The Canadian economy is on the verge of TOTAL collapse

>massive underemployment thanks to shitty job market and endless immigration, average university STEM grad makes $14/hr working at tim hortons
>Trump tariffs about to dismantle the auto industry
>housing bubble 3x as worse than 2006 America(2x people employed in construction and real estate per capita)
>housing market in freefall, listings exploding, sales ground to a halt
>subprime mortgages everywhere
>massive brain drain to America because people there can actually find jobs and get paid well
>business confidence at rock bottom, most companies are only expanding foreign operations
>oil industry gutted by 2014 price crash, prices increase to $70/barrel but no recovery at all, meanwhile Texas is booming hard as FUCK
>highest personal debt levels in the world

Canada is 100% FUCKED, we are literally the next Argentina, Spain, or Greece.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

100m illiterate 3rd world shitskins by 2050 will save you!

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someone explain to me a retard what a housing bubble entails

I’ve been looking for work in the US because our job market is shit. It is insane how many more jobs they have than us. I’m leaving my current job because they aren’t paying me enough for what I’m doing. And yes, the real estate market is tanking.

A fucking PARKING STALL is 65k


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Trudeau belongs in prison.


sheeiit i needs dat

a fuck ton of gardening

>housing prices go up, up, up, way past the point where new buyers could reasonably afford them
>because lots of people own houses, their net worth goes up and up and up
>because peoples' net worth increases, they spend more of their money as disposable income instead of saving it or paying down debts
>sales come tumbling down, down, down
>people perceive their net worth declining, suddenly halt all that spending
>demand falls
>as demand falls, housing prices fall
>as housing prices fall, people perceive their net worth declining, suddenly halt all that spending
>demand falls
>as demand falls, housing prices fall
>as housing prices fall, people perceive their net worth declining, suddenly halt all that spending>demand falls
>as demand falls, housing prices fall
>as housing prices fall, people perceive their net worth declining, suddenly halt all that spending...

Repeat until the market is more or less where it was before the bubble

>oil industry gutted by 2014 price crash, prices increase to $70/barrel but no recovery at all
You haven't seen nothing yet.

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I really can't wait for this shit to crash
i'm gonna crack open some pop corn and watch wagecucks go through the various states of bubblecuckholds
This is going to be delicious
I can't wait to see all the roasties selling their holes for cheap to pay for that mercedes lease


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You forgot the part that all the people who went and bought homes anyway in the inflated market are now totally underwater on their mortgages and the banks are wanting that money back ASAP

We will be fine.

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Also all your housing and shit is collapsing because you let China buy all your property. LOL at getting gyped by CHINKS!

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Hypothetically if this actually happened and Canadians started to illegally cross the border what would be the public response

You also forgot the part where a big chunk of GDP in brokerage and realtor fees disappears and a bunch of construction companies get fucked mid project

Sell your west coast to the US, so we can drive to Alaska without maple niggers asking questions

Canadian stock market dropping like an eyebrow

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If we collapse our own economy, we win.

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ayy ayy ayy bro

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He asked for the retard version.

This. I work in the trades and they are so ducking screwed. It’s going to be unreal. We are going to need a wall to keep them out.

You hate to see that

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Thanks to one-eyed scums, taking our money till economy collapses... They saw it coming and this is why they dont want to pay us 20 dollars per hour. We're are fucking machines to them. Revolution when?

Yea he does. He does not speak on behalf of Canadians. Just his Clinton foundation friends.

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>>because peoples' net worth increases, they spend more of their money as disposable income instead of saving it or paying down debts
>>sales come tumbling down, down, down

yes im a retard but i want to understand. 'sales' as in what, house sales?

>post yfw Trump makes the Day of the Rake a reality

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>own a condo in a rapidly developing/improving part of the city
>zero debt
>50k/yr salary managing in a company contracted out by the government (that I got for working my ass off at an entry level job I literally have no post secondary lmao)

A-am I gonna be okay

As a self employed leaf with no debit, owns a house with no mortgage. How fucked am I?

Yeah, because they're overvalued.

Feel sorry for you actually, leaf.
Sad story to be honest, Canada seemed like quite nice country when i was visiting my aunt in Calgary 20 years ago.

you forgot
>80k house becomes 2m house, not due to intrinsic value but out of control price increases
>take out 2m loan i cant really afford, but hey the house will be 3m next year
> try to sell house i cant afford, but no one else can afford it either
> foreclosure
> i lose the house but still owe 1.9m on the mortgage

You're screwed, leafbro.

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Still fucked. The Cuck government will probably pass some bullshit law that specifically fucks with people in your position.


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we'd have to get to venezula levels of no food on the shelves for this to occur. if we got to that point, you'd see huge powers given to homeland secuirty to secure the eastern part of the country. the medwest and far west would be completely indefensible. Ontarians would first flee to manitoba to get into the states.

This would prompt the americains to invade northern ontario and manitoba to cut of the flow of migrants from entering the western part of canada. The country would be split in two, effectivly bankrupting the east, while the west would florish.

Canada deserves it - there's a time when the toll comes due for having a nation full of liberal and leftist cucks.

>born through war
>destroyed through peace

Our boys deserved better

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all they really need to do is secure thunder bay and they have canada by the balls.

>taxpayers bailout the banks and real estate industry

Such a beautiful country. For shame... we cannot negotiate with terrorists, or those who do not respect us, we only befriend the free and civillized world! Good bye leafs, you have been voted off the world order!

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You'are exaggerating, mate. Everything is not so bad.

new Brunswick and nova scotia would need to be annexed as well to secure the border and create a water barrier.

Well, the eyebrow did fall off for all the world to see.

Cant wait to watch

Yeah I've been hearing that ever since my social studies teacher made us start reading newspapers in the 70's.
If it helps, I do believe that your personal contribution to the Canadian economy is and will continue to be non-existent and I do concede that this is a tragedy but its nobody's fault but yours and your parents.

You forgot
>no gold
>giving out suicide pills instead of care to your sick
>giving $400 million to u.n. to 'empower women' on other side of the world
jewed via feminism

This is how Ford becomes PM

Calgary is not the same city it use to be. Spent 3 days there a month ago. Every single service sector person was brown. Every waitress hotel desk clerk I shit u not

But DUDE socialized medicine lmao

>Canada is 100% FUCKED
Good, Canada, as a political entity, is dead. Long Live Western Canada!

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socialized med workds in a 99+% white country
The problem is that the people voting for it also vote for mass nigger imports

I still miss the big man

you know there are tons of parking stalls in amrika worth more than this right?

Anyone who thought Fagboy could outmaneuver Trump is delusional.

You forgot
>2m loan created out of thin air by jew
>jew now owns house with free slave
Usury is a bitch

There'd be such a jacquerie on the Quebec that you wouldn't believe it even as it was happening.

That's because you were in the best province in the whole damn country during its boom times.

Rural Ontario is also god tier.

Welp, that's probably a reason my aunt want to move to Poland for retirement. Pretty sad, she was always proud about begin canadian.

jesus, fell off my chair laughing!

>mfw trump made the day of the rake a reality

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You truly are retarded

Such a great flag.

hey look, the liberals are crying about the sky falling again loooool

You do know edmonton is one of the most northern cities in the world with a population above 750k. So in short it's a shit hole. Some of its milder nicknames are deadmonton and stabmonton.

good anthem too

Thanks for the input Chink.

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>"fuck off drumphff !! we're not scared of you orange cheeto fatty !"
>"drumpf pls help."

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I got that you are Chinese. Most Chinese in Canada will be fine.

So if Canada goes down the shitter could the USA just replace all their Mexicans with Canadians instead? The Canadians are probably well educated too so they could take some good jobs too. Did Trump plan it all along?

I really hope Canada can balkanise and hopefully preserve it's Anglo heritage through that.

the tides are turning. Ontario Elected Doug Ford and in 2019 Scheer is going to be the new PM. I'm not a big fan of Scheer but he'll work with Trump and make Canada great again

America has way more spics than Canada has people. Sad but true.

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>implying they'll ever allow Scheer to will
they saw how their plans went tits up with Trump, they wont make the same mistakes twice

all you need to do is petition for statehood and everything will be solved

Scheer is a weasel. The PC party of Canada is an embarrassment imo

Harper was ok but still cucked on just about everything that he could have.

I make 26$/hr (20.5 USD) in uni (have been since gr 12) lol@u

What do you mean I am interested

Haha so you make that teenager flow?

hey you got free healthcare.

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Please don't.

The US can't afford to annex a second California.

and i feel nothing for you, go thank your faggot leader


What is the solution? Become a hedonist society like US?

quite alarming, esp the housing shit can happen here too. it's waaay to high. like last year they sold this house here, which isn't even a real house, you share it with another family. it costed 10 million fish shekels. it's not worth a tenth of that. morons from oslo moved there

Well when your only choices are a Shitskin Sikh separatist (NDP), a gay man who's LARPING as a straight male (libs) and a PC jew (PC party) you gotta pick the PC Party because they will keep some order I'm Canada

He's a pedophile and his sister did 9/11, screencap this.

The legendary day of the rake is about to happen, oh god how i have wished for this day. YES. GOTT STRAFE KANADA.

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Ford got a majority government for Ontario. Quebec will be voting Conservative later this year. People are fed up with Justin from Canada. Thank God we have paper ballots so the kike Soros can rig the machines

>the call that shattered canada

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I must admit I really wanted to go there once because their moose and salmon are bigger than here, now I don't even want to go visit

Yes you would be in the forest all the time, but there are homosexual everywhere

That’s not the only thing collapsing.

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Chrystia from Canada continues pushing the ridiculously obtuse narrative that tariffs to protect the U.S. steel and aluminum industry represent President Trump saying Canadians are a national security threat to the U.S.
Canada doesn’t make much steel and aluminum for two reasons:
>#1 because the environmentalists in Canada have killed off their heavy manufacturing industrial base. Which is exactly what President Trump is attempting to ensure doesn’t happen in the United States.
>#2 because it’s just easier, and more lucrative, to structure the Canadian economy as a brokerage for the assembly of pre-manufactured Asian products prior to entering the U.S. market via the NAFTA loophole.
This economic model was designed by former Canadian and Mexican officials, who were well paid puppets to the plans of multinational corporations and financial interests.
>It was a nice gig while it lasted.
Both Canada and Mexico have had over 25 years to enjoy the construct. However, President Trump is now resetting the entire agreement to benefit the interests of U.S. workers and Main Street USA.

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If you can't learn socioeconomic climates, and how they work (stocks would be a good entry point to learn), then buying a house also wouldn't be a good idea.

It's the same thing except houses don't usually have dividends and are rented by you. (I say rented because if you don't pay school/property/etc taxes, poof goes your house).