I'm from Argentina, where reps are voting on this right now

I'm from Argentina, where reps are voting on this right now.

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Argentina is white!

fuck feminists

what’s that? the whole world is one baby murdering progressive leftist shithole and the majority of the world’s population deserves to die? that’s nothing new, user.

What the fuck is going on with the world wide abortion movement? What are these kikes up to

Based north deputies kicking this nonsense to hell, fuck those feminists and fuck the great kike king soros for funding them

I'm pro abortion, but the way these people think that it's some kind of virtuous moral ideal is deranged.

human sacrifice ritual
the vampiric luciferians require more fetal tissue to sustain their wretched lives

BTW, out of 250 reps there are like 9 left and it's close af

We should bomb the feminists tonight, then go after peronists and socialists. It'd solve most of the country's problems.

Abortion is soft eugenics, Miguel, maybe that way you can get rid of your nonwhite population. Too bad it isn't popular among Gypsies over here.

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It's a no all the way i think, 126 against, 123 for, 5 don't know but they are from conservative districts

This. Also, I would actively support it if there was a clause "a man who doesn't want the child, if stated before the 3 first weeks of gestation can fully avoid responsibility regarding said child (i.e. child support)".

At least right now, on the papers, it's equal for both parties. The way these people want it is for women to have every right, and men to have none.

No freedom loving man can support this bill, all medics are forced to practice abortions unless they state otherwise, which is a giant attack on individual rights on it's own, and all hospitals and clinics, public or private are obliged to have at least a professional to perform abortions, not even religious hospitals can object. This feminist must be killed asap

tfw Jow Forums te hace mejor seguimiento que el noticiero

> Ponerle un pañuelo a un busto de eva peron
> Olvidarse de que eva peron odiaba a las feministas

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Es un desastre. Además, si decís algo en contra automáticamente sos el enemigo.

Whitest nation on earth btw

Any update so far? Riots? Naked riots? What's the vote tally at?

Es natural.
Para los verdes, los celestes quieren obligar mujeres a parir. Para los celestes, los verdes quieren matar bebes.

Probs still accurate.

Abortion is garbage. Regardless of whatever mental gymnastics anyone wants to do, it's destructive. Not only physically, but more importantly, spiritually.

Imagine living a life where the things you do have no purpose. Things such as sex, etc. A life without purpose, is a life without value. Meaningless and wicked.

What a shame.

If you can't control your flesh, your seed will probably be even more wicked unless you repent.

kek this guy

This politics strike me as super LARPy

better vote no or next time we won't stop at the falklands

Termina el secundario gorda malcogida

It's mostly white women who abort.
Niggers live off welfare and other gibs, so they don't abort, but they are still easily manipulated into the feminist side of the argument.
That should be enough to understand what's going on

Most of the people who support this bill are 16-year old retard girls in high school who follow socialist parties, browse Tumblr, dye their hair weird colors, don't know proper grammar, and live around Buenos Aires. Ask anywhere else, particularly around the countryside, and most people are a lot more conservative. The reason this gained so much traction is because of political pressure. Vote against this shit, and you make the youth hate you and go with the socialfags. And no sane person thinks giving more power to the socialfags is a viable option

Yo lo veo como que quieren evitar considerar la posibilidad de que el feto sea un ser humano. Fijate que siempre se lo refiere como “un cacho de células”. No los considero el enemigo pero sí me parece que tienen la posición más conveniente.

This gives me some hope. Surely there are some places left in the world where they have a refuge from globalist insanity.

un cacho de celulas se puede vender para tratamientos de rejuvenecimiento, ahi esta la diferencia... ah y pagan los giles contribuyentes, un negocio redondo

You guy don't know about using a rubber when fuckin?

Hey dude relax most of people I know are with this, myself included, from common sence alone but I agree with you that there a growing group of irracional young leftis here but I will put it up as a reflection of trend of SJW in USA that a lot of argies love to imitate

>Most of the people who support this bill are 16-year old retard girls in high school...
Si pero tambien los diputados a los que les pusieron plata para que voten a favor

why are so many of south american exchange students disgusting neo marxists?
also please dont tell me the western bullshit is swapping over to your country

Is more about rape situations but there is a bunch of people that want free right to do so without any responsability

Y por supuesto a cambiemos le conviene que se promulgue esto. Sería una victoria enorme contra la amiga de los pobres y destructora de machirulos™ CFK

I dont know in other countries but here people LOVE to do what big brother USA is doing

Because it's being a raging leftist what gets you an exchange opportunity in the first place.
This continent is infested with commies and socialist faggots, we don't reward effort and hard work in here, it's all about ideology and gibs.
This mediocre mentality is what we call the Sudaca mentality

I dont speak jungle monkey

...and a a gest to the FMI

Mom says that if abortion goes legal, the feminazis could enter our home and kill my future brother

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That's ok nobody expect an abbo to communicate anyways

underage [spoiler]gorda zurda[/spoiler] detected

fucking portenos ruining your whole country again. when will buenos aires just separate and become it's own sovereign state ?

>this picture

I thought Argentinians were white

Why did Jow Forums lie to me

>fucking portenos ruining your whole country again. when will buenos aires just separate and become it's own sovereign state ?

Like Uruguay did, right?

When a society normalizes snuffing out the most innocent, all manner of other evil comes in.

I'm pro abortion and anti church but I'd vote against only to trigger those feminist faggots


It's a well known fact that Soros is pushing the abortion worldwide.


>underage [spoiler]gorda zurda[/spoiler] detected
You are confused kek

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How fucking long does it take your congress to vote? Update on the vote tally please

los que votan son los diputados, no los menores de edad como vos

Volviste gordita malcogida, como va la marchita?

It's not Buenos Aires itself that is fucked up, in fact, Argentina has a problem much similar to what is happening in the US: marxist teachers and professors radicalizing students in college, filling their heads with progressive bullshit.
Most people over 35 will have a much more conservative opinion, it's just the youth that is fucked because these people have literally never tried to have an original idea in their lives, it's all political influence

Vos serás el cacho de células

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no te calentes, son pibitas

If you were wondering why Pope Francis and SA clerics are so pozzed, there's your answer

(((they))) are losing and they need spiritual energy from child sacrifices
in the form of abortions

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El unico menor de edad se nota que sos vos que te comes las memes de pol igual que la poronga del cura todos los domingos, morochito

meme flag = disinfo, also gorda malcogida

Unfortunately, yes. College professors like to shit marxist propaganda, and the gullible idiots just eat it. Teenage idiots are becoming like the amerifag SJWs.

I miss the days of 1880-1946 when we could actually say we were a respectable country.

primero cumpli 18 gorda vaga


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If you agree with abortion this means you agree with murder sometimes. Should I be able to have the state back me so I can legally murder some other human who hasn't commited a crime? You tell me. There is nothing more cringe than someone arguing for legal abortion and then arguing against the death penalty.

I am a man. But I wish I was a woman so I could have my own abortion ;(

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>we need poor people and leftists having more kids, yeah lots of unwanted niglets is good for the country

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but many south american countries (despite their growth) face still many economic difficulties
isnt it logical then to focus on solving these issues instead of jumping on the progressive bandwagon and romanticising with communist ideologies?
I mean our universities are already infested with those red shills but it seems like the cancer already spread pretty far

Deja de desviar el thread mememaster

Las yenis y las inmigrantes van a tener hijos igual para recibir el plan

Some conservamongs are so thick than don't realize that abortion is the biggest trash people killer.

>Implying niggers abort
Te pusiste el baberito hoy retrasado?

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Detect some carbon molecule on Mars
>Omg there totally was life on Mars how can anyone still deny it
Murder a fetus with a brain and a heartbeat
>Pff that's just a lump of cells do you call it "murder" every time you jack off too??
Find a human fetus on Mars
>T-that's just a rock, t-there's still no life on Mars g-guys

lul what, context my friend context, I woudnt let a 13 yo raped have a child if I could

Pero menos si abortan un par de crias que les hizo el Brayan a los 15..

Sos pelotudo? sabés la cantidad de villeras que abortan, conozco gente que trabaja en hospitales públicos, o te pensás que las que más abortan son las de guita?

>isnt it logical then to focus on solving these issues instead of jumping on the progressive bandwagon and romanticising with communist ideologies?
Again, you are asking for logic in a continent infested with marxists and retards who shrug at Venezuela, think government gibs come out of thin air, and worship Castro, the faggot killer, as a progressive idol.
These people are deranged and will ultimately be the destruction of this continent

El problema no son los pobres, son los comucornudos
Que lindo va a ser cuando los revienten

that little girl's got a sweet ass bow

Claro que las que mas abortan son de guita pedazo de un salame, porque tienen los medios y nos e quieren arruinar la vida con un pibe a los 15 años, vos en serio estas discutiendo que LA NEGRA YENI va a abortar para poder seguir estudiando en vez de cobrar los 3 planes por el crio de sorete?
Sos autista o te haces?

Esos tambien abortan, menos pibes criados en esa ideología.

Meh I dont think so, they actually cant do much more than SJW could I more worried about corruption sucking it all until there is nothing left

Si mañana el Estado le paga el aborto a las cogidas, pasado le va a pagar el telo también?

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daily reminder that the amount of abortos the communists handle is false.

deja de desviar el thread y ponete a estudiar para los parciales gorda


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>Most people over 35 will have a much more conservative opinion
Not in Argentina (at least Bs As). A great number of adults between 35 and 60 lived their adolescent/young adult years in the context of a military dictatorship. They are leftist who resent authority ( and some the US for encouraging those dictatorships). Thus, when their kids got to the rebellious stage and wanted to fight the system they supported them. I ve seen this myself happen many times during HS. Its really sad because you have the deluded manchildren who lives his denied rebellion by his children, and the spoiled kid who got encouraged instead of corrected, both validating their ideology.

Flaco, sacate la cabeza del culo, la cantidad enorme que caen todos los años a los hospitales públicos por abortos berreta no son las de clase media o alta que pagan un médico para hacerlo bien y nadie se entera. a eso sumale la cantidad de pobres que no caen a guardias, o de verdad crees que sabés más que los que trabajan en salud pública o asistencia social en las villas?

Are you saying you would argue against death penalty but you would argue in favor of murder in that specific situation? If so, your reasoning is illogical.

> gorda
gorda la pija tengo

Go suck Rockefeller's dick, cunt.

Deja de tragarte la propaganda comunista gorda pelotuda, no ves que sos una idiota util?
y una gorda malcogida


So if poor people abort that's even better, that's basically more poor people going through the risk of dying

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gorda detected jajaja como va la marchita? te duelen las rodillas? mira que faltan horas

Whats the vote at??

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"le radical opinion bait meme", bien hecho zurdo pelotudo

As an argentinian i can only cringe when i read most of the argie posters.

Not even one fucking logical argument.

Reminder that Venezuela turned into a huge white minority because abortion are illegal and poor non-whites have 4-8 kids per women. Literally a huge demographic change happened in the last 20 years.

t. Venezuelan.