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Other urls found in this thread:


Every time he makes one of those videos, people don't like them.

Who wants to watch 2 hours of him talk about something that takes 5 minutes to thoroughly explain?

he explained he doesnt need a womans consent

We already knew that Mr french rapist

Why did she clear her feed?

Forget this trash, share this instead - make a difference;

He should of just said patrick little was a stupid attention whore that accomplished nothing for the movement.

She’ll be on warski later this week

I can't wait for that dumpster fire

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Typical french behavior. The french simply cannot behave themselves around women, they turn into salivating dogs.

Literally this

>women causing unnecessary drama in political realm

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lol I'm gonna look up that picture

Patrick Lolcow.

This cunt is attacking everyone, including those that come to her defense.

Must be her time of the month.

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It’s what the alt right has devolved into LOL
Richard Spencer has dropped off the face of the earth

JF is a beta thirsty white knight faggot

Big surprise, JF gets caught in purity spiral because not retarded enough

This is why it's unironically better to be an Incel than a soiboi whiteknight. You aren't respected by females in either scenario, but at least the Incel gets to BTFO of roasties & rain on their parade.

Little and Fuentes are both Jews. They're creating in-fighting to drum up interest. If you're caught in the drama you'll naturally pick a side but whichever you follow you're following a Jew. Stop falling for Jewish tricks. protip: Patrick Little got destroyed by Jow Forums, not (((Nick Fuentes))). When MOSSAD loses an asset even their defeat must reflect some type of victory, so they pretend another asset destroyed them.

Who is Patrick Little? Let's find out! realmoarpheus.wordpress.com/2018/05/26/a-little-investigation/

Fuck that. Tommy needs to die for the movement. If he gets killed by some mudslime in prison. It will push more people further right. Tommy is a cuck anyways so it's not like it will be a huge loss. If we get Tommy out people will just continue letting their nation die

>but whichever you follow you're following a Jew

I disagree, Nick is the one being a faggot. Little is a sincere autist who means the best. You can criticize his strategy, but Nick was a huge fucking faggot & instigated this entire thing.

REMINDER. This is Moarpheus

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Proof that's the faggot?

Fuentes is a kid I'm sure I'd Patrick little was to Spartan Train and big brother fuck nick and red pill him with the JQ nick would come out like fuck jews man

This, plus hes just a bong anyway

Holy shit, just realized you're using fucking moarpheus as a source.
Remember goy, everyone's a jew but jews don't exist.

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His name is moarpheus. That looks like a fag with that name. It's him until he proves otherwise. Patrick Little shows his face.

literally true

tommy is good goy martyr fodder

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>Choose a female cohost for a political show

What a retard. Rose should team up with another woman and make a cooking, childcare, and general home making channel.

sign it anyway

trump can't save tommy now but a petition with enough signatures may catch his attention- if trump speaks publicly about tommy then the news will reach a far larger audience than we ourselves or any of the alt-lite faggots on twitter and youtube are able to

that's the real goal of this petition

jesus christ who the fuck has the energy to still care about these people? what have they done for you? they're not even lulz worthy at this point. everything has been debated to death.

let the ecelebs die (by mutual suicide pact preferably)

I listen to every Alt Right Spencer pod cast, I genuinely learn a lot from those guys.

Like how the more your penis when erect points up- the more aryan you are because Europeans evolved to have sex in a missionary position.

i dont hear you making a counter argument for that pic, user. it's almost like your deflecting. come debate me lil bitch

What's with this twatter garbage sage

very nice i like

The Aryan Angle is Mike Enoch's theory

Whether you like it or not, e-celebs do more to expose normies to our ideas than any other platform. Public voices are a vital part of any movement.

She (a thot) can keep her opinion to herself, it doesn't matter if Ashton is a zog shill or that she's more autistic than me. This is bullshit. I still look forward to the day when daisy dukes are the customary clothing of American women, all seasons. I just hope that they are not all obese by then, or that the entire country hasn't been turned into a sub-50% white-favela-shithole because that would turn my dream into a horrible fucking nightmare.

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Hopefully she'll disappear after that

Why make an argument when you'll ignore it? You have never once admitted that you were wrong.
You're exactly like a jew and you don't debate jews you oven them.


No they're not.

>haha why should i make an argument when i can just deflect like a typical kike shill
you're beneath my foot.

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>haha why should i make an argument when i can just deflect like a typical kike shill
exactly. stay defeated.

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this eceleb dick riding is tiring as all hell, don't you anons have anything better to watch or do with your time than this braindead "entertainment" i mean honestly. this is just as bad as the lauren southerners and the venti threads. its exhausting no one gives a shit about what some beta orbiter thinks of his damsel in distress.

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>this kills the Lauren #4

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Do you guys remember when we first heard of Lauren? It was on tim pool's channel last September. And she was supposed to work with him on videos. She even met with him and went to his place. I wonder what happened.


The first time I heard of her was her video about civic nationalism being shit.

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yet here you are crying about it. Stop browsing Jow Forums all day you pathetic shut in.


Quick rundown?

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I saw this coming the first time he had her on, the guy is a pathetically creepy white knight which repulses any woman within shouting distance

JF btfo, never liked that fag. I like warski because he was 84 IQ and didn’t care about anything except making money off debates. No gay shit

I don't care what anyone says JF puts on a good show this cunt better not ruin it.

my 20 second post on how sad this is, isn't equivalent to you faggots shitting up Jow Forums with these pathetic threads helplessly sucking down whatever drivel these people force feed you under the guise of being "edgy counterculture" read a fucking book stop listening to some mouthpiece tell you what to think on a topic ( any topic) that has been well researched and documented. its fucking pathetic seeing you faggots parrot these guys like jf.

This is the first time i remember seeing her.


kill yourself

This is exactly what happened with Andy, isn't it?

JF is such an autist. Enjoy going back to Emily "Bad Optics" Youcis.

I wonder if white knights will learn a lesson from this about being sniveling little beta orbiters. Probably not.

He didn't even do anything wrong. He just defended her and this trad thot can't handle a man defending her

>eceleb thread

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>This is exactly what happened with Andy, isn't it?
not really

I don't see why Lauren is starting shit over this. JF doesn't require your permission or to give you a heads up to make a video about it. Stop being an attention whore and causing shit when it doesn't need to be caused.

And JF needs to get off of Laurens vagene. It's obvious he's got a crush on her. Lauren can tell this and she's obviously not into it. Lauren needs to just eject herself from the podcast, and be done with it so we can get over any of this gay e-drama. Then JF needs to get an uglier redpilled girl on the stream to co-host or just another witty intelligent guy.

How does anyone watch JF

>annoying accent
>gay personality
>beta white knight crypto-rapist
>3 hour livestreams of the same talking points over and over
>brings on a young fertile girl cuz he thinks he might be able to fuck her
>basically the ultimate version of beta bux
>people still tune in for this shit

Fuck JF

Imagine thinking so hard about e-eceleb drama you can write two paragraphs on it. You should eat a bullet.

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Women hate when a beta fag defends them. Actually everyone hates it

Remember when nick attacked tara McCarthy for being a tradthot and commanding men on Twitter? Clearly that was only done because he didn't agree with her and not really because of her being a tradthot. Lauren does the same thing and he commends her for it.

The people he has on is interesting

I miss the good ol days when pic related represented the WN community instead of all these preppy faggots.

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Imagine you're so invested into what I think about it that you take the time to specifically say how big of a waste of time it is to think about it.

im making fun of you little nerd

Fuck you. Sign the petition bitch.

Kek, I knew she'd react this way. She's gonna quit as co-host in no time and it's going to be amazing to watch JF cry over it.

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He took down his Emily vids because she broke YT Tos with some of her statements, and he fears loss of shekels

>chubby face
>bad facial hair
>bags under eyes from watching porn all night
>a constant layer of grease reflecting on his face

Who thought it was a good idea to give a frenchman his own YouTube show

hi nick

you jealous?

of course you are

you fucking fake faggot neet