>Roastie Stenographer memoir
>rampant drug use and adultry, degenerate sex abound
>obama had a boner on AF1

Attached: OH-NO-OBAMA.jpg (1152x687, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh boy, this is only just the beginning.

good, GOOD
the Apocalypse is here.
Prepare for the great reveal

Nice blurry shit video can’t tell what’s going on at all.

Kek predicted this.

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he's showing off a hard on

That’s one big cock.

obama was a male prostitute in chicago

>In her new job assignment, Beck was advised by the hiring agency to stay away from the Secret Service agents as well as 'stay with your boyfriend'.

>She knew this was going to be her big break and felt confident leaving her boyfriend, Sam, back in Washington working for a PR firm writing speeches for gubernatorial candidates.

>He always encouraged her and supported her taking the job that would separate them.

>But Beck broke protocol of the job when she got involved in a hot and heavy secret sexual relationship with one of Obama's senior staffers in hotel rooms - and fell in love.

>Left with a broken heart and feeling duplicitous with too many nights at a bar getting drunk, she says the stolen thrill was worth the heartache although it cost her the relationship with her boyfriend in D.C.
eternal roastie strikes again

>posting a white house job on craigslist

>feeling duplicitous with too many nights at a bar getting drunk,

pump and dump

This video came out WAY back durring the election, but never really got taken seriously.

Is it for sure Obama now?

Is this a #metoo moment?

Women always assume men are available even after they end the relationship and whore around. It's like they have absolutely no empathy or ability to see things from other people's perspectives.

Would not fuck.

>roastie fucks up and has an affair
>it was everyone else's fault
I'm not saying shit like this didn't happen, but this sounds like the ramblings of an attention seeking slut like Roastie Daniels. I bet at least half the shit she says is untrue or a gross exaggeration

(((Their))) favorite drug is...
made from kids!

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>tfw roastie weaponizes her bitterness to rat on Obama and his chumps

I feel conflicted. On the one hand this is going to be glorious. On the other hand it seems like a warning for what happens when you trust women with anything.

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That's it. Confirmed. These Luciferian fucking assholes will be cleansed.

No more playing nice. Trump must exsanguinate all leftists.

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Where's the "shock" in learning that King NIgger was constantly high for eight years?

1. ALWAYS ARCHIVE. ALWAYS! The best weapon we have is to deny the merchant his shekels:

2 At least post the ONE decent pic from the article about the jewess cum dumpster leaving her door open on trips...

Attached: jew-cum-dumpster1.jpg (634x836, 44K)

>it sucks that I can't ride the cock carousel with a bf at home and suffer no consequences

>Diplomacy on Xanax

No wonder the Obama Administration never accomplished anything.

I wish the Obama boner video was real. I really do.


So this is why the usual 80% slide thread rate jumped up to about 95% all the sudden. Thanks OP

>be 7/10 normie chick
>think you're government staffer job will land you a 10/10 future world-leader husband

>Where's the "shock
The shock is that the same kikes who got Dr. Ronnie Jackson to step down from his appintment to VA for eing known as "The Cand Man" for handing out ambien, and here we have a cunt admitting that ALL White house physicians handed out not only ambien as he did, but fucking XANAX which is actually addictive.

Same doubel standard jewry. It was a SCANDAL when the same exact Dr. that was used by Obama was used by Trump. If that isn't a level of high kikey double-standard previously known only unto talmudic scholars, I don't know what is..

>7/10 normie chick
I'd put her more at 5/6 when you see the face close up. Also, that skirt is especially designed to make her tits look bigger and legs longer. Look at the other pics of her in article. She's a 5 user.

Oh, and she HAPPILY ADMITS to cheating on her BF. I think with a Goy, though would have to check. We'll be the undoing of the kikes simply by fucking all their women...

Goddamn women go down hill fast, don't they? Roastie indeed.

Not sure what to make of this. Basically says Obama surrounded himself with drugged up women. Explains why admin was so unproductive.

Did they get to compare size with Michelle's?

>>be 7/10 normie chick
DEF a 5 user:

Attached: jeweess5-1.jpg (634x1262, 56K)

Do we have any takers who wan to argue for her being higher than a 5? I mean, some would say that in today's ZOG, merely not being 350lb makes a female a 7, but I think we should still use the normal sale here. And that jew nose foes not help at all.

Attached: jewess5-2.jpg (634x517, 49K)

gargantuan if not false

A amend my previous statement. 5/10 indeed.

Anyone know who the weirdo in the jacket is? He must be one of their bosses jusging by the way the bleach-blonde jewess is rubbing her tit against him. You can tell he has some sort of power of promotion over her.

She was probably something in high school. The girl next door type.

Well, I commend you for admitting an error and not being like 95% of jackoffs here who will NEVER admit they are wrong about anything, no matter how small. I don't blame you at all though, bc in the shirt skirt witht he face out of focus and the tits accentuated, she does indeed appear as a 7...

I'd call her a 6 I guess. I dunno my standards are pretty low because reasons.


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>She was probably something in high school. The girl next door type.
I can guarantee you user she was uglier than sin in high school. If she's THIS UGLY NOW with access to the White House professional makeup people, access to high end clothes and probably surgery, in high school she must have been a TRUE pig. Le me look for a HS pic to confirm it:

>What was once joy has become 'a waking nightmare. I'm now a stenographer in the Trump administration'.

maybe quit your job then dumb bitch

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I live in DC. Here, she's a 7.

On the phone talking about that "hot-dog" stand in Hawaii and got too exited...Worst President Ever, complete and utter faggot!


Is DC really that bad of a pig roast?

It is real and it is him, just know that Obama is protected.



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Wait a minute-- "Beck" is her first name, which is obviously short for "Rebecca" and her surname is STEIN." She's a very obvious Jew. I guess she needed to stop using te name "becky" since it now has a negative connotation thannks to that negress rapper who used the name in a bad context. But to CHANGE YOUR CHANGE bc some fucking neress used it in a disparaging way in a song? Not only a kike but self-hating kike.

I also would not but muc stock in anything "she" wrote in this book, the kikes are simply trying to sell books and making the plan ride sound like a drug-fueled orgy is a better selling point that the usual shit

>lives in DC
So do I, and she is a five at best.

It does have the nickname of Hollywood for Ugly People. And keep in mind how few white people live in the district proper. Pic related is an extreme example.

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Blonde is hot as fuck. The shoes kinda kill it for me tho

Not suprised. Obama is a complete mystery. When anyone does give an account of him personally its just drugs and sex.

The most shocking thing here is that Obama would fuck a woman.

>I live in DC. Here, she's a 7.
and I live in NYC. She's not even a 7 compared to the fresh-faced NYU girls, nevermind the model types who used to hang around the old Asia-de-Cuba. I saw more fucking models in that restaurant, since closed down I think. It was started in the hotel owned by the Studio 54 partner who did not get the AIDS.

It was a great place to take girls on first dates to remind them these was so much better out there if they acted like a cunt. I saw a to of Asian models literally as tall as that Sabina volleyball girl from Kazahstan.

I heard it was opening again a few years ago. If it is opened again and you are in NYC with a girl, take her there (you need reservations). Food is fucking good but atmosphere is amazing, with each table given privacy from all others with a light, White cotton sheet.

And in the var area, you will see the best looking girls you've ever seen up close in your life.

>Blonde is hot as fuck
you don't get out much, huh user?

DCbro, there's no need to lie about our options here. Any woman who is white, thin, and doesn't have a septum piercing is already leagues above the average here.

>It does have the nickname of Hollywood for Ugly People.
I've never heard that one before but I like it, although these days Hollywood is looking more and more like Hollywood for Ugly people.

>drug addicted buttercunt brags about her plush lifestyle romping with random men in the court of King Nigger on America's dime
Every greentext story ever told on Jow Forums has turned out to be true

I couldn't stand the area for more than a year. The social scene is absolutely cancerous. The height of coolness is sitting around foggy bottom and comparing job titles while larping as thinktank analysts. If I had to sit in one more bar, or at one more party with a bunch of faggots 20-somethings exchanging titles for their bullshit staff positions are agencies no one gives a shit about one more time, I was going to kill someone. It's like a Jow Forums meet-up where everyone is a college grad, not racist, and thinks the government is badass.

That house-party scene in Burn After Reading was dead-on, except it showed what those people would be like in 20 years (exactly the same).

It's like 40% black, 30% mystery meat roasties, 20% hags, 10% normal women. It's gotta be a hard life for a single, sane man.

For the few who might care, Asia de Cuba is opened again but they've moved out of Ian Schager's hotel and now totally changed the decor and removed the white sheets. The price and rating suggests still an upscale crowd, but place to see models now is Nobu, though hard to get a reservation and I for one despise Sushi.

If you visit NYC and are going to go to one of these upscale restaurants:
A. while in NYC, get a good haircut
B. DO NOT be fat or don't go
C. Go to Barney's or Bloomingdales and ask for a "personal stylist" (aka, rent-a-fag for an hour0 if you don't have a Gf who comes from money to pick out your clothes for you.

digits confirm Obama is manchurian candidate going down for sex trafficking

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>I couldn't stand the area for more than a year. The social scene is absolutely cancerous. The height of coolness is sitting around foggy bottom and comparing job titles while larping as thinktank analysts. If I had to sit in one more bar, or at one more party with a bunch of faggots 20-somethings exchanging titles for their bullshit staff positions are agencies no one gives a shit about one more time, I was going to kill someone. It's like a Jow Forums meet-up where everyone is a college grad, not racist, and thinks the government is badass.
That's actually exactly how I imagined it. Government really is for fags.

I'm aware DC is primarily groid but I was assuming we were only talking about people that work in downtown and around the mall.

>line you press core with women
>drug them
>have sex with them
>now watch how they sweep literally every illegal act of your administration under the rug as they cover for "their men"

just so everyone knows, this is why Michael Hastings ways murdered. He exposed the inappropriate relationship the Obama Admin had with the press

this is why women do not belong outside of the kitchen
they're too fucking stupid to understand how fucking retarded they are

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RARE. wtf is Bouvet Island?

But yeah, it can be pretty bad. Kinda outing myself here, but the libertarian scene is real good in DC if you find yourself involved. That's why I've stayed.
And out of the hottest, most are married to their career. And some are married to their patchouli. Dating is not kind to men here.

I disagree. Scarcity inflates value but no one should tack on more than 1.5 points at best.

That being said, DC women are hilariously delusional in their own value, probably due to feminism. A lot of 5s with JDs and PhDs act like they're 8s thinking I give a shit about their income.

>We'll be the undoing of the kikes simply by fucking all their women
But never impregnate! They'll happily cuck their husbands and reduce their children's appearance to hide better

Burn After Reading is such a fucking excellent movie.

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Can you imagine just how man Michelle ononbgo jealous rages the press killed since she was a stronk black woman? Look at the hate in this nigger's eyes. I I hte Carla bruni too for being a rce-mixer who married a JEW, but christ, look at this chimp's eyes and just imagined how man times she must have exploded and the jews covered it up.

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No one can convince me this negress didn't explode numerous times when she thought a womnez was after king nigger. It's just not possible. We probably won't hear it until after she is dead

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Think he will be exposed for being a man?

So funny how the idiot masses never realized Bordello Barry was running a fuck house and not a white house

Truth on the hot girl thing. Knew a legit 9 that worked Capitol Hill for years before hitting her 30s and burning out, married a huge loser afterwards down south when she probably could have easily bagged a very wealthy guy that had his shit together in DC. Seen it happen myself.

>exposed for being a man?
i kinda believe that one, but then thing is, where did the negro daughters come from? True enough, you can buy a negress in africa for a bag of crisps, and I do think she is far too manly and there's something...maybe she was born with both sets of sex organs. But then again, the williams sister also looks like an ape and was apparently pregnant and had a baby so it's a tough call....

DC women are hilariously delusional in general
>I'm a real life Leslie Knope teehee

I'm just married. All side nanny looks decent, especially if they're sluts.

Upon reading the article and looking at the other pics I retract my previous statement... shes definitely a 5 if not less

Bmorefag here, they're delusional after years of being told that DC is ranked highly for having attractive people. Maybe times have changed over the last 4 years but DC was supposedly the place to go down to to pick up girls.

Good point regarding Capitol Hill girls. They have a higher average. The congressmen love hiring pretty women.

Would you suck his bull semen user?

It's not hard to have better looking women than what Baltimore provides. Shame about your city. Lovely place filled with some terrible people.

I love how this article spins it all into harmless fun and how she was glad she cheated on her b.f. and it was alright for her to do so.

>stays on with Trump administration
>something about clowns
>stereotypical "priuses changed to maseratis" tagline
>"it's a living nightmare. I'm now a stenographer for the trump administration"

If she still has a job, it won't be for long

Go to 1:20 or so. These two obviously love White Cock so much it's apparently a joke between them:

On the other hand, just LOOOK at how fucking black they are. And they had one grandparent who was completely White. In only one generation, Whiteness dissolves completely. Why it's so frigile and needs to be guarded.

Th Jews are ALREADY crowing that blondes will be extinct within 200 years. If this were ANY OTHER ANIMAL, eve the lowest of insects, steps would be taken ASAP to preserve it. Not for us though.

Everything they say is such a blatant fucking lie-- claim to love 'diversity." what fucking race on earth comes close to whites in terms of diversity in hair color, eye color, etc...

Rockwell was right back in the 1960s-- the Jew's true aim is to destroy us through racial mixing.

Someone needs to tell Pence.

I wonder what her eyebrows really look like.

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>Upon reading the article and looking at the other pics I retract my previous statement... shes definitely a 5 if not less
nwow, on Jow Forums, 2 in same thread actually retarcted opinions and weren't complete dickheads about it. Could this place be finally growing uo

>libertarian scene

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Exactly. Benghazi wasn't a scandal. teh death of Gaddafi leading to the influx of millions of niggers into europe? Not a scandal. Having the IRS specifically instructed to target conservative groups? Not a scandal at all.

It couldn't just possibly be that the jews and libtards worshipped their negro messiah so much they refused to ever acknowledge a fuck=up, could it???

>"it's a living nightmare. I'm now a stenographer for the trump administration"
Not for long

I found that to be more feminist bullshit. Yes, DC has a lot of type A connected wealthy people. But that works for guys.

The women tend to think the things that make men attractive to them are equally attractive for women. In reality, am happier fucking stupid Hooters waitresses than I am with a 5 that works at a high end think tank.

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>Kek, wannabe chad user larping as a ladies man and deflating scores. You're probably a kiss-less wizard virgin. That hot Jewess is way out of your league.

Do you feel back at home now?

Way happier

>"What was once joy has become 'a waking nightmare. I'm now a stenographer in the Trump administration'."


>visit nyc last year
>be half fat
>still pull 7's & 8's

Was literally easy mode. I want to go back just because how easy NYC girls are.

>Trump's face when

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hey,get the fuc back to your home: