Why is the suicide rate so high Jow Forums? Explain yourselves

Why is the suicide rate so high Jow Forums? Explain yourselves.

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why do they care? welfare host is being culled?

Coming collapse looming over America might have something to do with it.

>blamed for all of society's problems
>meanwhile they have achieved nothing in half their lives

Midlife crises used to mean buying a sports car. Now it's buying a shotgun and some tarp.

Because society actively seeks to remove them and denies them opportunities. When the world wants you dead, what else are you to do?

White male privilege is so much fun some people just get tired of it.

>9/10 from low income

I am upper middle class.

You sound like a leddit socialist faggot trying to convince the rest of the soiboi millenials on that website to just give up.
christ i fucking despise defeatists, day of the rope WHEN

Because there's a taboo for men on talking about your feelings, men push it down and then get miserable.

Lol funny

this, also what kind of faggot doesnt want to bear witness to a once in a thousand year event i cant wait

>hes never read Spengler
you aint gonna make it fampai

Big Pharma got them addicted to opioids then government cut them off cold turkey.

Most suicides are committed right after a sudden loss of fortune, which is why ironically people with higher quality of life kill themselves more since they have more to lose abruptly, as opposed to someone who's, say, lived in poverty their whole life and doesn't know the difference and has no money to suddenly lose. So literally and unironically white male privilege is the reason.

>Most suicides are committed right after a sudden loss of fortune, which is why ironically people with higher quality of life kill themselves more since they have more to lose abruptly, as opposed to someone who's, say, lived in poverty their whole life and doesn't know the difference and has no money to suddenly lose

>So literally and unironically white male privilege is the reason.

Spengler doesn't advocate defeatism but going out with honor

>>hes never read Spengler
i understand the US will not be in the same position as it was in the 50s/60s/70s/80s/90s with a mutt population, but to decry the situation as hopeless and inevitable within our lifetimes is maybe a tad defeatist. Ill go read what Spenglar has to say, got any suggestions?

>9/10ths of suicides are from lower socioeconomic classes

I often think of killing myself but my religious upbringing makes me fear hell even though I'm agnostic.
I think if I ever get divorced I will just kill myself I don't want to be like my parents.


Because existence is tough. Some people can't handle it. I love the fact that existence is tough. It means each day is a new challenge and new things to learn. It's what my dear departed grandfather use to say to me as a wee lad..."everyday you wake up alive is a good day". It's been my mantra my whole life. That's why I love life.

my nigga, need more people like this i.e. those not giving up

>and some tarp
At least youre polite and considerate thank you Bong I hate suicide fags who have to make a big drama show out of it at least in Japan people just go into the forest and hang themselves and the people care so little they only clean the forest out once a year or so that's pretty based compared to jumping in front of a bus or other messy shit. Anons if you have to kill yourself at least wrap yourself in a tarp like Brit user suggested and write a note saying that MS-13 made you kill yourself or they'd rape your family that way you can die an hero. As far as why whites are killing themselves it's because they're told to by the media that hates them and the country that's sold out their birth right to niggers and taco niggers and sand niggers.

> low income
> not no income
> he will always have to pay for the legion of homeless

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>tell white men to kill themselves
>they do
>why so?
Fuck off, kikes. We already know why young white men are killing themselves. We are fixing your problems. We are bringing America back.

Kill the world instead? That's what white men would do if they weren't pathetic cucks now. Face it you're just coasting on the greatness of your ancestors. I'd say we but then Pol would call me a kike and to that I saw as long as the goyim act like cattle they're going to be herded and slaughtered like cattle if they haven't woken up to the Jews in 3,000 years they're not going to now.


I spy a post made by the FBI

Perhaps stop watching media. Why waste precious time engaging in an activity that makes you feel shitty about yourself. I just never understood that. It's not like you have a gun to your head telling you that you have to watch this propaganda. Or as I say..."kill your television", and then add...not yourself.

Yes, and lets start with you and your buddies at the CIA, Mr. FBI

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its the kikes


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Antidepressants contribute, ironically. But the media won't report on it because guess who owns the media: michaelsavage.com/?p=18985

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Unless you’re about to be tortured to death, suicide is a punk move. How could anyone do that to their parents? Most of I’m a father and would never abandon my boys to be raised by a single mother.

attack a mosquee before dying faggot

Space needs to be cleared up for the new, younger and stronger males from the Middle East in order for them to easier breed our women and mix away our genes.

This. Happened to me.

Because life is shit. My ancestors lived in small communities raising kids, building, farming hunting fishing and fighting other communities. That's fulfillment. Every minute spent living with, working with, or for your family and friends. That's living. How much of that is left?
Now you must sit at a desk 8+ hours five days a week doing mindless unfulfilling busywork, surrounded by people you don't like. You aren't building something for your spouse or kids enjoyment, you aren't providing food or shelter, at least not directly in a way that your brain can be satisfied with. You do nothing meaningful with your life.
No fucking wonder guys kill themselves.

Well, biologically speaking, those genes are in fact stronger just because they created the next generation.

Please tell me that this is a joke twitter?

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8 hours is just 1/3 of your day user. It's what you do with the other 2/3's that really matter.

work all day die before you can collect your pension, why ever would anyone not love this ?

Been looking for a job for a while now, death does seem like a nice quick resolution to everything. No more taxes, no more misguided labor, no more mistakes we should be asking why more men have not done it.

How was the first year off them?

My grandpa killed himself with a single shot in the head with him sitting in the shower.

Minimal cleanup for grandma and mom. He was considerate till the day he died.

Backstory: he was terminally ill and was burning through their savings. He did the honorable thing.

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Reading a little of the Bible each day helps me.

prolly 6 million reasons

>post ends with ShareBlue favorite “explain yourselves”
Anyone who posted in this shit thread without saging is a raging faggot like OP

does he knows how hard it is for the family to an hero? Your dad was a little bitch, he could attack a mosquee or a black church before dying

Maybe because they live being alive. Maybe those that kill themselves would have died at birth if they were born thousands years ago when life was infinitely more perilous.

no jobs available makes people depressed

don't worry bros, the chinks are flooding the bitch with so much cheap fentanyl that we can just go to sleep easy without having to jump off of anything

Dude. 1st, record low unemployment. 2nd, move to goddamn city that has job opportunities. It's not rocket science.

americucks and canadacucks dying of O.D while blacks fuck their wives / sisters

pathetic losers

Ya I know he was also a bronze star ww2 grunt. He could have blown everyone up at a mosque but that wasn’t his style. Just a quiet old man that didn’t want to spend all of his money on treatment he didn’t see as necessary.

Being gen x and watching your country go to shit at an accelerated rate. Can't blame em

It's called survival of the fittest.

>Get shot by niggers in the city

>Why is the suicide rate so high Jow Forums? Explain yourselves.
6 million reasons, all of them Jewish.

t. 60%

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unironically white privilege guilt

You've got an entire generation of young, white, working class, millenial men who spent their whole lives being told by their parents' generation that if they were good, and honest, and hardworking that one day they'd be rewarded with all the wonderful things their parents enjoyed - a good job, a good home, a good wife, a good family.

Now they're in their late 20s, early 30s and realizing that not only did Boomers trade away the future they promised them for a few years of cheap foreign labor and record quarterly profits and replaced it with the promise of a lifetime of underpaid wageslavery serving no other purpose but to continue enriching Boomers and maintaining the comfortable lifestyle they've enjoyed after retirement... but that Boomers also intend to make them a whipping boy and scapegoat for every single fucking thing that goes wrong in this country.

They've got shitty jobs, no homes, no wives, no families... frankly I'm fucking astonished the suicide rate isn't ten times higher.

at least we dont mix

Because we live in a modern feudal society where corrupt oligarchs work serfs to death for a meager pay while blatantly lying about the fact that you're actually free. The modern serfs themselves are not only paid less to work more in comparison to the original serfs but are also bothered by a multitude of new problems: an overcomplicated life, not being able to find a supportive woman, being poisoned by food, water and medicine, seeing as their countries crumble before their very eyes and being bombarded by tons of contradictory information in the media which doesn't let their minds rest for a single fucking second without getting piss drunk.

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>at least we dont mix
you're actually worse than the germans, I am very sorry

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Lived in or near Detroit user my whole life. I've never had an issue and go to Detroit often. But if one goes around calling black folk niggers and that elicits a negative responce, consider that a learning experience.

"He has walled me in so I cannot escape;
he has weighed me down with chains.
Even when I call out or cry for help,
he shuts out my prayer.
He has barred my way with blocks of stone;
he has made my paths crooked.

Like a bear lying in wait,
like a lion in hiding,
he dragged me from the path and mangled me
and left me without help.
He drew his bow
and made me the target for his arrows.

He pierced my heart
with arrows from his quiver.
I became the laughingstock of all my people;
they mock me in song all day long.
He has filled me with bitter herbs
and given me gall to drink.

He has broken my teeth with gravel;
he has trampled me in the dust.
I have been deprived of peace;
I have forgotten what prosperity is.
So I say, “My splendor is gone
and all that I had hoped from the Lord.”

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I wouldn't live around them in the first place you fucking cuck

Link ?

The Tweet was taken down right after it was posted back in 2016. I believe that the kikes saw and that this is one of the major reasons they started fucking with Assange.

Ya, except I'm not a miserable fag, user. Lived and played around them my whole life and never developed the white man fear of the black man. Which is why I can chill with them without issue.

anthony bordain getting murdered seemed to have kicked set some suicide and mental health jew trap. Not a peep when that spade chick died though.

It was all over the news user, even BBC.

modernism and lack of spirituality/religion. materialism and consumerism has replaced our deeper ideals. also the world is ugly, too many ugly buildings out there.

>Anons if you have to kill yourself at least wrap yourself in a tarp like Brit user suggeste

nah, if i do, i'm going to make it as messy and inconvenient for the general public as i possibly can. people aren't going to get the hint if everyone excuses themselves quietly.

Wow, don't they know they have privilege though?!


If black people measure lower on stress, suicide, anxiety, and depression then how are they suffering from "injustices"?

im talking about how the discussion in news articles and social media took a sharp turn towards depression, suicide and mental health after this guy die. I never see it happen before. it was like someone hit a switch

You just won the gaped butthole award.
Well done.

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I work on a submarine with ~150 people. We see about 2 suicide attempts a year, with more than that of suicide ideations. It's because submarines are abysmal pits of despair.

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Divorce laws.

It always happens like that with "successful" people. I was shocked and bummed, which turned to anger when thinking about his little girl. Children are always the real victims.

I can imagine that, but you also don't get "lonely" there so that surprises me

what the fuck is there to do for recreation in that subterranean hunk of metal?

well you could ask all the anons here what is there for recreation in that little cubicle they call their appartment ? :c

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Give me a break this thread is filled with BS
>Old enough to see Americans Fading Glory days
>Old enough to see White America

>No romantic future
>No economic future
>No family

>Mexicans pouring in
>Mexican children supported by welfare
>Mexicans filling all your familiar places

>White man you're racist
>white man you're oppressing us
>White man everything is your fault
>White man pay taxes for my children

Well, well, I wonder why

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7 billion people and you still don't think a degenerate can exist.

Good riddance to the cowards who have given up and to the idiots too stupid to realize what went wrong

A lot of it isn't directly related to the submarine. But you go away for 3 months with no contact, and in the meantime your wife cheats on you and spends all your money, and when you return home your bank account is empty, your house empty, and your wife no where to be found. Then you don't get custody because you have to work 80-90 hours a week while in port and you can't possibly support kids. Not me personally, but everyone on subs knows someone who has that story.
Watch movies, beat it while 10 dudes are within 25 feet of you sleeping, listen to music, read books.

this is America^tm, i dont have to live in a commiebox shithole, I have 20 acres to stretch my feet out and a stream and mini forest to keep me company, so it shocks me that people can willingly live in a tiny ass fuckbox and still survive. 2 suicides out of 150 men, seems small.

Weak people listen to that shit.

too much nihilism in this increasingly more gay world.

>70% of suicides are white middle-class
>9 out of 10 were from lower socio-economic class
Oh boy all that delicious white privilege in action.

Guilt alone is not a suitable enough reason to live for most.

Let's see how you feel in 30 years when you are 50. You have the perspective now of a teenager

fittest doesn't mean best. Low iq/low impulse people the most fit people within society.

>2 suicides out of 150 men, seems small.
he said attempts
but as i said before, suicide is very contagious, if one actually did it, then the 2nd one will not be far gone