It will still be her turn.
It will still be her turn
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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
She's just too smart
No pls dont. I want trump for 2020
Trump is president.
Your ass is sore.
Wish the bots didn't leafpost. We already have a bad rap. I've seen this post so many times over the past few weeks it's sickening.
Trump's family and entire team is a bunch of criminals intertwined with the Russian mafia.
No self respecting modern country can tolerate a "president" like that for long.
Not if we have anything to say about it.
To enter a plea, yes. Her turn is approaching...FAST
Her turn to go to jail
What has Hillary accomplished during her entire time in government.?
How can you be too smart, lmao wtf
Destroyed Libya
Gave Russia a bunch of Uranium
Covered for a ton of corrupt criminals
>how can too much smart?
You wouldn’t know, but it’s not hard for some of us.
even stale salt is still tasty sometimes
she was uniquely qualified
Thank you sir.
Let's not forget a now open slave trade as a direct result of her accomplishments.
she is uniquely qualified
All debunked bullshit.
Anything else?
nice bait
You do realise all that provves is that the third world immigrants like Hillary - hardly a ringing endorsement is it? They built shit hole countries and come here and vote for a shit candidate.
The whites who actually built this country voted for Trump.
I dunno how she lost, shouldn't she be 50 points ahead?
Where's BLM to protest Hillary?
I fucking hope she gets the nomination in 2020, at this point literally anyone could beat her. But sadly I think she'll be too busy getting black eyes from Soros.
It will be her turn for eternity.
Just because you're unique dosent make you useful.
Not a single hue on that picture is real.
Don't make me hard for hillary. That's a sin.
fuck off leaf
>open slave trade
What the actual fuck? Source please.
How about the link I posted.
Or maybe even look for yourself......