The easiest way to put Antifa out of action, is to damage their eyesight, hopefully permanently...

The easiest way to put Antifa out of action, is to damage their eyesight, hopefully permanently. This will prevent not only their reappearance at further protests, but also destroy them financially as they are unable to work or function in daily life. Many of them are young and will have to live for several more decades as blind. It will destroy their lives. Alternatively, facial disfigurement can be also employed

The following methods should be used:

>bleaching agents or other caustic chemicals should be administered after they are teargassed on the pretense that is water, so they can permanent destroy their eyesight
>sharp objects should be used to damage the eyeballs, glass shards, metal filings, nails
>Bright lights or lasers
>Old fashioned gouging with hands and fingers

Take out their eyes and they are neutralized. Do not forget, if the situation were reversed, they have no hesitation to do the same to you. They threw hydrochloric acid in the face of CuckedAlaska and blinded him permanently.

Attached: 1504293812051.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Nice try, FBI.

see what multicultralism brings us?
It is a terrible thing

Ammonia does the trick

You are a violent subhuman.

>CIA Niggers glow in the dark

America: put down the tray of cake batter and jug of lard.
Start using that noggin.

Attached: outdoormaster-otg-ski-goggles-black-frame-colorful-vlt-15_2048x.jpg (1000x1000, 101K)

History is violent you cuck.


>that cowardly, fat, faggoty ameritard who thinks every call to direct action is some kind of FBI honeypot

This should be for home defence or defence against a bladed weapon. Blinding misguided edgy tèens isn't cool.

I say we just start up another nazi party, take control of the US government, then repurpose those FEMA camps into death camps. Then we send all the Antifa fuckers to their death with the full legitimacy of the Trump government. Throw in the Jews, blacks, gays, libertarians, and holohoax promoters.

White power! 14-92! colonialism forever!

My dick is getting hard just thinking about it. Jow Forums is the BEST unsafe space!

Start stockpiling tiki torches-- the lamestream media will probably make them illegal pretty soon.

A more fun thing would be shooting super glue. Will only make a few of their days uncomfy.

You are confused. Jow Forums is a board of peace. We will pray for antifa to repent

pol is a board of peace


there was no acid, baked faggot just shit his pants from getting regular pepper sprayed and tried to cover his crying and screaming by making up a story about acid


We are the good boys, normies hate antifa, let's keep this way.

FUCK YOU. Your bullshit will never work.
