Cops arrest me

Cops arrest me

>doing paperwork
>cops look at me
>keep insisting if I can smoke one last cigarette
>cops start getting mad
>say no
>decide to troll them for funsies
>say in the place I was born, Germany, a man was entitled to one last smoke before being locked up
>cops laugh and ask if I"m a Nazi
>I say yes
>they go full retard
>National socialist, yes, a nazi for short
>cop starts taking issue
>"hey buddy, I"m jewish so shut your fucking mouth before you get a boot party"
>boot party is slang for cops kicking the shit out of you
>I say I though this was America where you were supposed to respect a man's freedom of speech and freedom of association.
>cops start to beat the shit out of me
>it's all in the processing center
>it's all on tape
>get badass jew attorney
>he subpoenas the tape
>sues the cops
>they agree to settle

>mfw I'm retired for life at 23 now because cops get baited too easily

thank you Jow Forums for teaching me your ways. I'm forever grateful!

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Can't tell if you're edgy or based tbqh OP.

I'll take "things that never happened" for 500, Alex

If it really happened I’d say he was little bit of both.
What did they settle for OP?

Jewing the jew. Nice.

ITT things that never happened

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>Jewish Cops
had me until there.

I follow this mentality in lots of situations , its risky man but good plan nevertheless , cops and other goverment employees doesnt really notice the implications of their actions.

Why did you get in trouble in the first place tho

OP what's your Social Security Number?

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Wow I'm considering doing this OP.

it's really rolling the dice man, some of these cops will really fuck you up

reddit spacing green text story that never happened this is a slide thread sage this shit because the jews don't want you talking about the IG report or the nuke at NK

Any cop who thinks he has the right to lay a hand on me will be covertly taken care of a couple years later. I don't take orders from any other human being on this planet.

>things that definitely happened

When that happened to me that case was thrown out and the lawyer cost me around 6k

I went to an all trans performance of shakespeare in the park and it was only half as fake and gay as ops story

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>I don't take orders from any other human being on this planet.

Yeah, ok buddy.

next time you team up with the Waffen - SS ; today you will enjoy kikes rule and you will start to resist against masonic rule. have fun , good luck .

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>every cop in the place lies in open court to help their buddy
>you end up in worse shit then you would have been in otherwise
You forgot the part that would have made this a true story.

kek. I had the same idea about a cop that fucked with me. He threw himself in front of a train, so problem solved.

That shit would make the news. Sftu and go back to beating off to anime faggot.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. is three doors down to the left.