He's gonna get shanked :)

he's gonna get shanked :)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Acceptable sacrifice for the uprising to happen. Some filthy Yid-lover can get stabbed in the ass.



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>brits will riot over Tommy Robinstein
>brits will NOT riot over their own genocide

someone explain this to me..

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Kikes life is worth more than lives of thousand british girls.

As long as their destruction is documented, they'll lawfully march into extinction. As is the way of the Englishman.

a depressing reality

>masses won't do shit other than consume stuff from jews
how the fuck can you be suprised dude, average normie is so fucking retarded they don't know shit about anything maybe outside of their job which might be the only exception

good. that faggot fuck got interviewed by a tranny and didn't even call it out on being a man.

/Syria General
ITT the breath of the MUZJEW and its horrible.

>he's gonna get shanked :)

Impossible, all unlicensed shanks got BINNED. There are no weapons in the UK.

>Kikes life is worth more than lives of thousand british girls.
I don't think the public perceives him as a jew but rather as a right winger

And when he does, Brits will blame the Muslims, this will incite more terror attacks, which will further incite Brits, etc. Meanwhile, Jewry is laughing at the dumb goys while they milk us for shekels.

Prove you're an idiot.
Like this We don't care that Tommy isn't a Neo Nazi. I don't care if he bums a tranny and becomes a Jew if he helps get rid of Muslims and migrants.
He's a conservative. He isn't far right just because you're enablers in MSM call him that.
We can deal with traps and Jews. That isn't this issue - it doesn't matter that he doesn't attack them what matters is he helps us get rid of you wretches.

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If Tommy dies the judge who sent him to prison dies.

(((Christopher Yaxley-Lennon)))

don't they use their prison boilers and super heat sugar water, then throw it in your face?

when your gov martyrs this guy, i say its full on reason enough to eradicate whole islamic cities

Yes we should never do anything about Jews either or Muslims will laugh at us
says the muzjew ITT
/slide these snakes

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>We can deal with traps and Jews
Clearly you can't. The right hates Muslims, the left hates Christians, and no one names the Jew. Sad.

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Remember BloodSausageBro's. He's doing it for Israel.

No, user. He’s going to experience the full power of Cultural Enrichment!

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It's just the same muzjews as usual that don't care that they are wrong and have already been BTFOed 100 times.
Mass suicide amoungst them would help the British cause.
I support Tommy Robinson. I want rid of the type of filthy wretch ITT
>Traps Jews monkeys spinning plates on sticks on sticks
Are not the issue
Are just what shilling muzjews talk about in Tommy threads

he is probably isolated I bet. It would be too much of a public outcry if he got gassed. Like pic related too, not that I compare ofc, but there is so fucking much security around him. Last I heard twice people have managed to get around security to kill him. They were stopped though. They use a lot of resources on this. Lit all the prisoners there want to kill him

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Let’s hope he does get his dick cut off

no they are serious about getting this guy...
and I bet it is sorta the same with tommy too, so they have to isolate him like they do with breivik. breivik is never out with the other prisoners

No one names the Jew? Too bad if he dies. Just another jewish stab in the back.

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But prisoners aren't allowed to have knives. How do you expect him to get stabbed?

Yeah and your shit people are just going to sit by and do nothing while your nanny state did everything they could to make it happen.


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He'll be having lots of kebab meat too.

>he's gonna get shanked :)

But enough of OPs faggot fanfiction

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Lol so true bongs are low life pussies Im happy their daughters are getting groomed to fuck muslim cock

Unless he's in a prison that's not controlled by islamic gangs or the special protection they put paedos in, he's going to be beaten, raped and stabbed.

Jew lover gets killed in prison,
Wakes up the normies
Start race war
We can only win

It's not fiction, whiteboi. (((They))) put him in a predominantly Muslim prison to shut him up once and for all. He's a thorn in their side. This way they can get rid of him, but not get any of the blame. "Oh what a tragedy! Oh well, what can you expect of criminals in a prison environment? We'll learn from our mistakes and make sure this never happens again blah blah blah..."

You know I'm right.

Yeah that is exactly what is going to happen, you pukes are fucking shit.

he might not get killed, they might throw boiling hot water mixed with sugar on his face, most likely blinding him, then they'll leave him to leave prison and he will be an example to anyone who would stand up against the government and islam

Hopefully, yes.

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Nothing of value would be lost.

Show your flag, faggot.

>expecting all normies to be on your side
>being glad that a fellow white man gets killed,

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Don't think I'd riot. However, anyone up for singing this? Shame we can't get a hundred people singing in unison

Good, that mossad plant can be the spark to catalyze the inevitable Asian purges.

Showing my flag has changed nothing!
You are still a shadow of your former selves and need to be slapped aroudn to make your puke maggot asses snap out of it.


Fellow White Person™

(((This))). Too bad if he gets stabbed in the back. He already stabbed us in the back.

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what you got against Jackie Chan anyway?

fuck this fat mossad nigger

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>Unironiclly supporting Charlottesville
So a young man into furry porn offs himself because he got caught in a photograph with naziflag wavers, and Dicky Spenser can't even spell his fucking name right in a online Memorial post(which I guess is the price of a alt-righters life).

And you wonder why Whites are doomed.


Yes, ma'am.


He followed the wrong leaders.


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i'd feel bad for him, but it'd be good for it to happen

We let the snoopers charter pass like a small fart is let out.

No one will do anything

Are you fucking blind? I'm a Paki.

Jiři, Pepa calm down ffs

Yah but when he does it’ll be the spark that lights the powder keg.

pic related is britbong, no brit's may reply since you did nothing about it but shit post here all your life.

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one more dead jew

Double fuck you then.

Choke to fucking death on your next meal invading fuck.

Hey op, at the end of the day you will always be a paki.

Rude :)

W-w-w-w-what1? I literally did not know that. It isn't as if every faggot shill spams this information everytime Tommy Robinson is mentioned. It isn't as if he mentions this on the very first page of his own autobiography. What a secret!!

doubt it. he'll probably have a lot of protection.

even if there are more muslims in the prison , a few dedicated defenders can easily put off greater numbers of not-so-motivated attackers.

Hey Radu at the end of the day, you'll always be a gypsy peasant. How many of your sisters work as prostitutes in London? I'm pretty sure I've fucked at least two of them.

Shut up bell-end.

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Am not Romanian lad. Though you will always, for the rest of your stinky and useless life, be a dirty paki. Lol.



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Must be hard accepting the truth, KEK.

report these faggots

The USA is whiter than Canada faggot.

take a hint Paco

is this the judge that sentenced Tommy?

50/50 on that one.
There's videos of him declaring himself as a zionist.

What are you talking about faggot?

Mr. Speaker, I rise for the following purpose.

I want to share my concern about the arrest and conviction of Tommy Robinson in Great Britain. I am well aware that England does not share our free speech values and does not have the equivalent of a First Amendment. Indeed, the restrictive practices of England led directly to the birth of this great nation and the freedom we enjoy here.
Mr. Robinson, a British activist and journalist, was arrested and jailed for simply filming outside a public courtroom, and was sentenced to 13 months for this "crime." His real crime is not taking pictures; His real crime is his refusal to agree to the government's efforts to cover up crimes by Muslim gangs who are raping British girls, almost with impunity, and with little apparent regard by the British government.

If this act violated a term of probation, it would mean the court system in England is a key part of the problem, covering up for criminals by imposing gag orders as terms of probation.

Dissent is patriotic when the ruling class are illegitimate and oppressive. The ruling class in England appears fearful of the truth. When it bans discussion, and when it criminalizes the truth, any such government can fairly be labeled as both oppressive and tyrannical. I object to the suppression of the truth.

England has a proud history and America is its progeny, but it needs to take back its liberty and freedom. "It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom." Braveheart (1995)

Sage bong


Jews and fags are worse than Muslims. Israel is the reason the Muslims are even there in the first place because of their constant regime change operations you stupid bong.

Not possible since knives are banned in UK.

I'm fine with this. Maybe his mutilated acid charred corpse will wake some Bongs up.

It's never good to make martyrs. They won't let anything happen to him.

Hope he gets stabbed in the dick.

>The USA is whiter than Canada


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And London's going to catch fire :)

I unironically hope so.
This conman is profiting off white genocide for his Jewish masters.

We need a martyr goy. Why not a fat Jew lover? It’ll upset White Brits too. Win win.

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The fucking publicity he's got from this is unreal. And considering the agenda he spreads.
>Muslims bad >:(
>dark skinned immigrants and jews good :)
Is just gonna keep the jewish degeneracy ball rolling. If he's dead it can easily be changed to
>muslims, niggers and jews bad.
He needs to go, and death by sandniggers is the best possible outcome for this situation.

> how to spot a paki
The post

Keep on shilling fuck heads your time will soon come.

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After seeing the recent protests, I honestly think its what could kick it all off. He is for some reason seen as the average/working class spokesman.

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