The white ethnostate is the future

>The white ethnostate is the future

Are you guys unironically this retarded?

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I'm a transhumanist eugenicist, I don't care what colour skin the future people have provided they're progressively more intelligent each generation but...

... European descendent people are more likely to have genius level intelligence.

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I'm pretty sure the Chinese are already fucking around with this. Along with a lot of other scientific studies considered inhumane or immoral by western nations.

after living with both niggers and whites I can say with 100% certainty that a white ethnostate is the closest thing heaven on earth

The United States was a white ethnostate 50 years ago.


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Almost everyone in that picture is non-white. I am not sure what you are saying.

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Literally what i am saying... "White" ethnostate

I guarantee they're either using already existing genes (currently in a minority of white people and only fully activated in white people) or they're engineering autism.

Genetic engineering is like artificial intelligence, it's nice but it's not going to work how it works in sci fi.

Not going to work?

White ethno state with wide open borders as wide as your women legs when she see Ahmed.

Those are some ugly ass fuckin wierdo beaner/jewy motherfuckers LMAO. If we had a country o nothing but me which is white gold standard the shit would be perfect.

what the fuck?

"the west is the best"

> none of them are european.

In order to be a proud boy you have to accept your people are shit and useless


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Lauren is the only one that looks "white". Even then, only barely.

Activists have nothing to lose, and avoid attack because they are ugly and stupid.
ALL activists

Why is this necessary?

Cause she is lonely?

I doubt it, she has no shortage of friends or interesting people to talk to. Even if she gets bored of them, there's several people she could tweet at and get attention right quick.

Maybe she's horny? I'll understand, but would give her shit for it.

Is this really the best demoralization attempt you have inside you, you small-souled piece of refuse?

It is a serious question. The OP pic is what is considered white these days.

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>The white ethnostate is the future
Where's the problem with that? All non-White nations are ethnostates

>it was serious guys therefore it's potent because I said so with all the credibility of a bugman
You're lost.

Who is white?

Is Barack Obama white?

Not you

Yes and no

It's a yes
no question.

I envy your comfy simplicity

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I laugh at the fact that you think you're doing any sort of deep or critical thinking in over-analyzing whether someone falls into a racial category.

How come the Hispanic identity is eroding in America? How do other races like this, the Irish, and the Italians end up being considered white over time?

Why do you think white Americans have no right to control their collective destiny according to their social morals and norms. Why do you think the minority of white people jave the prerogative to undermine white social norms by supporting mass colonization from the third world. In short, why do you believe white people needs to be eradicated?

How do people learn about things? How do people come to new conclusions given new data? Why do disingenuous shitheels try to oversimplify things to disguise a non-point as an argument?

Jow Forums will go dark in a few days. It has been predicted.

I wish I could join a group. I have zero friends because im in my mid 30's. You lose all your friends at this age unless you had a large and loyal circle of friends but i picked junkies and criminals in my youth and they are all dead or out of action.

>>The white ethnostate is the future

It's certainly the only future where we make it to the stars.

I think he's saying the will be unintended side effects, like sterility or some other debilitation.