Why do poor people support a part that want to take away their healthcare and welfare?

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Or maybe it's the only hat he could fine and needed a way to keep the sun off his head during the day.

>thinking government gibs are free.
Hahaha how retarded can one person be?

Isn't Manhatan a liberal city? Why aren't they helping out the poor? Oh yeah it's because shitlibs only like to signal and don't ever do anything.

Because theft is wrong. Even if you're poor.

>thinking poor people would be the ones expected to pay for the gibs
Poor people pay nothing, or almost nothing, and get gibs, that's the feckin' point.

Does it look like the social support network was actively helping these people in a tangible way? Can promises keep him fed and housed?

Or would these people prefer having a job?

You sure do make a lot of arrogant and condescending assumptions about what these people want and what their political priorities are.

Well he's white so he smart enough to realizes his situation is his own doing.

Nope you retard. You need a place to live to pay taxes. Also if you ever went to a hospital, they ask you were you live. Th ye do that to make sure you pay taxes, and for stats and shit. A fucking bum has no permanent place to live, so they reject him

And what exactly would Hill the neoliberal shil have done for this bum?

Maybe Bernie would have tried something but the rest of the government would have been even less cooperative with him than they are with Trump.

>being this retarded
The only ones paying taxes are the middle class genius. Rich people and leeches laugh at useful idiots like you.


Because at some level, even they know that welfare is most of the reason they are homeless. That and they dont condone raping and eating children.

Why do poor people always blame others for them being unsuccessful? Black ones blame white people. White ones blame the Jews and there are no poor Jews so the buck stops there I guess.

Sure, but
a) What about poor people who aren't homeless? There's plenty of trailer parks.

b) I'm sure the democrats would want to remove those restrictions too, and there are plenty of homeless people that use emergency rooms because the docs there are legally obliged to treat them. So homeless people would want to vote for the party of gibs still.

So what you're saying is it's not poor people paying for the gibs, it's the middle class. Thanks for supporting my point.

>Poor people living in trailer parcks
>Paying taxes
HAHAHA they cannot afford higher taxes. They mostly live wage by wage more taxes would kill them. Also no democrats would not, they are greedy jews in it for money (See gorage sorros) They have money pooled in swiss banks,so they don't pay shit in taxes while the white man gets fucked in the butt

The poor are paying taxes too, einstein.
The only ones not paying are unemployed leeches.

There should be some type of health care. Unfortunately it usually means showing up at the ER for a cold or athlete's foot.

who's taking anyone's healthcare away? do you mean the US population wont be extorted by a nog? that's a good thing, i know a socialist has made you retarded for 8 years, but that's not how this country should be run, your mind has been warped completely to believe that obama was even nearly an acceptable president much less a fuckin manager at a taco bell. fuck him and fuck you

>Because theft is wrong. Even if you're poor.

I don't understand? What do you mean?

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Poor people are dumb, uneducated assholes who expect the government to take care of them.

Because Trump is more of a blue dog Democrat than a mainstream Republican.

Because they don't want welfare, they want jobs. Y'know, the thing the other party took away from them.

this reddit poster got BTFO so hard that he deleted everything, and even pleaded with t_Donald moderators to tell everyone that he was sorry, and to stop bothering him

Lol the Top 10% pay 70% of our taxes taxfoundation.org/summary-latest-federal-income-tax-data-2016-update/

If I had no choice but to be homeless I would drop out of society find a mountain range away from population and live free off the land

the fuck did I just read

This suburban and/or rural retard should have voted for Hillary. She whould have hooked him up with a house and monthly welfare check.

Not as easy as it may seem. If I was homeless I'd start doing heroin and just beg/trade in scrap/cans and shit like that.

>pretending to be a good person
>we lefties are great people and so tolerant
>hah look at this fucking homeless LOSER

it is that easy when you know how and where
it was done all over the world for centuries

>thinking top 10% is rich

It certainly wouldn't be "easy". Life was hard back when it was like that. When you get tired of it find me in the city and we can do heroin and steal scrap from abandoned houses.

What's rich to you?

I can barley pay for my own healthcare, why would I wanna pay for yours?

Why do you people even try? You're gonna get red pilled just coming here.

t. Use to be a Bernie supporter

Isn't the DR a conservative country? Why aren't charities and churches helping the poor?

How about the 1% that also collects gov funding.
Mainly jewish of course

I was just curious your opinion on what rich is. I get called rich by my friends just cause I have a decent job, so it seems to be relative (I'm definitely not rich lol).

Because some people are just down on their luck but actually want to work...they don’t want a fucking handout.

it's fucking hilarious
leftist think that homeless have a lot of choices when it comes to what they wear
im sure this homeless gives a shit what his hat says
and i doubt he flies an american flag outside his cardboard box

Typical privileged white guy!

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Old picture, op was bringing fake news, was roasted and ended up deleting it

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arent those hats free or something?

emergency rooms federally cannot refuse admission to anyone bar armed psychos, and if you can't pay at all then the hospital eats the cost.

Some people, even when poor, are not degenerate filthy commies.