Why is men's testosterone levels dropping?

I can't be the only one noticing how many retarded faggot threads are being posted.
A lot of shills, a lot of "blacked", a lot of "powerful", a lot of "well? Apologize" threads.
Fuck this.
(((They)))) are turning men into basedboys.
(((They))) are telling us we're the reason society is falling into degeneracy.
How much more until we fight back?
>in b4 glow in the dark
Then just sit back and watch your countries collapse

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"basedboys" wtf
BASEDBOYS you assholes

Oh, s-o-y-b-o-y-s is banned, you fucking assholes
Day of the rope you fucking faggots

Why do you constantly try to victimize people? Constantly give people excuses to quit on life? Are you a shill?

The lessened testosterone seems to me a byproduct of civilization.


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The fuck why is s-o-y-b-o-y-s banned. Where is freedom of speech now? Fuck Jow Forums

onions is every fucking food
bpa in plastics
feminine indoctrination in schools and colleges

>very little physical exercise
>too much masturbation
>living in constant close proximity to females


>Where is freedom of speech now?
Jow Forums is too cuckold to use it

>How much more until we fight back?
Why fight back? It's just as easy to turn a beta bitch back into a averagefag or more just by exposing them to a different enviroment e.g reality

Jow Forums is now controlled opposition by (((them))) s-oyboy term was very successful in waking up man about testosterone and (((they))) don't like it, there is no other reason for this word to banned on fucking Jow Forums

Because "male supplements" are now socially acceptable and have outgrown Alex Jones' radio show. Now they will consume the mainstream media.

Jews & Söy

>there is no other reason for this word to banned on fucking Jow Forums
Sure there is. The Onion are basedboys. Very simple.

Real answer?

It's probably all the plastic and sugar we eat.

I know I feel a lot better when I don't eat sugary syrup for a few days out of plastic containers.

For that matter, I bet we eat a lot more often that our parents did too. Snacking on sugar sticks every couple hours surely isn't doing anyone any good.

Onions is big $$$ for USA and many industrial farming, if onions is perceived as bad they may loose big bucks - that may be reason basedyboys is banned on Jow Forums, nothing like a good bribe ? :D

ALT+0246 = ö

Jow Forums - (((Politically Incorrect))) why the fuck word S^oY is banned

If we're talking online, its because everything is filtered and you're constantly exposed to freaks and the unusual. Boards themselves are just filled with dipshit kids trying to just troll and counter-troll each other, with very little genuine conviction; just look at the front page of Jow Forums right now.

Step outside and you'll realize that every hazard pay job and physical labor career is still dominated by hard-working men. Until we start mass-producing robots that can replace loggers, fishermen, oil rig workers, construction etc., tough men will continue to exist outside the sphere of a corrupt internet scape.

arent onions supposed to increase test?

Not enough physical work

Newfags can't tell the difference between a wordfilter and a ban.

'm not trying to get people to quit, I'm trying to get them to fight back, you dipshit

>Meanwhile, certain forms of close relationships—such as marriage, fatherhood, and increased time spent with children—are causally linked to lower testosterone levels.
Hmm, I wonder why! It must be because fatherhood is for girly men, goy. Don't spend time with your volk, spend time at work with Schlomo! After all, Tyrone's doing it...

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also, Ii should mention that classical music also lowers testosterone. Studies show a mild correlation with people who listen to rap music and people with high testosterone. So buy that new album.

I'm too drunk to understand what is probably very important information. Clarify?

That's bullshit. Male and female monogamous relationships built civilzation. I'm only 99 percent certain you're trolling

While it's true that an anti-semite like you might say something like that, it's also true that male and female monogamous relationships built slavery. And I'm sure you'll never argue in favor of slavery, right goy? Only slavery of non-Jews BY JEWS is acceptable.

Would a troll tell you the truth? Truth: men's testosterone levels are declining. This may be because we keep putting poison in the water and keep manufacturing unhealthy food and keep replacing working jobs with machines and keep... but maybe it's because the world doesn't need MEN anymore, have you considered THAT? HUH?!

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Seriously, give me a plausible reason

OK, Yes you're trolling
It's a pretty good troll, but I've drank too much for it to be entertaining enough to have the energy to go along with it

Jow Forums will claim onions, but really the answer is the birth control pill putting so much estrogen into the water supply
>I don't like them putting chemicals in the water than turn the freaking frogs gay
was based on a study on one of the species of frog that can change it's sex when there's not enough males or not enough females all turning female despite the sex imbalance due to all the estrogen in the water supply.

two main factors:
1) Obesity. More fat = more estrogen
2) Hormones in food. This includes birth control in the water supply

2 is definitely a problem, but 1 is the larger problem

eat less, move more. Calories in vs calories out
First law of thermodynamics

Dude, I think you're right.. They can't have the truth become a meme

Probably the same reason wapanese got wordfiltered to weeaboo you newfag.

moot was a massive weeb when that word filter was put in so I don't think it's very good example

>CNN with assault rifle

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Reality check: Japmoot probably eats a lot of onions, what with being a Jap and all.

Code because söy is censored

Yeah, I saw that shit, memeflaggot. Fucking atrazine and some birth control pill were fucking us up

thats why i took the trt pill

correlation does not equal causation you moron. im p sure that its just correlation to nogs who were bred to be stronger and bigger during the days of slavery

wapanese sorta equals weeb
onions does not fucking equal based

S-O-Y does not equal based for fucks sake


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/v/keks kept spamming it so it was filtered globally

which is..

I've seen so much faggotry spammed across all boards how is THAT what they filtered

testosterone replacement therapy
I didnt check to see what you were talking about though

You obviously haven't been to /v/ at all
They're worse than reddit, they'll take anything and beat it into the ground

nah, /a/, /x/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums is pretty much the only boards I'm on

>worse than reddit
Fucking how

I wonder whether just meditating for half an hour a day and picturing, as you meditate, either killing people or raping people or somethign similar, would increase testosterone.

Or perhaps just hitting a punchbag for half an hour a day. But that's less interesting, scientifically.

go look
prime time considering E3

s o y boys censored as basedboys?

it is because the s o y industry is #1 in the far east?

Most of the shit I saw (trailers) for E3 only reinforced why I stopped paying attention to "mainstream" social justice.

Dying light 2 looked ok

I think one or two more but I can't name them right now

is it happening in Russia too?

The faggotry? I thought Putin made that shit illegal

tfw my dad is a liberal basedboy and my mother is a promiscuous feminist and they hate me because I'm not like them

Literal reddit tier humor

>liberal basedboy
>promiscuous feminist
So you rebelled by being a heterosexual?


>The faggotry? I thought Putin made that shit illegal
do Burgers actually believe this? I thought it was just propaganda

and no, I meant is male testosterone level dropping in Russia too?

We should just take the mods hostage and ask for ransom. Not even kidding.

Although I should know better, yes, that's what our fake news tells us.
>is male testosterone level dropping in Russia too?
I hope not, the west is becoming too gay to survive. You may be the last hope of western civilization

We need steroids

Decline of manual labor is directly correlated.
Lower average muscle mass = lower test.

>Although I should know better, yes, that's what our fake news tells us.
well what was made illegal was "propaganda towards minors" which, for example, could be drag queens in elementary schools. which seems to be happening in the USA now. Russia is not that far along. in practice, as I understand it, it was used to prevent gay pride parades (as they take place in public, children will obviously see this). only 15 people have ever been convicted under this law, and the fine is quite minor.

the funny thing is that it wasn't a piece of legislation pushed by Putin. or even his own party. a deputy from a left-wing party originally proposed the bill. Putin just signed it.

it was probably an important moment for Russia. it shocked Russians that Westerners reacted so strongly, and made up so many lies about Russia. I think it was a wake-up call.

>I hope not, the west is becoming too gay to survive. You may be the last hope of western civilization
Russia is not a Western country.

If you want to get your test levels its not too hard.

1. Lift weights
a.Supplement with protein based from dairy not onions
b. take preworkout with creatine
2. Never skip leg day helps with T production
3. Eat cholesterol (precursor to testosterone)
4. Lose fat (causes T to aromatize (disappear))
5. Do not eat large quantities of onions products

Its very easy to gain muscle, if you're fat gaining muscle will give some shape to your body so instead of being a shapeless fat lump you'll be a shaped thick lump which is a marginal improvement for your fat ass.

For cardio do boxing, you burn calories like a motherfucker and you get practice punching shit to defend yourself. Stop being pathetic and muscle up bros.

Dont do TRT, it makes your balls shrink and destorys your ability to produce T for life, only do as an absolute last resort because you will be dependent on supplemental T for the rest of your life.

obviously all onions is wordfiltered söy

how much is a large quantity of onions?

drinking quarts/gallons of söymilk has given men breasts, i dont think a bowl of edamame here and there is going to hurt you but i avoid all plant estrogens. If our T levels are already the level of previous generations elderly men you need to be doing everything possible to boost it, theres plenty of other plants to eat that for health purposes with less phytoestrogrens than söy

Also i forgot but hops has massive amount of plant estrogens so avoid beer but especially IPAs. Be a man and drink liquor rarely to celebrate successes as a reward not a daily intake.

(((westerners))) reacted strongly. They want us dead.
Right, you might not be a "western country", but when we think "eastern, we mean oriental.

onions = onions ????

I meant, onions = onions? sorry

yes the word söy wordfilters to onions because mods r gay and söyboy wordfilters into basedboy

That magazine cover is aesthetic as fuck
Based nips

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Primarily inactivity. Kids aren't allowed to run around like little savages as in olden days and the ones that don't deal well with this are declared ADHD and pumped full of drugs to get them to sit still. So the kids aren't allowed to move. Moving is part of development. You learn to move your body through space by moving and playing. Neurons get wired, pathways get laid down. Except if you're not allowed to do that, you end up physically and neurologically stunted. It's subtle but permanent long term physical and neurological damage done that keeps you from fully maturing into a full adult. It's not as noticeable in girls because women carry many more childlike characteristics into adulthood than men. But it's highly noticeable in the modern SoiBoi phenomon. Grown men with stunted neurological and physical development look almost like overgrown children, because, effectively, they are.

mods are soiboys

what's it say? can't read that moonspeak