Just read the news on Cohen. He's probably already singing like a bird

Just read the news on Cohen. He's probably already singing like a bird

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Good for him. Trump isn't going to be impeached because he didn't do anything wrong. Cohen and the others can enjoy being nailed to the wall though.

After all of this time, I still don't know what crime they are looking for. Anyone have something on the suspected crime Trump and or Russia committed?

Singing like a bird" on WHAT, exactly?

Not just sing, my Anti-American user, but composed a whole new composition from nothing.
Cuz if Mueller doesn't get something soon besides Russian shit posting, Mueller himself will go to prison for, ironically, obstruction of justice and sedition and the little bitch will be Jerome's sex slave.

You mean singing like a Canary, fucknut.

Libs have lost their mind with this flipping thing. They act like manafort and cohen will sit down with mueller and be like " Trump conspired with the russians" and then the info will hit the news in minutes. Problem is, theres no info available to cause Trump harm.

Life of a liberal
1. Wake up
2. Check news "Trump associate indicted"
3. This is it, he's gonna flip and Trump will be impeached
4. Get hopes up and goto bed

repeat for 1 1/2 years

Hate to break it to you OP, but he can pardon himself.

And: Five conservatives on SCOTUS.

If you've read the news on Cohen, then you'd know the story about him flipping is fake news and that he hasn't even reached a stage in the investigation where he could even be offered a plea deal.

It's a fishing expedition that's gone on way too long. There is no specific crime, very little in the way of scope, it's a sham. The whole special council is a sham. DNC dirty tricks have gotten real sloppy ever since that pizzagate thing idk senpai idk desu


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Drumpf BTFO!
Muh Russia!
Le Muellertime!
Le blue wave!
Le small hands!
Le orange dotard!

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OK. I stopped following this story over a year ago during Trump/Russia collusion. Collusion isn't a crime. No proof that there even was collusion. Did I miss anything over the past year? Besides jaywalking and unpaid parking tickets by staffers?

the man has been his fixer for decades, now I don't believe it'll actually be any Russia bullshit (I mean who knows but I doubt it) but you can bet your ass there will have been some shady ass real estate deals/tax bullshit that'll be used to make Trumps life a living hell.
The man basically knows every skeleton in Trumps closet, so if there are any they're being sung to the feds


The closer we get to to the IG Report the bigger the fake news.

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beating shillary

The same people that predicted the Hillary landslide.

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Hes a sleazy little sheister. Presume hes gonna try and get a plea to various crimes.

This thread again? Damn. Its been like two years. U still mad?

basically this. he started up the meme because hes a kid fucker just like everyone in office and now he has to come up with something because time is out.

What's the worst thing he can reveal? Will it be incest or treason?

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For all but impeachment.

He's a jew so he will lie, its called pardoning him

This is a real thread on Jow Forums right now. Why'd you welcome so many Neocon Boomers?

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> but he can pardon himself
that is debatable as hell to put it mildly. and is indefensible politically speaking
>Five conservatives on SCOTUS
You call Kennedy a conservative? and Roberts likes to play up the idea of unity.
but more to the point he'd still be impeachable, which doesn't require the court.

Oh no... it's over again? Damn, and I bet it's for real this time, again.

They lied to get a FISA warrant.
There is no underlying crime.
People are going to jail, but not the ones the libtards think.

Reminder that a sitting president can't be criminally charged, and it takes 2/3 of the House and Senate to vote to remove the president. And an impeachment in the US isn't even a removal from office, it's akin to indictment, so after wasting all that time trying to impeach the president they must then go on with a trial of sorts and vote again to remove him. Trump is not going anywhere.

I never learned that in my Gender Studies. Prof. Goldberg, with his silver hair in a pony-tail, never mentioned this, so you are a racist.

You forgot that the Dean, Dr.Schwartz also said you're a sexist.

Governing whilst non-"Globalist".

Lol when is that headline picture from? Fucking pussy grabbing? Yeah it was really over then.

This pic is never going to get old.

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>some George Stephanopolous article citing unnamed "sources"
>having any relevance

I don't think he's flipped yet, but he will. Trump can't pardon him for his state level crimes.