Hopefully making way for Roger Stone
Press F to pay respects
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Seems like White House is going into war time mode and Trump doesn't wanna risk their lives.
The closer we get to the IG report the bigger the fake news
>Press secretary Sarah Sanders and principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah are both heading for the exits, according to sources inside the White House and close to the administration. Sanders, who has become a confidante of President Trump since the departure of former communications director Hope Hicks, has told friends that she plans to leave the administration at the end of the year.
>Shah is also considering his exit, but he has not yet settled on an exact date. Neither Sanders nor Shah immediately responded to repeated requests for comment.
if this is true it's because the IG report is coming out tomorrow and it's for their own protection. If this is a lie it's just fake news to distract from the IG report.
Ill go with the latter. Misleading news
Good. I'm glad Sarah Suckabee Sanders and her crooked deformed lying face are out of the white house. I am sick and tired of her lies and I hope the next press secretary tells the truth about this administration.
From CBS article:
(((Two of the most visible members of the Trump administration are planning their departures, the latest sign of upheaval in a White House marked by turmoil.)))
I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be the punch that bursts the dam and everyone from the media to congress to the NGOs to literally everyone in every field or line of work is shitting their pants.
>I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be the punch that bursts the dam
Imagine being this much of a nigger face
delet thi thx
anons probably speaking of IG report.
MFW this hot MILF takes over and shits on the Media to their faces
Disregards the fact that all the chains lead to Britain.
Too busy.
Fuck off kike. Everyone knows israel is fucked and your shilling won't stop shit.
i haven't really watched the press briefings since spicer left. i don't hate sarah but i just couldn't get into it with her.
Rothschild detected.
who gives a fuck about roger stone
I liked Sanders but she is her father’s daughter, too nice for this business. We need someone who can kick the left’s teeth in like Donald did in the primaries.
Noooooo Sarah is a beautiful goddess
I want Spicer back, he was feisty and dare I say spivey with the press
checks out
hope we get a hot busty ho like Kimmy
*spicey (pun intended)
Noooooo!!!! Don't leave us Mommy Sarah!!!!!
She wants to spend time with her kids probably.
As predicted
Why bother making the status quo a secret?
Like are they going to get food?
Naturally. The lying Jewish media never stops
Raj Shah?
Isn't that redundant?
"Sources" just got outed as leakers.
When are Conway & Sessions getting voted off?