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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is undoing the (((new world order))) by removing America as the keystone of the structure. Without us, it all implodes, and that's what we are seeing as G7 leaders panic and the MSM melts down and shills are kvetching in full force.
That is why Israel attempted to false flag the US with a nuke strike on the NK summit.
Why go to such extreme lengths?
Trump is organizing humanity's world order, partnering with world leaders that are based and red pilled on the JQ.
The final battle between good and evil is about to begin.

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IG report tomorrow will be the dawn of a new golden age.

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Yeah, sure, it's HAPPENING. Again.
But it never happens.

What could possibly be in the report that will bring a reckoning? How to launch nukes without anyone knowing how to stop you?

Tick tock faggots

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The (((deep state))) revealed for the world to witness.

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Was the thread about the missile just (((shut down))) ?!

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Yeah, yeah, tick tock. Never heard that before. You a boomer hooked on Q larps, or what?

Fuck your mossad psy ops

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Yup, boomer hooked on Q larps detected. Tick tock, past proves future, blah fucking blah. Wake me up when something happens (it won't).

Are you AI?

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i dont think that one is.

No, just not retarded, a teenager, or a boomer. Gullible faggots.

The gif I posted should have told you what I think about the Mossad psy op, yet you still pushed the narrative that I listened to that shit anyways. Kill yourself.

Shhhh. You're retarded user

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Good thread Ivan.

Trump is already alienating NATO allies.
He's a traitor to western democracy.

But im sure Americans will be glad at the cosiness he's displayed to such wonderful countries as China, Russia, the Philippines, and now North Korea.

Like fuck Britain, Europe and the national security threats of Canada and Mexico amirite? there only the two countries on your borders that provide the majority of your trade relations.

seriously though you're a joke. a sad joke.

>qtarded boomers think a malevolent AI is working against their oracle of delphi

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>> 56%

I'm not American, user. Nice try tho.

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The us is a republic we don’t share the western values of democracy

pictures like this show kek to be Satan. Satan comes as the morning star, but the morning star is actually Jesus. When a picture depicts another being in the place of Jesus, then that being is Satan. This is magic, like the common kek image doing the 666 sign with his hand. It the way of summoning and attaching that spirit to that image.

Using biblical bullshit to scare people doesn't work on Jow Forums. Try harder. Fear won't work here.

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Oh fuck I remember this.
Gave me a huge fucking boner during the campaign, I honestly thought Trump was going to start rounding up Jews the day of his inauguration.
I imagine his life has become extremely stressful and I can't even imagine the kind of moves he is trying to make now or the pressures he's under.

well he should stop fucking working with saudi arabia and israel then

Zionist vs American Jew civil war

One of presidential advisor/son-in-law Jared Kushner’s responsibilities has been pursuing a Middle East peace plan. And while Kushner has long expressed sympathy for Israel — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once slept in his bedroom — relations haven’t always been smooth.

Kushner used profanity to scold Israeli ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer for being too heavy-handed in his dealings with the White House.

On February 13, 2017, the day that Michael Flynn was forced out as national-security adviser, Dermer reportedly went to the White House to try to arrange for Trump to sign secret documents, as other presidents had done, which the Israelis saw as an American commitment not to ask them to give up their undeclared nuclear arsenal. Dermer asked to meet privately with Flynn, prompting aides to explain that he could not dictate whom he wanted to meet with. Advisers felt like they were being taken advantage of.

At one point, in front of witnesses, Kushner swore at Dermer in his West Wing office, saying he wasn’t going to do his bidding just because of his Jewish background. “You’re not going to tell us how to run these things,” he told Dermer. “Don’t try to push us around. Don’t try to jam us.”

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>did you mean the Saudis?


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Kushner is literally the antichrist but okay boomer. Enjoy his biochips.

You can't scare people with your biblical horseshit. Do you understand that? Eat shit you fucking kike.

Shill more kike, kushner is an Orthodox Jew with major investments in biochips. You’re literally a ptg retard that thinks mueller is a good guy, go read more psyops threads

Let’s not forget his ties with Soros! Or does that not match your incorrect newfag boomer world view? You flaming retard.



I just got out of one you stupid nigger

Go shill more for Orthodox Jews more, super ironic when you call others kikes.

Don't leave us, Uncle Sam!

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I'm fucking sold now, Trump is JQ-aware

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Wrong. Trump is in Putin's pocket because Kim has the pee tape.

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Pic related is him meeting with a USS liberty survivor. The man is well aware of how Israel has used America to its benefit but he knows their pavlovian conditioning over the public makes it impossible to call them out directly without being slandered universally as an antisemite. I hold out hope that he's playing 4d chess with them with some token concessions and will fight back against ZOG, but it's a truly Herculean task. If he manages to defeat (((them))) he will go down as the greatest president of all time, hands down.

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It is time
to name
The (((Jew)))

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pic related

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