This is a 14yo girl

>this is a 14yo girl
what is happening? girls are entering puberty at 9 and hitting the wall before 20

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those are demons

which one is the girl?
I honestly cant tell anymore in this kali yuga

It has been documented in scientific journals that indeed Western girls enter puberty at earlier ages than those living outside of the West. There is something in the water and/or food supply that is causing premature genesis of puberty. I, for one, do not think it is a healthy trend.

I'm not sure, but these two aren't ideal for illustration purposes. They're just unusual generally.

>I honestly cant tell anymore in this kali yuga
ok you faceblind autist, it's the one on the right in women's shoes.

elizabeth perkins look so skinny and ill

>hitting the wall before 20

Had a good kek at this take a look at yourself

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Which one's the girl?

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I haven't been able to tell who's a boy or a girl who's underage or legal since like 2011.

I'm 29 years old. Fuck.

Maybe its the estrogen from all the plastic shit? Especially in the US from what i've seen even fresh veggies are prepacked in plastic

you won't fool the judge with that weak shit, pedo.

why is she wearing shoes that are too big

My 13 year old sister and all of her friends are about 5'8 nearly 5'9. It's really fucking weird.

eww wtf is wrong with her face
how can someone so young look so used up

wait a sec, when did Frodo became young again?

Every cock she's taken has aged her by a couple weeks.

hollywood has a thing for kids that look like adults

I don't believe you aquafresh


Looks like an 11 year old girl and her 38 year old mom.

In Millie's case, I would suggest it's a combination of unflattering clothes, an unfeminine hairstyle, poor genetics, and possibly drug use. Other girls are hitting puberty younger because of higher and steadier caloric intake plus less physical labor than previous generations.
It could also be Jew semen.

She looks her age to me. 14 years old isn't a little baby.

which one is the girl?

Puberty basically begins when the human organism enters a certain state of stress. Puberty in itself is incredibly stressful to the body, which is why teenagers sleep alot, experience mood swings and other. I think that the people who enter puberty older have longer life spans, because the older the body is, the more resilient it is going to be against the stress of the puberty.

Seen some girls hit the wall at 26.
Anna Kasparian.

What a wristlet.

Holy fuck they are terrifying.

She looks like a monster

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How much coke are they feeding this kid?

through her nose, or...?

wtf happened to her hairline?

Every child actor in Stranger Things is a tranny.

take your meds, schizo

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she will become depressed and commit suicide

Alicia Vikander and Cara Delavigne are two obvious ones. If Michelle Obama fooled you, you're hopeless.

Unintended consequences: increase level of nutrition and medical care; girls enter puberty earlier and become thots

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Post 9 year olds


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I wish I had pics of this bitch when she was 9
14 in pic

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>acne removal surgery
>prostate massage

do you have problems partner?

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Some here have said she's actually a male. I think that's probable.

One suggestion is that the hormones found in many processed foods are making females in particular mature much faster. The hormones especially found in meats such as beef and chicken can be accounted for it because those who meats are injected with feminine growing hormones that make them mature much faster

Probably a male.

hmm.. got more examples? I can't see her face, so hard to believe she's 14

>>acne removal surgery
>>prostate massage

>do you have problems partner?

You forgot genderfluid support.

This I'm 18 and work In fast food. I like to flirt with the chicks then infind out there like 15 honestly couldnt tell the difference between 15 and 20. I got a number off this really hot chick turns out she was 14 like fuck grant it she was 5'9" so that played into it

Supppsedly that is the case
What a disgrace

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>Grant it

Terrible to think of someone finding her when she was 9 and giving her a large dose of male privilege
Talk about a brutal pill

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if you wanna blow you gotta blow

Outside of careful camera angles and lighting, many Hollywood types look monstrous.

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God I hate summer

The one on the right looks like Terry Davis and Kathy Griffin. The other one looks like Harry Potter and Ben Shapiro.


Hollywood is the truest, darkest, deepest hive of degeneracy. Their kind feeds off suffering and lies. Literal fucking demons.

She looks like a girl who stole her mom's clothes.


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Lol even her shoes look too big

It's not a mystery, it's onions. The increase of reliance on packaged foods and fast food - both loaded with onions, which blooms estrogen. We've known this for years.


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Only Noah Schapp is a tranny.
Neither Vikander or Delavigne are trannies. They both have the widest point of their hips below the bump and curved spines.
Stop watching Mr E. please, he's a shill who calls everyone tranny without proof. As far as I'm concerned this is the only channel which follows the correct steps to identify trannies.

what are those beings? i honest don't know

according to the Talmud, as long as she is over "3 years and a day" and under 9, its OK. Then, after 9, they are to old and the Jews sell them to the Muzzies, who have to wait until they are 9 to marry. This bitch is way to old so now she is all yours, goyim!


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Wow genius

Anglo genes. I see that sort of face all the time

She says she's going to be 20 soon.

I stay in shape just in case I have a chance waifu encounter like this.

wait, which one is the girl? the right?

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Next Amanda Bynes

>reads comments
Okay, so let me get this straight. The young girl on the left is with her 14yo mother? That doesn't sound right. Wtf is going on here?

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Lexee is the best


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>In the analysis we estimated that a child’s exposures to individual prescribed estrogens in drinking water are 730–480,000 times lower (depending upon estrogen type) than exposure to background levels of naturally occurring estrogens in milk. A child’s exposure to total estrogens in drinking water (prescribed and naturally occurring) is about 150 times lower than exposure from milk.


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You are what you eat

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Wow she hit the wall at 14.
She was so hot in Stranger Things

la creatura

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