Will Iran ever go back?
Will Iran ever go back?
Only if USA stays away from it.
We need her
Yes. Operation Reverse Ajax soon.
>liberal Iran
>USA staying out of it
don't be such a retard
how so? wouldnt it be more westernized if it partnered with US?
nigger, you glow
Don’t encourage the retard. We will deliver freedom from the skies. Sexy Iranian lasses coming up soon. See ya mullah
It used to be more "westernized" than the west. Wars ruined the country. And you know whom were they caused by.
Why do you guys always love to say the n word with n r at the end?
Yes, because we totally need Iran to go back to the female rights hellhole it was about to become. If Iran had the Shah in power today, you'd see it promote the same exact degeneracy that's in the west right now. But nu/pol/ apparently loves this shit now because Trump likes it.
>Regime change is good for the world, Goyim. Don't you want Iranian females adopting nigger culture?
You must be lost. You're looking for /sg/ where all negative aspects of Iran, even those explicitly implemented by the Iranian revolution, are the fault of the US.
Why are you such a newfag, bud?
>Telling the truth about how regime change is bad makes you a sandnigger
nu/pol/ logic
I'm not I've been posting here ever since the election of Trump I'm just sayin it's getting old
>I'm not I've been posting here ever since the election of Trump
2016 is super-newfaggotry, you need to go back
ive never been in love as much as white coat
Its happening now yes
but how long will islam allow it to last this time
I'm not here to talk about Trump or Israel just answer the question about the n word
gates of knowledge wouldnt close again. fire temples n shieeeeet
The day Israel gets nuked by Iran is the day where everyone will celebrate. Rest in piss kikes.
>Yes, goy ignore the fact westernization ends up promoting nigger culture and degeneracy. Just look at the sexy coat!
Can't handle bad words, then you can gladly go back to plebbit.
Forever because you retards made it happen the first place
Iranians, take it from someone in the West. You don't want to go back.
I think you're right goodbye
>praising Islamic fundamentalists just because they aren't Jews
You're the new one, sand nigger.
she is ourgirl
because spade is a bit dated sounding, Sambo
you can still be a western country and not be a radicalized feminized shit hole
This is a photo shoot to sell fashions for college-aged women.
Not exactly an indicator of what pre-Khomeni Iran was like. It was an iron-age hellhole for just about everyone.
>it's getting old
The potatoman is right, the Shah would've turned Iran into Sweden if his family was still in power today. The Shia muslims have managed to keep traditionalism alive.
>Couldn't kill one of the richest kikes on the internet
Not today you can't, The shah's family would've legalized tranny shit and homosexuality if they were still in power. They were western puppets after all.
Regime change is inherently jewish, you're only mad Iran has managed to keep itself far away from the nigger culture that's infecting America and Europe.
see you tomorrow, nigger
I hope not.
Pre-Khomeni Iran was unironically worse, there was shit like this being sold on every street.
because nigga is a black thing
and WTF is a nigge?
>Couldn't kill
She wasn't a killer, you idiot.
She killed the only person deserving
Real heroes kill people, she was a worthless vegan cuck who couldn't fight for shit. Now Jewtube is slowly being killed. People don't worship failures, it would be like saying Randy Stair is /ourguy/, but even he killed people.
persian whores need BBC
persianboi cucks BTFO
Degenerate, skirts should end above the ankles at the very least.
Lrn2cuck fgt pls
Kurwa you just went Full untermensch.
If there was a revolution in Iran can they find the son or grandson of the last president elected in 1953 to stand in and finish his term till the next election
They should keep the goats and fist fights in parliament, it was weird but they had real self made national elections in 1953
>And you know whom were they caused by.
different factions of muslims fighting each other, both blaming the other side for plotting with the jews?
>Israel gets nuked by Iran
If Iran did this wouldn't the rest of the muslim, arabic world come down hard on them? The land is sacred to muslims and Israel has a lot of arabic citizens.
Why cant you incels just move to saudi arabia or join isis or some shit
Because, unlike niggers, we know how to spell.
No. Egypt was once pretty secular, even. Afghanistan, too. Lebanon was Christian, but liberalism destroyed that one.
Severe, possibly irreversible damage without genocide has been done to Sweden, France, Germany, and Great Britain. It's looking bad for Denmark, Switzerland, and Ireland, too.
The white man is destroying his own nations and people through inaction. Christianity was pushed to the sidelines in favour of atheism, but atheists just don't tend to have enough kids.
It looks like the future of much of the West will be Islamic and somewhat coffee-coloured, unless something is actually done.
Atheism, though, won't work. I don't think paganism will. I don't want Islam in existence, let alone in Europe because I like dogs and bacon too much.
Christianity, Judaism, Paganism if it's handled well (I don't think it would be though), Zoroastrianism or Hinduism are the only possible options other than being ruled by violent savages.
Maybe I'm just blackpilled.
>inb4 memeflag
>Atheism, though, won't work.
Rognarök, bitch. It is working as planned. You will see.
I know what Ragnarök is but can you elaborate?
Once Israel and Saudi Arabia are no longer a thing
I wanna suck the toes of the girl in green.
This is what the elite in Teheran looked like, meanwhile the rest of the country was living in shacks.