

I hope you're all enjoying fapping to traps and getting pozzed by anonymous guys on craigslist.
CF was the only person even tangentially associated with this "movement" who had any integrity at all.
Lets take a look at some "far right" sites and individuals:
Richard Spencer
>homosexuality is 'implicit white identity'
>likely homosexual or bisexual
>promotes atheism
>constantly attempts to call out others for 'purity spiraling'
>Ghoul has lesbian mothers
>Enoch is okay with gays as long as they are pro white
>promote atheism but pretend to be against decadence/materialism
Ryan Faulk
>a literal faggot who has had sex with nonwhite men in the past
>promotes atheism
>invites fags to speak at their conferences
>is autistically focused on race so fails to address moral issues properly
Red Ice
>say "you don't even have to be heterosexual" to be 'pro white'
>woman host
Jow Forums
>full of unoriginal trolls (bearing false witness)
>full of unironic fags
Repent, read your bible, and get off Jow Forums. You should live a moral life without false preachers.

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how very Christian of you

What? Do you think that pointing out decadence (which is mostly practiced/promoted by white people) is somehow anti-Christianity?


I'm white as snow. I do, however, support "niggers" who live moral lives over decadent whites.

nigger lover

>which is mostly practiced/promoted by white people

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>get off Jow Forums
do that

oh and and you are also a nigger lover, kill yourself or go jerk off to BASED muslims or something

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t. someone who has never seen any 20-something year old white girl's facebook page

I just prayed that you would die of some really painful and drawn out illness. Enjoy

>kike on a stick

CF is the reason I came to pol several years ago.
thanks man.

Dear Jesus, do me a solid and strike faggot OP down. Give me a sign if that's in the woks. Thanks, Bro.

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>wishing death upon me for livng by god's word
Wow, you people really are beyond redemption. Luckily I know most of you will have brought death upon yourselves with MED-RESISTANT AIDS
ISIS is more moral than 99% of ethnat scumbags like you.

t. someone who is a fucking idiot and doesn't see the source of the problem

>Dear Jesus, do me a solid and strike faggot OP down. Give me a sign if that's in the woks. Thanks, Bro.

I will be with god for eternity in the kingdom of heaven, you will be struck down by the blessed plague of glorious HIV trap-lover.

>ISIS is more moral than 99% of ethnat scumbags like you.
have you considered seeking professional help? because you definitely need it

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>Ghoul has lesbian mothers
How is this his fault?

You are a white homosexual. I would pick a gang member, murderer black who had sincerely repented to god over your kind any day.

If you had any shared if integrity OP too would be pagan

>You are a white homosexual.

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Have fun getting pozzed at your bisexual forest fuck party faggot.

>is ethnat
>accepts concept of projection made up by (((Freud)))

you sound gay

yup, you are a literal faggot
bet you have aids too

>I'm white as snow.
Stop it.

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I don't give a fuck who realized that faggots project their insecurities on others but but you are an example that he was right.

>yup, you are a literal faggot
says the guy who wished death upon me for my opposition to faggotry

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5:32

We live in a sick society, instead of focusing on the darkness of the world, focus of what role God has for you, also pray often every morning and night for people who have hardened their hearts against God.

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How did paganism get so popular on this board? Do Spencer, Enoch, Greg Johnson, and Jack Donovan promote paganism to justify homosexuality?

Sloppy beaner does not have enough respect for himself to lose 35 pounds.

I miss Commonfilth, he was so based

Called out the faggot alt-right really early on and was proven right time and time again

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Yeah me too, I understand why the man quit though. Having to come face to face with all that degeneracy on a daily basis must have been harrowing.

I miss him, racemixing fuck, but I really enjoyed his content.

says the guy who wished death upon me for my faggotry

lol try harder sodomite troll this psyop won't work on me haha I know that you are insecure about your deviant sexuality don't push it onto me because I oppose it.

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