So this is the power of capitalism
So this is the power of capitalism
No eastern block, eh? Why?
>whole cities made out of mosques
they have little to none foreigners there
based Dresden
>tfw I am
Fuck your Yahweh and your evil tribe of Judah.
I wonder what the mosque in Rostock looks like
>mfw Reetdachkuppel
You could at least make an effort to hide behind commie meme flag like your ancestors did
DDR was actually a cool state. Militarised, kept Wehrmacht colours and German cult.
The problem with Eastern Bloc was that it was Third World economically - USSR, competing against richest and most developed,
First World.
A thought experiment with West being Communist and East Capitalist wound end with a resounding West victory.
no gibs
atleast there's still one thing that unifies germany
>DDR was actually a cool state
fuck off jew its part of your satanic plan that they came here and elsewhere in europe
you betrayed jesus as well as the nations of europe
you are a filthy parasit and the worst of the worst, even niggers are honorable people compared to you
Where are you getting this from? What app or website?
Okey, keep fucking me with those billions dollars you send here.
>Said the litteral communist country
Forgot whatside of the cold war israel was on
We are not communist since 1968 when kikes got banished
Unlike thier retardr fdr brothers who imported thausands of turcs because america told them
All those beautiful young polish girls who went to work as prostitutes in europe were kikes?
What's with the one between Leipzig and Dresden ?
you're a tribe made of literal bitches and the world has hated you since the beginning of time. keep crying about your holohoax you revolting subhuman garbage. even niggers get more respect
No but it is likely that your israeli parents come from Poland and are telling you lies about your ancestry, Shlomo
so proud
Come on thats unfair dude. You watch movies made by jews in hollywood and eat the food our corporations produce show some respect fagget
>that faggot from pula
>reposting fake iq map
if that make you feel better
i don't watch your shit hollywood garbage or eat the swill you produce
unexpectedly sad
Do grow your oun tomatoes in your backyard?
I grow chilis on my balcony :^)
Must be nice to have your weather. I wonder what water prices are in your country though
Europe is not capitalist.
I actually do and I only buy what's produced locally