Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Kill the bitch Edition


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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Other urls found in this thread:!5306864/

indeed, some are fucking gods with wood. have you seen Nipponese masters d joints without any nails or screws - it's like watching people working from another dimension. awe-inspiring indeed.
when I look at my "handywork" I wanna just go and hide in shame.

Daily reminder, friends.

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I'm just afraid the split within the CDU will weaken the AfD.
So I'm sticking with my accelerationist view that the Union will surrender to Merkel again, and then get destroyed at the ballot.

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>you will see Merkel fall in your lifetime

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Seehofers Begründung für sein Fernbleiben ist dem Stil Trumps, der Beleidigtsein zu einer politischen Kategorie gemacht hat, nicht unähnlich. Seehofer zückte einen Artikel der Kolumnistin Ferda Ataman, in dem sie geschrieben hatte, Politiker, die über Heimat redeten, suchten darin eine Antwort auf die grassierende Fremdenangst. Das sei gefährlich, denn in diesem Kontext könne Heimat nur bedeuten, dass es um Blut und Boden gehe. Seehofer empörte sich, mit Nazisprache in Verbindung gebracht zu werden.
>Ferda Ataman (
>Amadeu Antonio

Thoughts on this person?

Forgot pic.

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If the CDU cucks out again they are done, Seehofer must go big or go home this time.

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Yes it does, she is completly right with this

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Daily reminder that Turkey belongs to the Greeks and Armenians

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The nostalgia.... man, I remember being young enough to hysterically laugh at this:

Hehe, an zone-tan, never understood what it was about back then:


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>Kraut/pol/ & AfD General

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Don't care about turks.

Hmm. should burn well next to a few children and a few other girls, no?

>when one circle jerk of morons copies the other

If the CDU splits in two, the CSU would need to be its independant thing from the main group and people would work for them.

i tell you they collapse now, look at the news, you sometimes start to confuse the Goldstück-Artikel because there are so many of them, its just a snowball-effekt we witness.

currently Rapefugees are spazzing out in Cottbus, Potsdam and Göttingen.

>my face when

nah the LOIC is too old, High Orbit still can cause connection problems but thats it.
after the Chanology Ops they all feared they are targeted next, so they found a solution.
im not a Jow Forumseek so no idea how to disturb modern servers anyways.

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too bad that fall won't break her neck

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Do you think it'll be funny at some point?


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8/10 would research with

>Do you think it'll be funny at some point?
watching you spastic do your routine is pretty funny

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Occasional reminder!

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Offtopic, WM 2018, pic related. But it's funny, thus I share it here.

Average 20min reader doesn't care for the Swiss football team and the lefty propaganda.
> Schlägt Ihr Herz für die Schweizer Nati?

Angry civnats and lefties are autistically screeching. kek.

Anyways, good night anons.

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again with this lame meme?

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Hello Reconquista Internet, don't you guys have more families of murder victims to harrass?

>the last part of this above the afd-chan with the frog.

No! No 13 Gigakike DL shit!
Nobody ... NOBODY will wallow through that mire

an user put a spell on her.
she's done.

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This is worse desu

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Oy vey

not my problem the party you root for considers you to braindead 14 year olds

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>muh intellectual liberals

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Ah... okay then.
Oh well, I am having fun reading that stuff, bit by bit.
Perhaps I am actually autistic.

ding dong the witch is dead

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People get REALLY angry by now!
Tides are Turning!

>"Jagt sie aus dem Land!"

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>split within the CDU

Yeah, that fucking "WerteUnion" Dieter Stein of Junge Freiheit likes to shill like a Kike.

The virtue sigalling when it comes to jewish postwar propaganda is astounding.
Meanwhile in Italy you can still buy mussolini merchandise

The virtue sigalling when it comes to jewish postwar propaganda is astounding.
Meanwhile in Italy you can still buy mussolini merchandise

>Kommentare sind für dieses Video deaktiviert

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>>the last part of this above the afd-chan with the frog.

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the blame game continues

>left cant meme
thank for the daily reminder

>Junge Freiheit

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Go out fucking arab rapebaby.
This is a whites only thread.

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had a JF subscription for 2 years

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Dieter Stein was in the FDP, Republikaner and the FDVP.
If you think that him giving a platform to the WerteUnion means he's shilling for them, that's bullshit. Rest of the JF makes it quite clear to the WerteUnion guys that the CDU has no future.

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had a trial subscription for a joke
they still send me letters lol

worst garbage I've ever read

Is she gonna Helmut Schmidted ?

Correction: FVP

>>Kommentare sind für dieses Video deaktiviert
Damnit, I just love andisemidig shidbosders.

Helmut Schmidt was toppled by his junior coalition partner. The "rapefugees welcome" SPD isn't going to do that.
The only way for Merkel to get toppled would be if the CSU finally split - which they have been using as an empty threat since the 70s.

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There are worst newspapers and I like to support /ourguys/

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>ovens activated moshe

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The thing is that the left always tries to sell the Swiss national football team
as a great example of successful integration, but the people notice here the
shameless multikulti propaganda.

IMHO Swiss ice hockey has always been the more typical Swiss sport than football
and I think most Swiss feel the same way.

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Stein is certainly breaking a leg recently for these cucks, more so when he is frequently bashing the "Flügel" when some of them is stiring up the pot a bit (see: "Kümmelhändler" Poggi, or "Denkmal der Schande" Höcke or "Vogelschiß" Jägermeister).
Everytime Stein is jumping over the stick the (((press))) is holding in front of him.
And he even cucked out of the Leipzig book fair, just not to be placed in the "Right Wing Ghetto" of Compact and Antaios.
I'm reading that paper for Hinz, Paulwitz and Scheil.

Explain to me how a website where you can write LITERALLY anything you want and disagree with anybody about anything without risking to get banned could possibly be a circle jerk.

>Daily reminder, friends.
Why would I follow Arab nationalism?

>he is frequently bashing the "Flügel" when some of them is stiring up the pot a bit (see: "Kümmelhändler" Poggi, or "Denkmal der Schande" Höcke or "Vogelschiß" Jägermeister).

You do realize that EVERY article whining about those was written by Konrad Adam, right? He's a guest commentator, and the nly reason he gets the attention is because he's technically still an AfD member.

Back in 2016 our handball team won the EM. The media didn't like it, guess why?

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>Konrad Adam
He's the worst of the lot.
Still butthurt of losing to the base, desu

I remember Compact going /whitepride/ bonkers about them winning the title

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kek. Only racists would notice it!

Diversity is missing here. Too much white people here.
Diversity is guuuud. Diversity is a strength!

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Same for our women's national football team.
I'm sure the lack of attention is TOTALLY because of that damn patriarchy.!5306864/

>Der Handball, zu weiß, zu deutsch, zu kartoffelig.

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>not my problem
Yet you make it your problem by shitting up any AFD thread with repetitive unfunny or stupid snide shit. Were you the same guy jumping into every/kraut/thread yesterday just annoy people trying to discuss the topic at hand? Your shitposting only emboldens people by showing your level of concern.

I remember one journalist racially slurring against germans because they were all "Kartoffeldeutsche"

Stip replying to shills.
....holy fuck, why am I finding this so funny, is it the thought of you guys clicking that link to find that literal shitpost.
Sorry for this post, by the way, desu.

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forgot image, fuck

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>Wir haben den Handball wiederentdeckt. Weil diese Mannschaft eine kartoffeldeutsche Sehnsucht bedient, die gerade wieder schwer im Kommen ist.

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FYI Handball is original German sport.

At least he's honest.

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>tfw you will never be capped in the knee by TayTay while trying to violate her slender angelic body
Why even live?

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Honestly, I've lost my enthusiasm for the Football World-Cup/Euro-Cup too. Seems like it's the only few weeks every 2 years, that Germans are officially allowed patriotism by the regime. After that the flags land in the dust and the masses go from Schland to Schuld again. Also "die Mannschaft" is as German as a BigMac.

Kek, wait, those are two distinct shills.
Man, I guess their methods are both just so shit, that I cannot differentiate or even care for the namefag.
swf-related, their mental process right before each post:

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>There are worst newspapers
I doubt that. Even those socialist papers are better written and way less retarded

Our best bet is that "Die Mannschaft" won't even survive the group phase. That would demoralize the normies and shows that diversity sucks.

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See the one who replied to you lol

>Yet you make it your problem
I'm just here to laugh at you inbreds

Anyone have the retard wojak with the eyes really far apart?


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>Was ist die TAZ

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>After that the flags land in the dust and the masses go from Schland to Schuld again.
lol you're one sad fuck if you actually believe your garbage

way better than the JF

Well, they already lost against our shitty team, with one nigger and a bunch of serbs.
So if we can beat them, the spanish or some latin americans will probably destroy them.


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Might even be. Also political ongoings can't be veiled as much in the media

>See the one who replied to you lol
So what? I don't get it.
Why would someone writing "don't reply to X" be indication of a circle jerk?
A circle jerk is a place where all people agree, by definition your EXISTENCE disproves that.

>Why would someone writing "don't reply to X" be indication of a circle jerk?

Nur echter deutscher...

This is actually kinda funny, desu.

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So you have no argument.


>Politiker, die derzeit über Heimat redeten, suchten in der Regel eine Antwort auf die grassierende Fremdenangst, schrieb Ataman. „Doch das ist brandgefährlich. Denn in diesem Kontext kann Heimat nur bedeuten, dass es um Blut und Boden geht: Deutschland als Heimat der Menschen, die zuerst hier waren.“
Oh nein, Deutschland darf nicht Heimat der Menschen sein, die zuerst hier waren!

Ich könnte kotzen, macht eigentlich einer die Liste?

The game against saudi arabia was a mess too

Remember this?
>Was der Bundestag während der WM alles durchjubelt

Won't happen this time with the AfD in the Bundestag

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>Deutschland als Heimat der Menschen, die zuerst hier waren
so these exist as a group?

I'm saying like it is. At least where I come from. Please, tell me how many Flags do you see normally.

>I'm just here to laugh at you inbreds
The leftyposter typed, with sweaty and trembling hands.

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>Weißer als du, Mikołaj.

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