Anti-White Redpills

I need your help Jow Forums
Every time I try to tell my mom that the MSM and her beloved Democratic Party HATES white people, she brushes me off as crazy (although I understand the urge to resist such a painful truth).
I need your best examples of Anti-White bias in the media.

This is literally baby's first redpill. So please nothing more than entry level anti-white bias pics. She will dismiss me outright if the examples attempt to bring up (((what's really behind this agenda))).

Plus she's a woman, so feel free to post things that will appeal to her emotions.

Headlines, quotes, articles, infographics, whatever you have I will be forever grateful.
Thank you in advance

Attached: dnc chair on white people.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll post a few examples that I already have. Just to save you the trouble of posting things I don't need.

Attached: fuck white people salon edition.jpg (1129x1200, 413K)

I hope someone will see this thread and help me out because I'm very tired of being brushed off.
I know she already has a few """unacceptable""" positions, particularly on illegal immigrants being shitty and there only being two genders, so there is a glimmer of hope.

Attached: fuck white people apparently.jpg (4142x2196, 3.05M)

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all these fucking slide threads in the catalog and i cant get one anti-white bias redpill from anyone who isnt me?

Attached: hate speech.jpg (960x888, 91K)

you make me sad some times Jow Forums


Attached: whitegenocide.png (1132x1394, 256K)

Attached: whitegenocide3.png (3657x4160, 2.33M)

Celebrating white suicide.

fucking FINALLY
i was just getting ready to give up and go for a walk (i still need to pretty soon)
but thank you anons, seriously
please keep em comin

Attached: whiteminority.jpg (720x722, 303K)

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This article in the pic was posted less than a week after Ireland legalized abortion

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you're too early for US, too later for EU.
3/4 AM here, sry.

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i really hope someone has some juicy headlines like because im pretty sure thats the only way shes going to see the light

fugg, good point. although im in NJ and its only 10pm so its like 7pm on the west coast.

okay im going for a walk
if anyone has any more anti-white bias headlines or quotes from politicians or faggots on twitter, please by all means post them

Attached: white panther.jpg (438x1024, 62K)

Baby redpills:

If white men are so privileged, why do white men kill themselves at 3.25x the rate of the general population?

In the USA, white men are the only group to consistently vote for smaller government. Did you know that white men also disproportionately shoulder the tax burden? In fact, on average, black people represent a net DEFICIT to the state each year.

99.9% of all combat deaths since gender desegregation of the military have been men. Men are still eligible for the draft. There are far more homeless men than women. Men also have much shorter life expectancies and lower educational attainment than women. Men are routinely discriminated against in custody and divorce courts. It's sometimes hard to believe that they are 'privileged'.

These are just a few. Be careful though, women are extremely resistant to this stuff, and if you sound whiny they'll start to hate you. Women loathe weakness, and the worst thing you can do is show a woman any emotion besides anger. They respect male anger, but they HATE male tears.

Redpilling takes time.

For my mom I started with, "is black pride okay? Is gay pride okay? Is Asian pride okay? Then why is white pride bad?"

Then moved on to describing how we can now see that if women chase careers, they miss their window for having many, healthy children. Feminism is genocide. Women pursuing careers always leads to extinction.

Then make it more personal, "If my sister pursues advanced education and then builds a career, she won't be able to have children until after her fertility window closed and you won't get any grandchildren."

Redpilling has to be personal, not political.

thank you
this is good stuff

also, its my mom, so she wont hate me haha
she just says "oh whatever, sure" in a sarcastic tone and it pisses me the fuck off.
deep down she gets it, im just looking for more good examples, particularly headlines from actual newspapers or magazines