelled at by Nick Fuentes because of jews
>live on the street now eating my own shit to survive because of jews

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I'm the guy who phone posted earlier with this id: 4H1GpawR
Kill yourselves you actual, literal niggers. There's your fucking book and many more: vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Massive/books/

My beef was with the retarded op spamming this one particular book day after day, while there are many more that are easier to digest for the dormant masses and are not a million pages long.
Read up, illiterate pariahs. Then go fuck yourselves with a newly blossomed pinecone.

fuck you

Not "just." Also It's true.

IQ is not absolute superiority, dude. Winning is. KMac is a genius who has made a huge contribution to human knowledge and you need to be humble and learn.

Patrick Little was dumb to leave his job, but the book is actual gold and even Nick Fiennes promoted the book

how would you know, ignorant fuck? it's not like you've read it.

Go away Nathan Cofnas.


His point is that specific intellectual movements were Jewish and Jewishly motivated. "No Such Thing As Race" became mainstream because SOME Jews thought its widespread acceptance would serve Jewish interests.

>da jooz
Wanna know how I can tell you're a shill?

Essential Andrew Joyce


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I get that point I was just explaining it to Kablinsky over there.

conversion to Judaism, even Orthodox Judaism, is possible (see Jarvanka), though not encouraged. The women became Jewesses.

Now, does this contradict something in the Bible?Wouldn't be surprised! But I'm not religious so I don't care whether the theology is "right"

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Interesting article

I have the first one
>A people that shall dwell alone

Funny story that happened when I tried to buy the book in Switzerland

>go to bookstore
>ask the old lady about "Culture of Critique"
>she gets very uncomfortable says "uhhhhh... no english" and walks away
>I spoke to her in english just fine a few months before
>tfw asked a jewish woman about culture of critique