Do you think woman would care if you are racist,transphobic,etc if you looked like this blonde guy?

NO , they don care, but if you look like the other 2 dudes in the picture for example they would care.
And they wonder why many of us hate women....


Attached: tumblr_o8yh50oHrJ1v3lb4bo1_1280[1].png (596x498, 411K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That women on the right is hot

No. I remember some user made a fake tinder profile with a Chad in a MAGA hat and even the women that had shit like "if you're a Trump supporter swipe left" or whatever way it is you swipe not interested and the women didn't care because he was hot.

The guy actually looks quite bizarre. Like a decent looking guy who went and spent $10,000 with the Bogdanoff's doctor. No doubt

The real question here is why are you discussing politics with women?

That's the most obvious case of gayface if I've ever seen it

He took it way further. He said he had a violent felony and was a neo-nazi, they all still wanted the dick.

>Not wanting a redpilled qt
>Faget Flag
It all makes sense now.

I dont wonder why you hate women. Its because you have no value or purpose. My ideas and genes will live on and yours will die out. i have influence over the future and you dont. Its just a simple case of evolution and the sad part is human males need to spend 80 years aware of this fact watching the world move on with out them. All they have is negativity to spread till their death. Have fun with all that. T. Handsome guy

I was on a jury for a domestic violence GBH trial and we let the guy off because it was clear the bitch was a roastie slut like this. Even the older women (including the brown one) on the jury had no sympathy for the slut lmao

of course not

I'm a hot 10/10 manboy that women love and I can tell you that its mixed. I've definitely fucked women who have swallowed their pride (among other things) just to sleep with me, but I've also seen other who go from wanting to fuck me to being instantly repulsed because I said something offensive. Once I got flat out slapped, like in the middle of a bar's dancefloor, just cos I said something about nazis. People would have thought I groped her or something. Stupidest one to flip on me tho was definitely some gypsy chick in europe (a legit romani) who got upset cos I used the word 'retard'.... like in normal conversation, I wasn't saying anything about retards. "Don't Say Retard" ugh fuck off gypsy bitch

He looks like a Bogdanoff child. They're multiplying...

Attached: PHOTOS_IGOR_GRICHKA.jpg (435x327, 91K)

is the nig in the mid not wakanda?

>White chad wouldn't take a fucking Ethnostate if it was there

Get out, spic.

i liked the one with a swastika tatoo or the one with a conviciton of child rape way better

>hippie faggot flag
Youre slunk meat, stop lying faggot.

>gypsy slag
Have some pride m8

no my girlfriend complained of her ex boyfriend being a dumb conservative nazi. now she is with me and happy and also a conservative nazi for wome standarts

No surgery from what I know.
Aussie with a criminal father.

Attached: tumblr_o8iakcd1Fl1v3lb4bo1_500.png (500x398, 222K)

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women care about three things in men: power, prestige, and money.

that is all.

and they want to feel good with you. if you don't give enough of the 3 pillars you wrote, you have to, at least, fell her good in a non cucked way of course

>her ex
>a conservative nazi

Attached: 1528920655058.jpg (600x604, 52K)

what don't you understand about it kebap?

He looks like an extreme faggot

Can confirm, I’m pretty decent looking and I’m totally open with my gf about my white nationalism. She’s apolitical and doesn’t care a bit

Are there archives/screencaps?