12 kills in under 30 seconds

>12 kills in under 30 seconds
>20 kills in under 2 minutes
>31 hits with first 29 shots (left a round in the gun while changing magazine)
>21 headshots
>1.66 kill:hit ratio
>performed a Beirut Triple

>This is supposedly not the work of a highly skilled special forces operator but, wait for it...
>a legally retarded man with a 66 IQ
>who had never handled a firearm before
>who shot with his right hand despite being left-handed
>who later fired 250 rounds and hit no one in standoff with police

Just a reminder.

Attached: martin bryant.jpg (220x252, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I dunno, whats the likelyhood of pulling that off in a small cafe with most of the people seated?

This is literally worse than holocaust tier fiction as is it is easily checked that only cream of the cro spec ops could pull that off with perfect preparation

>>who had never handled a firearm before

Sorry to double post, but he was an avid firearm collector and enthusiast.

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>250 rounds fired in confrontation with police
>0 hits


they were non-tasmanians. no fucks given, merchant tears for years. 90% of all deaths on the island are tourists. Usually we kill them as tin hit-n-runs or as they hike in the mountains. And the police wont help you because their families are involved.

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What about Cho?
What about Breivik?
Their kill to time ratio and headshot surely must were higher.

Well the police would have surrounded him and have been at some sort of distance, also the police never landed any shots on him neither, If i remember correctly he only surrendered/was captured when the building he was hold up in caught fire and he was burned,

Based Tasman.

>air rifle

>Who now?

He had a lot of AR-15 and FN FAL variants and pistols.

He was a crazed Australian surf bum with a fortune in the bank and time to burn. Anything is possible.

The reaction to him was the problem. In America his bodycount wouldn't even turn heads compared to Cho.

lucky the coroner's office had the incite to buy the new 20 man coroner's van days before it all went down.

This is the only thing that reaks of suspicion for me.

reminder that there were a fuckton of eye witnesses, retard
someone would have talked if it was a FF

Unless it was a disguise !

He strikes me more of an elitot rodger type character, he came into a lot of money but no one wanted to be friends with him because he was a turbo-autist.

good point. I'm convinced

How many shootings have followed? And no one has been anywhere near as successful

Oh fuck off mate. Not everything is a damn conspiracy.

Not hard to fuck up congested group of unarmed targets. Even africans with their average 80s iqs in remote parts pull of this shit daily.

Rage more at the fact people willingly gave up their damn firearms so easily in this fucking nation. Thats just as retarded as the masscre and that shit happened without a conspiracy.

Ps fuck you being this retarded

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There is a good reason we act this way. The dutch cleaned our island and then the aboriginals came from the mainland like vultures. They RE_CLAIMED the south for themselves. Palawa Kani is a fake language, a prisoner "cant" from flinders island hundreds of miles to the north. Hobartians who tick the box to identify as aboriginals are frauds no exceptions, no better than any other group of settlers. Last I hear they are trying to rename my city to "niplolita" or some queer shit.

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>multiple witness could not identify him or gave conflicting descriptions

Some gook shot up a university and it's mostly biker gangs and arabs doing drive by-shootings nowadays.

Q talked about this


So? How many did ID him? Why leave witnesses if you are trying to pull off a FF of that scale?

If you're seriously advocating for the United States to disarm and get their women raped to death by vibrant shitskins than you need and deserve to kys.
I can't even believe that Jews have the gall to try and convince white people to agree with their pro vibrant shitskin immigration program. Like seriously niggers gtfo. Jews should be glad they are not being wholesale slaughtered by us right now for their sinister evil.

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"On October 20, 1992, Helen Harvey’s unlikely friendship with Martin Bryant finally proved fatal.

The pair were driving home after a day of shopping with their three dogs in the back of the car when they swerved across double yellow lines towards a Ford Sedan. There is speculation that Bryant had again grabbed control of the wheel.

Harvey’s neck was broken in the impact — she died instantly, along with two of their dogs. There was no investigation into her death no one was ever charged."

He was porking that crazy old catlady.

>Last I hear they are trying to rename my city to "niplolita" or some queer shit.

Yeah I heard about that shit, you'll probably hate me but I'm from Sydney and head down to Tas just after new years on my motorbike, it's literally motorbike heaven with your roads, anyway I shocked when I went up Mt Wellington and it had some dual abo next to the sign for it.

>he also staged a bomb threat as a diversion
>only emergency body disposal van in the state was right around the corner and dismantled right after
>hundreds of international journalists were stationed in port arthur immediately preceding the attack
>happened right at a time when Howard was wanting to continue the anti-militia campaign of the last decades
a whole lot of coincidences going on

you clearly didnt even read his post, brainlet

>low IQ meme
he was forrest gump tier autistic

journalists in Tasmania*

he was 360 noscoping people left and right

iq doesn't always correlate with accuracy & he had a ton of practice.

Scratch them off with a rock, fake culture is a threat to real australian culture.

I went to sydney once. people run when they cross the street. you deserve to see what the rest of the country is like.


out of curiosity I spent a while googling this to see what the conspiracy theory was about and (presumably) find some articles and documents explaining why the conspiracy was dumb and why the evidence for it is misrepresented or made-up

...I didn't find any
just article upon article upon article that insists that only delusional gun-loving nutjobs cold believe this "conspiracy theory" without bothering to refute even a single element of it

FFS, a bunch of articles even list some of the evidence people have laid out for it being a false flag, then just mock the people who posted it and shrug off all the evidence as if its totally irrelevant since we obviously already know what the official, permissible truth is

I don't know what happened here for sure, but it made it pretty clear that if any government ever did pull off a false flag attack, the general population would happily swallow even the most lazy, shoddily concocted of cover stories without a second thought

seems staged

> with police

Tested IQ of 66, on par with an average 11 year old.

Killing shit doesn't require super high IQ, even planned killing shit. Spearchuckers get along nicely with mediocre intelligence.

Zero to none. People that dont shoot guns dont understand how fucking implausible the whole scenario was. It takes hours and hours to get police and soldiers to do a tac reload (reloading with 1 in the chamber) at a static range and they still fuck it up when a but of stress is introduced (a timer or a competition or a more complex drill sequence).

This fucking legally retarded guy does it while shooting at people, with his wrong fucking hand, while getting 21 headshots? Good thing for the government most people only know guns from movies and they actually swallowed this one. Researching port arthur and going through the evidence was a huge eye opener simply based on the evidence and the modus operandi of the shooter.

You have clearly never read the witness reports you reference.
66 iq. You get cops and regular infantry guys with much higher iqs who practice a ton and they still would not pull off that shot/hit ratio under stress in that time frame on moving targets with such high headshot count while fucking shooting with their offhand.

If retards on Jow Forums with zero knowledge or experience with firearm training are so quick to say "how hard could it be for Bryant to do it" are you surprised the public accepted the story?

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All Jews should be killed today, right now, and this would be greatly morally justified.

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> virgin who never handled a gun


Average gang shootout in the US:
>20 niggers within extremely close range
>side grip and magdump
>casualties: 1 gang member and multiple bystanders

>Beirut Triple
wtf is this?

Have been off Jow Forums for a while but me and my gf were talking about this case two weeks ago.
I didn’t really know anything about it but when she (kinda liberal) started talking about it I said no fucking way. My theory at the time however was that the shot placement and rounds used were lied about to push gun control. It’s easier to lie about that than to insert an agent in broad daylight.
She still thinks it’s possible for a literal tard to pull these numbers though. I told I probably couldn’t be half as efficient and I’ve been in the military/shot guns all my life.


Welcome to our dystopia. Too bad you can't take the glasses off and go back to being a normie

Further proof that guns save lives

Counter-terrorism tactic for stopping a car or truck bomb.
>1 sighting shot
>1 shot to disable the driver
>1 shot through the engine block to disable the vehicle

Watch some tribal type hit a monkey with a blowgun - i would say that's considerably harder using your lungs and shit, with all the motion, compared with just pulling a trigger. Shit is just animal tier instinct.

welcome to fucking Jow Forums m8

and then re-purpose it shortly after, never to be used for anything BUT this (((mass shooting)))

one in the mouth and two up the ass, Beirut style.

how do you not know about this

I couldn't even do it, and I shoot in tournaments.

Are you the one with a 66 iq?

>t. 18 year old retard

i mean, these same people got massacred by emus, soooooo....

Is it better to console yourself with conspiracy theories, rather than doing some serious soul searching over why you are a nation of fucking pussies to overreact like that to one incident?

Only people with a 200IQ like me can pull this off.

He had experience with guns though.

>people ID'd him! heaps!
>actually no, conflicting reports, others didnt Id him at all etc.
fuck you're dishonest

firing from the hip. People were seated with their head level at his hip, but go be a dork and try this: grab a broom stick and aim it from hip level at something hip level. Then simulate with your arms what you think the kick back of an assult rifle would be. And bear in mind how quickly he killed all the people in the cafe. He was wheeling around on his heel shooting people all around him

It's practice not instinct

>had again grabbed control of the wheel
as if there are confirmed reports of hum doing this beforehand, tsk tsk

just didnt use enough 50 cals, senpai. that was all

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have a look at who those (((international journalists))) were; you won't be surprised..

>firing from the hip. People were seated with their head level at his hip

This is what I'm thinking it would be quite easy.

>but go be a dork and try this: grab a broom stick and aim it from hip level at something hip level. Then simulate with your arms what you think the kick back of an assult rifle would be

From what I know, AR-15's have very little kick, and he was I guess you could say an experienced firearms user despite him being an autist.

A good observation.

what type of stuff?

this isn't aus/pol/ you faget stop shitting up the thread.

he was clearly autistic af

Luckily the Tasmanian Coroner was anothe autist who had fantasies of dealing siglehanded with a massive disaster like the Derwent Bridge collapse where the ship cut the bridge and twoheaded retards were still driving off it.
And it suspiciously got sold off a few years later when they realised that stacking all the bodies in a single autism-mobile was one of the sources of crosscontamination of forensic evidence.
>as usual in Tasmania, it's not a conspiracy, it's just so many retards in government positions
Same reason Tasmanian cops fucked every other part of the investigation, the same as why MB hadn't been arrested for the old duck's car murder etc

anyone who does an honest investigation into this case will generally find the same

An obvious false flag but since the majority thinks he did it he must have done it. Actually discussed it with some aussies I met on an interrail trip and got blank fluoride stares for suggesting it may not have been him

>Even africans with their average 80s iqs in remote parts pull of this shit daily.

lmao no they really don't

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so this is basically the only mass shooter conspiracy thingy mabob I'm willing to believe besides the LV guy was a gun smuggler or something.

My question is, who actually did it, and how did they pull it off?

I wonder if these is typical aussie stupidity or shilling. Read my post again. Whatever "experience" he had shooting guns in his backyard does not make him capable of performing something that many competition shooters, soldiers, and leo's could not despite much more "experience" and training.

Unfortunately you faggots dont have guns since your parents turned them in and all you know is cowaduty so of course you think what he did was simple or easy.

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Somebody with an IQ of 66 isn't even a high school drop-out. They're a primary school drop out.

Martin Bryant literally cannot tie his own shoes because the shoelace knot is beyond his mental abilities. His mother said at one point that he wasn't smart enough to operate locking mechanisms on doors.

He is also an illiterate. He could not have understood the confession he signed because there was no lawyer present at the time and he literally doesn't know how to read.

The police put a retard in an interrogation room, told him to sign something he couldn't read and he did - and that is literally the only evidence that the shooter was Martin Bryant. There is literally no empirical forensic evidence linking him to the scene and several witnesses who saw the gunman say it wasn't him.

But don't expect too many other Australians to look at the evidence critically. The entire country likes being asleep.

sounds like Australians to me... guided by media

A special forces operator wearing a blonde wig, I shit you not.

everyone scrambles after the first headshot

A mercenary or intelligence operative with a special forces background, most likely American or Israeli.

You basically live in no guns but honestly use your brain. Imagine holding a laser pointer at hip level. Then imagine pressing the button quickly at a balloon across the room and imagine all of the possible places it could hit besides the balloon because you aren’t fucking aiming. Now imagine hitting a cafe full of balloons and hitting most of them with a short burst.
Are you actually this retarded?

here, have a nice pic

Attached: shooter_vs_patsy_port_arthur.jpg (829x586, 166K)

more like guided by the footy and home reno shows

If you pray to the right God, anything is possible.

Not in an overpacked room with only one exit.
>again tasmanian government incompetence - a commercial restaurant would have had to comply with safety standards, because the BroadArrow Cafe was part of a National Park public service it didn't have to comply.
Stupidity over conspiracy again.

>> No forensic evidence gathered
>> No trial

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IQ is for idiots.

← this

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During the Rhodesian war the coons would adjust their sights to max range because they believed it would make the gun more powerful.

Takes one to know one.