Would you still support him? Serious answers only, please

Would you still support him? Serious answers only, please.

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no, i would not.

Cant say that I would if I'm being honest



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As an alternative to Hillary? Yes, if I had another right wing option I'd likely pick that but it depends on their platform

what if a meme flag cunt stopped slide posting, would he vote for Trump ?

He'd be trying to bang Eric.


He's already a massive degenerate triple divorcee who eats nothing but junkfood and loves Israel, gay wouldn't be much worse. So yes. Also sage because OP is a fucking faggot

I don't giive a fuck what anyone does in the bedroom.
It's when they start pushing shit onto everyone else.
If Trump was the exact same guy and gay cool.

If he kept it a secret, then yea. If was he living full homo, then no, I'd laugh at him and say things such as, "hey guys look at this fucking faggot" and "lets all laugh at this faggots face" and shit like that, and then we'd all laugh because he was a fag

If everything else was the exact same? Yes.


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That's why I voted for Obama in 12 desu senpai

Ernst Rohm was gay. The father of the modern Austrian right-wing was probably gay. Plenty of gay fascists throughout history. Most the Spartans were bisexuals. It's just that homosexuality generally doesn't lend itself to masculine strength.

If Trump was gay but the same in every other way I'd still support him, unlikely as that would be.

John Wayne was a fag. I installed two-way mirrors at his pad in Brentwood, and he came to the door in a dress.


If by gay you mean fucking Melania and the countless models, playmates and pornstars? Yeah I would

Why the hell would it affect me?

Then that nigger went full HOMO

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>Would you still support him?

Only if he was gay with me.

t. otherwise hetero

does not compute

holy shit you're such a dumb faggot. FAGGOTS BELONG IN A BOG YOU PIECE OF SHIT

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policy > identity
anyone who disagrees is a moron

probably not

