
Any specific thoughts on the country of Kyrgyzstan?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg.png (1200x720, 65K)

Kinda forget it exists and I think about Estonia every day, so what does that tell you?

Read a book mong

They insulted me earlier so now i hate them
>they called me anglo scum :(

Harder to spell than Kazakhstan

Attached: IMG_7014.gif (200x200, 6K)

inb4: xbox logo


Fuck 3 seconds

Wow there's a country called Kyrgyzstan

Hahahaha get fucked Ivan

Is that a country?

2 seconds too late bud

>I think about Estonia everyday

I don't think anyone really thinks much at all about any country with the -stan suffix.

wtf is this xbox flag?

According to the laws of flag, yes, yes it is

Dont really have an opinion on Kyrgyzstan, dont know enough about the country.

but flag is nice
its just a shity stan as always

Is HWNDU a country

Not really. I assume it's one of those ex-Warsaw pact shitholes.

Are they more repressive or less repressive than Turkmenistan?

I never got to go out and about just saw the city of Manas from the plane and it looks extremely poor. The people are very unique looking too, not what I expected.