Russian women told not to have sex with nonwhite men

>Russian women warned not to have sex with non-white men as their children may face discrimination

Russian women should avoid sex with non-white foreign men during the football World Cup because they could become single mothers to mixed-race children

Tamara Pletnyova, head of parliament’s committee for families, women and children said
>“We must give birth to our children. These [mixed-race] kids suffer and have suffered since Soviet times,”

>It’s one thing if they’re of the same race but quite another if they’re of a different race. I’m not a nationalist, but nevertheless I know that children suffer. They are abandoned, and that’s it, they stay here with mum,”

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Slavic women are the biggest coalburners on earth.

Lmao. Death to Russia

No woman on the planet can resist that giant black dick huh?

that will not stop them Lmao

>Don’t have sex with different races

Should have been «Don’t have sex with Russians without protection»

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Communism is gay as you can see...

Why hello there Achmed! How's the pedophile grooming gang going?

jews fear the russian

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( Wrong chart on the previous post )

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I mean, he isn't wrong.

the world cup/olympics are a kike conspiracy for race mixing and it has to stop.

>don't have sex with non white races
America isnt in the world cup

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Wait for Japan, my friend, you'll see propaganda like never.

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apparently they have
>Children of the Olympics” after the Moscow Games in 1980,The term was used during the Soviet era to describe non-white children conceived at international events after relationships between Russian women and men from Africa, Latin America, or Asia. Many of the children faced discrimination

Still it would be good if one of our ministers would say the same thing. They seem to encourage the opposite

>be nigger
>don't shower for 7 days
>why u all covering yo nose at me dats racist

Atleast the Russians won't end up looking like rerarded mutts.

>have protected sex in america
use a condom
>have protected sex in russia
use a gun

Why are you mutts and Niggers even on this board? You filthy mixed shits have no identity. How does it feel being a rootless person? Must suck hard

Japan won’t fail for the race-mixing propaganda, memeflag


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Slant eyed Jap women love Nigerian cock. They don't even like their own men

You really don't know what is happening in japan right now right ?

That user with the French flag is a known chechen who appears on all Russian hate threads. Dude has no life lmao

she's right

>Why are you mutts and Niggers even on this board?
To fuck with faggots like you. What? Did you think you would come here and circle jerk over your united hatred of pedophiles, liberals, homosexuals, non-whites, and poor people?
Nigger fucking please. While I hate what whores women are, nothing can be done to stop it.
You faggots on the other hand are one school shooting away from being shut down indefinitely.
You NEED people light me to stray the youth away from your ugly, tainted light.

This is why memeflags should be banned.

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Who gives a shit? Have sex with who ever you want

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nip children are especially cruel to niglet halfbreeds, any halfbreed mutants end up getting eduated in australia to avoid the constant bullying

>Atleast the Russians won't end up looking like rerarded mutts.
Too late

Always with the same outdated screencap.
And by the way, it's only in the US.

i'll let you do some research on your own to see for yourself.

Some tip for you, Japan just opened the border for 200 000 indians worker.

(muh automation)

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And he thinks he is smart by using a proxy, thinking that no one will guess that it’s the same shill behind the european memeflag...

Saged and reported

I'm french.

You were saying ?

I was refering to the dumbass behind the memeflag, not you - rassure-toi

I am the dumbass behind the memeflag. Or one of them.

You new here right ? Do you even know what ID are for ?

shitskinned animal go make something of value in your own time.

Good, women are mushbrained and need to be told what to do. Sure government bulletins are not quite enough but its a step in the right direction.

That's not because of fucking filthy niggers. It's because there are so many junkies in Russia.

Bon, vu que tu comprends pas : le mec avec le drapeau européen il a deux ID, et il pense vraiment qu’on l’a pas cramé...
Je faisais pas référence à toi, now is it clear for you?

On va faire un exercice, d'accord ?

Clique sur l'id de mon poste,mes postes seront surligner, ensuite remonte le fil et dit moi ce que tu constates.

>Another lawmaker said foreign fans could bring viruses to the World Cup and infect Russians.

>In comments to Govorit Moskva radio station, Alexander Sherin also said Russians should be careful in their interactions with foreigners as they might try to circulate banned substances

You're a filtfhy nigger, nothing you say could distract from the fact that you're a subhuman

Commence toi par répondre à cette question : quelle est la différence entre cette personne «fwhWjZ+U» et celle-la « BL5XxBUt» ?

Allez je te donne la réponse : aucune, c’est le même tocard

On peut arrêter de se tirer dans les pattes maintenant?

You weaboos beibg this triggered lmao
Japan is the most degenerate country in the world. They have pedophilia comics for the public masses and instead of having sex with each other work themselves to death and jap women love to fantasize about Nigerian and american cock. Japan is a dead country

fwhWjZ+U C'est moi
BL5XxBUt C'est un autre gus. On avait juste le même drapeau européen, c'est tout.

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It does stop most of them. Women who have mixed race children there are openly discriminated against by society and lawmakers even encourage this behaviour.
How's it going in the US when it comes to race mixing?

>not born in Russia
I would have fucked myself through all kind of hot slavic pussy whores of different tastes and would have catched aids by the 10th time no fucks given without any regrets

Show us your real flag please

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J’ai rien dit du coup, mais je persiste à penser que le Japon ne se fera pas avoir par le métissage

I would love to travel to Word cup just to fuck hot Russian women

Shame I have no money

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Brb, moving to russia.

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Post more Russian women

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good advice

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Mais si putain. Je ne sais pas qu'elle genre d'idée préconçu t'as du japon, mais ils sont cocy jusqu'a la moelle, c'est juste que le gouvernement et les vieux qui sont conservateurs. La jeunesse et américanisé et "ouverte"

Comme je te l'ai dit, recherche toi même le multiculturalisme au japon et son acceptance.

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you had to try really hard to find these uglies

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Don't attack my taste
Post some hot whores from your vk please

One on the left is a bald man.

I saved the picture because I like the one on the right


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Ok, je chercherai, mais je vois pas comment la jeunesse pourrait se métisser vu la misère ( et la peur même ) sexuelle et affective qu’il y a la-bas

Whiter then u mohaMAD

I like this bitch
Does she rub herself under the desk?

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C'est les hommes les tapettes, les fameux herbivores, pas les femmes.

Il est extrêmement facile de niquer au japon.


What a funny word

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>“We must give birth to our children. These [mixed-race] kids suffer and have suffered since Soviet times,”
>It’s one thing if they’re of the same race but quite another if they’re of a different race. I’m not a nationalist, but nevertheless I know that children suffer. They are abandoned, and that’s it, they stay here with mum,”

Can you disprove this?

if one of our politicians said it their career and normal life would be over


Yeah I've seen it

blacks are cow birds

>Russian women warned not to have sex with non-white men
>It’s one thing if they’re of the same race but quite another if they’re of a different race

But slavs aren't white.

So, Jow Forums, digits decide what I do when I encounter a race-mixing russian whore in my country.

Laugh at her loud with finger pointing

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>You need people like me, so you can point your fucking fingers and say "THAT'S THE GAY GUY"

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Fake news. Why do western news outlets never bother to properly check the context or translation of what is being said in Russian.

*rhetorical question. I know why.

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Russia being based as usual
nah, they are the biggest gold diggers though. They don't care about the race of who they are with as long as they can get money. Why are so many prostitutes slavic? Because they prize money above their pride. Same reason all those mail brides come from Russia as well. It is degenerate, admittedly. I think they are just more honest about it than other women, other women are the same too.

>Tamara Pletnyova
>member of the Communist Party
lgbt+-/*äöüfamalamadingdon btfo

What was actually being said/ what was the context then?

>Tamara Pletnyova

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convert her to Islam.

rare flag

Ru*Sians confirmed for jealous small-dicked wh*Te cucks and not KARA BOGA

ok 2" corean

suck a huge black dick, record it and post it here


>hey man, we gotta name our country
>right now?
>right now
>uhhhh, how about a land?

>Harass people by spreading unpleasant smell
>Help I'm being opressed by the racis wapanese

Said half Russian half gypsy mutt

I agree, poors should be forcibly.

>world cup in UK
>all white nations are banned
>only african and middle east teams are allowed
>"lelt's wellcome all thlese doctorls with olpen valginas" said the queen while sucking a black dick on live tv
>every fan that enters the country gets permanent citizenship
>big ben is now called big achmed
>instead of BONG BONG you hear explosion sounds every hour

are these guys in dresses?

Date her for a while, make her think you care for her and just before the marriage you dump her whore ass
Bonus points if she is single parent with niglet

bang her in the ass 8hours straight. don't use lube.

> Дeпyтaт Гocдyмы, пpeдceдaтeль кoмитeтa пo вoпpocaм ceмьи, жeнщин и дeтeй Taмapa Плeтнeвa пpизывaeт poccиянoк
> «нe вcтyпaть в интимныe cвязи c инocтpaнцaми вo вpeмя чeмпиoнaтa миpa пo фyтбoлy»
> «нeпoдoбaющee пoвeдeниe pyccких жeнщин пpивeдeт к poждeнию дeтeй в нeпoлных ceмьях, нo дaжe ecли инocтpaнцы жeнятcя, ничeм хopoшим этo нe зaкoнчитcя»
> «Хopoшo, ecли oднoй pacы, a ecли дpyгoй – тo вoвce. Mы cвoих дeтeй дoлжны poжaть. Я нe нaциoнaлиcт, нo тeм нe мeнee»

protip: she is afraid of a repeat of events
6th World Festival of Youth and Students

жeниcь нa нeй

Shave her hair off.

Go jump in a woodchipper you little triggered incel.